#129907581Saturday, April 05, 2014 3:34 PM GMT

"And so we walk again." "So, do you have a plan thought out?" asks Elaug. "We will not have any time once we exit the tunnel."
#129908808Saturday, April 05, 2014 3:50 PM GMT

Aquiras nods. "You've got to get across. Over or through. It'll be a blood bath. I think I have something capable of both."
#129911781Saturday, April 05, 2014 4:27 PM GMT

"...What do you mean? And now that I think about it, could we not have just gotten Shaya to reroute the lifeline of Tywan's soul to someone else? I bet she regrets shifting it away from me now."
#129913564Saturday, April 05, 2014 4:45 PM GMT

"The swarms. Hundreds of thousands of giant insects fighting one another. I know where Tywan is, and he's taken a tactical perch.
#129935597Saturday, April 05, 2014 8:25 PM GMT

Arturiaus nods again and brings his steed to Aloeseth, who shakes his head. "I can walk. You have to save your energy for when I need you." "Lead the way, m'lord." The boy nods and continues forward, the Idoweic force falling in behind him.
#130095917Monday, April 07, 2014 1:11 PM GMT

Elaug nods. "He will likely be atop the palace." Terus strides after them and chuckles. Finally, as a Saoritin, he can return to his previous lifestyle for a few moments.
#130097234Monday, April 07, 2014 1:49 PM GMT

Aquiras looks up. "Is everyone ready?"
#130114671Monday, April 07, 2014 8:02 PM GMT

"Can Eve play with the people now?" She sighs miserably.
#130139341Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

The journey goes on for a while before the battlefield comes into sight. Two camps appear on the horizon, and movement is ripe between them. This is the agreed field for a pitched battle. "Is there something you two had planned?" Arturiaus asks them. The odds are obviously not in the loyalists' favor; they are outnumbered five-to-one.
#130154843Tuesday, April 08, 2014 3:32 AM GMT

"All yours, m'boy. I'll just hold off the bugs," Elaug says. "Give him your all." Terus shrugs. "Where would you have me fight?"
#130168826Tuesday, April 08, 2014 11:56 AM GMT

"Actually, just... follow me." Men are beginning to gather within each of the camps. Battle will begin soon. The tail of Idoweic men turns towards the center and Aloeseth picks up his pace.
#130248807Wednesday, April 09, 2014 1:17 PM GMT

Terus does so, adjusting his belt.
#130273458Wednesday, April 09, 2014 9:14 PM GMT

Aquiras bursts upwards, through the hatch. "Wheeeeeee!"
#130292176Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

The group eventually plants itself in the middle of the field. A contingent of horse rides out from the larger host, under an eagle banner, rides out to meet them. "Who here interferes with the business of Earls?" asks a proud man from atop a mighty destrie. "Aloeseth Greenford," the boy answers. "/True/ Earl of these lands. And this," he gestures to Terus, "is my champion." "Champion?" the noble asks with a smug grin on his face. "I suppose you mean to challenge me with this... Verratir? Eirini? I'm afraid I have no love or familiarity with Elves." He says the last word with disgust.
#130298688Thursday, April 10, 2014 1:45 AM GMT

(I'm not the sharpest knife in the toolshed, but I can see a character dying very soon.) While our hero's are setting out to destroy a glorified glass figurine, our lovable tension-breaker, Tanem, tries to determine if Jedus is still alive in his icy prison or not. (I'm also trying to see if Lee completely forgot about this plot device or not.)
#130698560Monday, April 14, 2014 2:14 AM GMT

A sea of insects looks up, uncaring, practically senseless at the boy. But one pair of eyes from atop the palace looks on in rage. Terus turns to Greenford and smiles wide. "He is jesting, yes? He has to be. Oh, please tell me that he is not, though." Without waiting for a response, he turns back, throwing off his cloak and standing to his full, regal height. "I am Terus Basilicus!" He announces this loudly, prideful, unlike his irritable answers from the hours and days before. His eyes burn brightly, coruscating with energy. "I am the brother of the Empress Sarissia Basilicus and the late Lightning Elf Zenith Basilicus! I am the son of the late Emperor Feredor Basilicus IV! I am the former Imperator Praetorian, Captain of the Royal Guard of the Saoritin Imperium!" Though he lacks a horse, he stands above all those present, above the armies in their columns, above the cavalry as he just stands and smiles fiercely. "I am of the Saoritin, those who you would call the Fire Elves, those who nearly dominated the world, brought your ancestors to their knees time and time again! My knife is sharp and my fist clenched. I would take on any number of your soldiers with neither, with nothing but my glare, and they would fall before me! Remember the name of Saoritin, and remember the name of Terus Basilicus, for however much time you choose to allot to living! I give you the choice of running, of dismounting your horse and groveling before me, of hiding in a tree to whimper and mewl, for the only other choice I will offer is that of death!"
#130702411Monday, April 14, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

The Idoweic behind Terus shook his head slightly. "Arrogant prick... though I suppose our foes are no better," Arturiaus thought to himself. A fuming knight leapt from his horse. "My Lord! Let me best this boy's so-called 'champion'! The Soritahn will remember this day as the one in which Cormyr, nay, TANNENGARD'S superiority became absolute! Your children speak of me in fear, my name used as a threat to keep their red little arses in line, lest they suffer the same fate as the arrogant Terus!" His sword is drawn and he looks to Augustus for consent. The Baron nods and the Knight turns to his opponent. "Your move first, knave!" The longsword is raised in a posta di falconne pose. Aloeseth looks to his Saoritin companion with a smirk. "Destroy him, Ser Basilicus!" the boy tells him. "And see that Tannengard is your ally from here to the end of time!" ((Yes, I misspelled Saoritin on purpose. Augustus's closest knights are arrogant, as opposed to those on the Greenford camp, who have been taught humility by Alatus. I'm fine with you butchering this knight.))
#130728735Monday, April 14, 2014 12:02 PM GMT

Aquiras launches over the uncaring sea of insects. He had a plan for them, but Elaug said he had them handled. Elaugaste wouldn't let him down. But this... This Monster. He lands safely, his sandals barely making a sound as he lands upon the stonework, eerily calm. "General Tywan Igneous, on behalf of those you have slain in this Genocide, and those you would slay in the future, you must die this day. There is no alternative but my failure." His fists clench, the only sign of emotion present.
#130732075Monday, April 14, 2014 1:15 PM GMT

Terus nods. "Very well. But, we have not laid down the rules for this trial! May we implement any weapons on our persons?" What stares down at the boy can hardly be described as the General. The same two eyes are there; that fire can never be mistaken. But the glass of his body cannot be seen. His right arm holds the short sword for which he is known, that falchion that has always seemed strange in the hand of his tall form, but his left is now a pincer, and his legs end in sharpened points. A strange chitinous substance has taken hold all over his body, covering every facet and inch of tissue. But those eyes, that glare is undoubtedly that of Tywan Igneous. And so is the thrust of the blade, an incredible velocity's stab.
#130735745Monday, April 14, 2014 2:24 PM GMT

His blade pierces his chest like butter. For a moment his face is one of absolute terror. And then anger. As blood flows from his mouth, he places a small hand upon his chitin plating.
#130748909Monday, April 14, 2014 5:44 PM GMT

*melts you with futuristic superlaser* I win
#130772853Monday, April 14, 2014 10:09 PM GMT

The Tannenborn Lancer opposing Terus stares in disbelief before bursting into overconfident laughter. Aloeseth shakes his head. "It is traditional here in Tannengard to use a single weapon for single combat, and the sword is the most respected. You are not Tannenborn, I know, but to win their respect you must fight our way and win," the boy informs him. Tannengard, obviously, is a land which places high import on chivalry and honor. ((The usual Tannenborn Lancer and/or man-at-arms bears this attire, replacing the colors and sigils with those of their liege lord: htt(remove)p://2.bp.blogspot(dot)com/-KUp3gWFUM3k/T5fsNsu1EcI/AAAAAAAAA_A/y8PK4A6THjA/s320/PlateMailWestern.jpg This particular one bears this armor: htt(remove)p://telusers(dot)com/medieval-knight-19361-hd-wallpapers.html His armor is steel plate. No problem for a Saoritin to kill, but getting a hole in that stuff can get... tedious.))
#130774970Monday, April 14, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

Tywan scowls. "Stay dead this time, Admiral. We would grant you the honor of a painless end." The Fire Elf sighs. "No chakram, then. A shame. I would have loved to decapitate him where we stand, watch as his laughing head falls away and his body crumples to the grass. Oh, well. Am I allowed a knife instead? Must a certain kind of sword be used?"
#130777145Monday, April 14, 2014 10:45 PM GMT

Aloeseth shakes his head. "Any sword can be used, though I suppose they /prefer/ a longsword. If you have a shortsword on hand, attack him with that. It's close enough to a dagger," the boy explains further.
#130778125Monday, April 14, 2014 10:54 PM GMT

"...And miss one last dance with you, General? Not a chance. I intend to live forever." Aquiras's hand explodes with enough force to launch him from the blade, and crumple the plate upon the General's chest. He sits on a knee, still in pain.