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#123732019Wednesday, January 22, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

Why would you want to Change it from UserID -> Username anyways? You should use id's for bans as usernames are subject to change now.
#123732113Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:00 AM GMT

@SCAR So he could show us a list of names?
#123760794Wednesday, January 22, 2014 9:46 AM GMT

My anti-exploit is not some kind of young scripters play. When we checked he first 100 entrie of the list, all of them were valid exploiters. I do not use any tracking of context levels or any other exploit-specific data. My anti-exploit is pretty much a permanent defence against any client-side exploit. Like every system, it has it's own leapholes, so I'm not sharing the source :/
#123761078Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:39 AM GMT

Yeah I somehow doubt you found something actually good that hasn't been done before e.g check for new unknown tools, check for players using commands, check for new GUIs, etc.
#123764383Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:40 PM GMT

Hm, I think I found your source on the client. You make a new backpack?
#123768122Wednesday, January 22, 2014 3:19 PM GMT

loleris: Please replace the anti-exploit script every two seconds or so via a server script.
#123769782Wednesday, January 22, 2014 3:57 PM GMT

My list is also decently large telamons2guy, Ownable, lomo0987, KillTheClones4You, will9272, mucahit34, coolnoahboah, josealberto13, trevorthenoobkiller1, robloxdime2006, Commando9111, epicamaster, superbuildermen12, CBDove4, george148, jqb6, awesomedude13346, XxCoolPinoyxX, sweef888, soggiechips, Hugothemaster, jbarz, robloxdime2006, cato1011, JuiiceBomb, scarypig2, FreeGamesToTake, DeclanSimons, legouniverse28, roblolego1, youbesayinwasup, adamsmurf1234, liyingbloodman56, heat2617, iipartyhat, Rio482, creeperhalloweenman, boombox724, killermony, anh9781, MarioMario711, thelastcucumber01, epicskullcrusher27, subwaysimulator, Legoartbros, Coolman36436, Darkfulxeon, ImaMonster3212223, jokoty12, stealspy, yoyoboys123, cpohlgee1, Jacobrw01, bemyfriend66, racoon124, b1an, bossmanmarko12, bulubif1, login12846, Confirmable, tankmaster160, fishy123111, sd3401, buildthetiger, ConstructorRoblox, noahprokill, TheCreator77, Eitany269, emmeul, minecraftuniverse132, Markmouse123, lewisstar12345, minecraftstyle625, buildingrocks247, runboy666, NeedyFlame, jared04vaIdez4, sillypuddy3, awesometoming135, TheGamerDudeX, kraig9876543211, hackerinside0, thekoolestguy23, 786454756, redsoul12, Triano, annoyingorange20055, lockmop1234, ben27689, cooingluigimario3894, meblock12, garvey1557, TheCoolDude28, yoni269, wackopez, NewbPwnZ0r, legendbey66, uglykreuzer, waterwhipwave25, Princerome6, fives17, samheath12, eviljeffhardy21
#123774699Wednesday, January 22, 2014 5:34 PM GMT

>I'm like 20 of those. lol'd
#123776313Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:09 PM GMT

Lol, nobody understands my script and tries giving me suggestions. Skids are not particularly smart. And my anti-exploit is most likely something that has never been done before. Before you start guessing how it catches exploiters - my script finds exploiters by 100% accuracy. There is no way to ban yourself by the system without actually exploiting. You can try going to Darkness and making ANOTHER's persons max health infinite. You'll get yourself banned.
#123777629Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:33 PM GMT

It's not that hard to bypass considering you run the damn thing client side.
#123780337Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:23 PM GMT

this is how u find exploiter's == true then hacking = true delete(player)
#123780609Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:28 PM GMT

Am I the only one who really couldn't care less about this? It's also spam.
#123781994Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:50 PM GMT

*facepalm* Omg client side script. Omg you can remove. Go ahead, remove it for god sake. Like one cannot make a pinging script to detect script removal. And my scripts detect FORBIDDEN ACTIONS MADE BY CLIENTS. You get banned as soon as you use your exploits. whether you ran it by chat or it was hidden, IT DOESNT CARE. Hide yo notepads, hide yo cheatengins.
#123784092Wednesday, January 22, 2014 8:24 PM GMT

what if I didn't use the ROBLOX client and forced it to happen by magic? *snort snort*
#123786364Wednesday, January 22, 2014 8:56 PM GMT

lol wait(1) if not pcall(function() test = game.Players.LocalPlayer end) then while true do end end player = game.Players.LocalPlayer CID = nil local CID_obj = script:findFirstChild("CID") if CID_obj == nil then wait(0.2) CID_obj = script:findFirstChild("CID") end if CID_obj == nil then player:Kick() else CID = CID_obj.Value .. "" CID_obj.Value = math.random(1000000, 3000000) CID_obj:remove() end if not pcall(function() test = game.Players.LocalPlayer end) then while true do end end --VALUES SEND_SPEED = 0.7 SendInfoAbout = { game.Players, } --VALUES --Method for making a local script permanent local hl ="Backpack") hl.Parent = player wait() script.Parent = hl wait() hl.Parent = nil --Method for making a local script permanent --Fetching the remote event Ename = "RemoteEvnt" function GetRemoteEvent() local ch = Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #ch do local result = nil pcall(function() if ch[i].Name == "RemoteEvnt" and ch[i]:IsA("RemoteEvent") then result = ch[i] end end) if result ~= nil then return result end end return nil end function SendToServer(...) local args = {...} pcall(function() local gete = GetRemoteEvent() if gete ~= nil then gete:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end) end --Fetching the remote event Spawn(function() --Keeping in touch with the server last_send = 0 while wait(0.1) do if tick() - last_send >= SEND_SPEED then SendToServer(CID, "A") last_send = tick() end end end) --FORBIDDEN ACTION CATCHERS --[universal protections] function FullProtection(obj, iss) if obj == nil then return end local iss_name = iss local function handle() SendToServer(CID, iss_name, "PR") end obj.Changed:connect(handle) obj.DescendantAdded:connect(handle) obj.DescendantRemoving:connect(handle) end function SemiProtection(obj, iss) if obj == nil then return end local iss_name = iss local function handle() SendToServer(CID, iss_name, "PR") end obj.Changed:connect(handle) obj.ChildAdded:connect(handle) obj.ChildRemoved:connect(handle) end game.Players.ChildRemoved:connect(function(p) SendToServer(CID, tostring(p), "removed") end) FullProtection(game.Lighting:findFirstChild("GameStuff"), "GameStuff") FullProtection(game:findFirstChild("StarterGui"), "StarterGui") FullProtection(game:findFirstChild("StarterPack"), "StarterPack") FullProtection(game:findFirstChild("Teams"), "Teams") FullProtection(Workspace:findFirstChild("Terrain"), "Terrain") FullProtection(Workspace:findFirstChild("Lobby"), "Lobby") SemiProtection(Workspace:findFirstChild("GAME_MAIN"), "GameMain") --[custom protections] Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(function(obj) if obj:IsA("BasePart") then SendToServer(CID, "ForbiddenPart", "added") end end) function ProtectCharacter(char, tg) if char == nil then return end wait(0.2) local hum = char:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if hum == nil then return end hum.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "MaxHealth" then SendToServer(CID, tg, "MaxHealth") end end) end function ProtectPlayer(plr) print("player protect") local nm = plr.Name local pleh = plr plr.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop ~= "Character" then return end ProtectCharacter(pleh.Character, nm) end) if plr.Character ~= nil then ProtectCharacter(pleh.Character, nm) end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(p) if not p:IsA("Player") then return end ProtectPlayer(p) end) local plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers() for i = 1, #plrs do ProtectPlayer(plrs[i]) end --forbidden instances inst_list = {"Dialog", "Fire", "Smoke", "SurfaceGui", "BillboardGui"} function Check_obj(o) for i = 1, #inst_list do if o:IsA(inst_list[i]) then return true end end return false end game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(obj) if Check_obj(obj) then SendToServer(CID, "F_INSTANCE", "added") end end) --FORBIDDEN ACTION CATCHERS while wait(1) do if not pcall(function() local test = Workspace.Name end) then pcall(function() player:Kick() end) end ypcall(function() if player.Parent ~= game.Players then wait(15) while true do end end end) if pcall(function() player.RobloxLocked = false end) then while true do end end end
#123786474Wednesday, January 22, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

#123795592Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

Loleris, I'm guessing you are using a web server to find when a client sends information to the server. Then if that information is harmful. Ban the client?
#123800355Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:36 PM GMT

yessss im on da list :D "im me only me and no-one else is me"
#123831836Thursday, January 23, 2014 5:47 AM GMT

See loleris, this is what happens when you brag about something that is client side and accessible to anyone. And yes this has been done before. Checking for clientside changes and authorize them on the server.

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