#124386776Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:25 PM GMT

After a few hours of marching, and with Ophelia having bandaged Aaron's arm, the sun finally begins to set. Trees grow all around the group, and Vahn doesn't stop until they reach a clearing. "...This is a bad idea, but we'll rest here for the night. We shouldn't walk blindly in the dark." he says.
#124386953Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

"Agreed," I say, setting down my pack.
#124389610Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:56 PM GMT

Syvia picks a fair sized open area to start pitching her tent. Once shes finished, she puts her pack and weapon in to the tent.
#124392013Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:20 PM GMT

Sitting with her back to a tree, Ophelia crosses her arms. "Jormugand, you and I will keep watch tonight." she says. With that, the Beorn shoulders his axe and sits with his back to another tree. ----- Vahn looks about before speaking to the group. "We should all refrain from making a fire. We're vulnerable enough as it is, so lighting one big signal would be folly."
#124395994Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:02 AM GMT

"It'll be cold without a fire, and what'll we do about food? I'm hungry, and I've got things to cook." Syvia starts taking cooking tools and pots out of her pack.
#124396419Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

Jormugand nods in Vahn's direction. "A small one for cooking won't be too much trouble." he says. Vahn sighs and shrugs. "Fine, but be sure to be vigilant."
#124402802Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:13 AM GMT

After gathering some wood, Syvia lights a small fire in a ring of small stones she put by her tent. Syvia cooks a small amount of meat.
#124403912Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:25 AM GMT

Vahn looks around. He makes a mental count of the group members. "There's six of us, so we should be fine." he says. "Though, I can't be sure if bandits or creatures are brave enough to attack a group this big."
#124407739Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:03 AM GMT

Character name: Auren Corve Character age: 25...? (Not used to humans having lots of living time.) Character gender: Male Race: Human Class: Ranger Equipment: A (black) leather Gambrell (forgot how to spell it.) Leather gloves with holes that allow fingers to move with dexterity. Has some leather vambraces, as well as leather boots. Has a mottled green, brown, and black over cloak to help with concealing oneself. When not wearing his armor, he has the regular peasant clothes. (Cotton, I guess.) The shirt is a dark tan, and the pants are a lighter shade of tan. His shoes are tan also, but has brown mud stains on them. His longbow is made out of cedar wood, supplemented with yew for extra flexibility, with a carving of a dragon's neck and head running down either side of it. The string is kept well oiled for silence. The bow is as high as him. His sword is a double edged longsword, which slowly tapers to the end. The hilt is stainless steel, with a (black) leather providing a grip. The sword is also made out of stainless steel as well, and Auren's engraving- A rising sun between two mountains- is on it. The entire sword is 2' 6" long- the hilt being 8 ", and the blade being 1' 10. Appearance: Auren is 5' 10", Has a moderately muscular build, and weighs around 210 lb. His eyes are a dark brown, and his hair is brown -black, and is considered moderate for thickness and length. His face is alright. His cheeks are not too chubby, like those in a wealthy life, but not shrunken either, like a beggar. His brows are moderate as well. His nose is a bit small. He has a scar on his cheek- a small, adocolent bears claws made that mark. He has plenty of scars on his body, which I won't get into detail about. Personality: Auren has a grim, mysterious personality for those that do not know him. For those who do, they will find him a hearty and trustworthy friend, if not sociable. He is kind in some factors, rude in others. He is blunt, and straight to the point. When fighting, he is ruthless and emotionless. Or, at least to his enemies! Bio: Auren was raised in the forest, close to a town. He was the 3rd child in a 6 child family. His father was a ranger, and his mother was a cleric. His father taught him al about forestry, bows, and hunting, whilst his mother taught him his herbs. At 12, he was sent to his uncles forge to help and learn. He did so dutifully until 15, where he was taken in by a ranger for an apprentice. At 21, He fought a bear, getting cut in the face in the process, but killing it also. At 23, he was released from apprenticeship and became a ranger. Now, at 25, he heads to the monastary to look at the Rose, as well as to learn some smithing skills in the surrounding town. Other 1: He's a smith. Other 2: He's also on a quest for Gamwell.
#124432720Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:07 PM GMT

(@david: Very well done. Accepted.) Ophelia looks at Vahn, he seems to be taking one too many precautions. "Stop fussing over every little detail, boy. No one is stupid enough to attack a group consisting of two Warriors, a Ranger, a Knight, an Esper and a Student." she says. "As for creatures, you said you knew these woodlands better than any of us, so don't lose your credibility by saying you're not sure if the creatures in these woods are "brave" enough to attack us." Ophelia seems a little cold towards Vahn as she continues. "If anything happens, we'll deal with it. You on the other hand need to start thinking of a way to convince Fandralore that there is a homicidal Rawulf on the loose with what is considered to be the most holy artifact in this world in his possession. They'll listen to you because you're a Human male." she concludes.
#124433576Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:48 PM GMT

(Excellent time to step in.) Auren "A homicidal Rawulf...?" A figure steps out from the shadows, seemingly coming out of the trees. "And this 'homicidal' Rawulf has the sapphire rose, if your tale is to be believed?"
#124464042Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

Instantly, Ophelia's shortsword is pulled out of her shield, Jormugand's axe is gripped with both hands, and Vahn pulls his bow off his shoulder, fitting an arrow to the string yet not pulling back. Ophelia's voice sounds like a hammer striking steel as her silver eyes glare daggers at the newcomer. "You have five seconds to state your name and business." she says.
#124467716Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

Auren "A visitor coming to see the sapphire rose at the monastary, until the news, which I believe you in, unbelievably." The figure dissapears, and reappears behind them, saying, "I guess I have to help you."
#124514710Friday, January 31, 2014 4:33 PM GMT

(Unless you've got magic, I doubt 'disappearing' when people are watching you is possible.) Syvia looks up from her cooking pan for a short while. "What ever it is, they can prob'ly handle it." she says quietly to herself. When she's satisfied with the meat, she slides it out of the pan, and on to a smaller plate to let it cool a bit. Syvia looks around. "Vahn, y'know anywhere to get water that won't try to kill me?"
#124517396Friday, January 31, 2014 5:47 PM GMT

(Camoflauge. That's how I dissapear. Camoflauge and training.)
#124518711Friday, January 31, 2014 6:22 PM GMT

(You can't exactly hide when you show yourself, then try to use camouflage. It's not like people suddenly forget where you are.)
#124524998Friday, January 31, 2014 8:15 PM GMT

(Depending on the shadows and such it could be done, but not that short of time, camo or not he still has to walk around to behind them.) I stood, drawing my sword and looking at the man with a growl.
#124546134Saturday, February 01, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

The man sighs, then says, "Did you not hear my words? I shall help you, as unbelievable as your tale is."
#124548128Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

Ophelia narrows her eyes. "How convenient, a man just "runs into us", and seems to know about the events that transpired in Hayfield as well as what was taken from the monastery. Even though the events were this morning." Jormugand says nothing, he simply watches the intruder and waits for him to make a move. Unbeknownst to anyone other than Ophelia, Jormugand is, and always has been, swifter than the average Beorn; using his weight to help propel him forward, and his momentum to help turn in case his opponent evades. ----- Vahn replies without taking his eyes off the newcomer. "There should still be a stream nearby, be sure to take a torch though, if other water monsters are like Kelpie, then flames will be the only means of defense."
#124549058Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:14 AM GMT

Syvia gets the torch she used earlier and lights it using her cooking fire. With torch and bucket in hand, Syvia leaves their little camp ground to find a stream. She returns shortly after with the bucket filled. She puts it by her tent. "Do you think he was following us?" she asks. Syvia sits on the grass with her legs crossed. She starts eating her meal.
#124549672Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:24 AM GMT

(@David: I just realized a small mistake I made concerning the materials of your weapons. The only wooden materials in the RP that can be used are "Ash, Pine, Spruce, Fir and Yew". Like all other characters, Auren needs to start with a basic weapon, so his bow would be Ash, whilst his sword would be copper. Sorry for the mix up there.) Vahn lowers his voice so that only Syvia and Ophelia's sharp hearing can pick up what he's saying. "I'm not sure. He carries a bow, so he could be a woodsman, but then, any fool can pick up a bow. He could have been following our tracks, but that's just assuming he knows the way of the woods. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions yet." he says.
#124550719Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

"So, what're we going to do 'bout him?" Syvia crosses her arms. "I don't like it, suddenly showing up like that." Finished with her small dinner, Syvia starts washing the plate, pan and utensils in the bucket.
#124551110Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

Vahn continues speaking quietly. "I don't know. He has weapons, so there's no telling how good he is with them; as well as the fact that he could just be one of several." he says. "If he's a bandit or a soldier of that Rawulf, he's clearly not alone."
#124554773Saturday, February 01, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

"Oh! I almost forgot." Syvia scratches the back of her head. "Didn't ya' want to learn some things about magic and how it works?" Syvia finishes washing her dishes, and uses the water to put out her camp fire. "I can make it easy to understand."
#124555026Saturday, February 01, 2014 2:33 AM GMT

Vahn looks to the Ylve and Beorn. They both nod to let him know that they'll be watching the newcomer. Keeping his bow out, Vahn crouches down. "Well, I guess." he says.