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#123803157Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

Okay, so we all know about spam. Spam can never be prevented, but we can minimize it. I have an idea for a system that can majorly help spam. Game Comment "Spam" Idea: So we know you can only post stuff every 30 seconds (Or a minute, I literally forgot). This prevents repetitional spam, but it does not prevent the stupid spam that only needs one block like the how to get bc or other crap like that. Here is the idea in a nutshell: *For the below, the amount of likes/dislikes would be hidden from users (To prevent first dislike/like)* If you post something that is an obvious spam, and there is an introduced like/dislike system, then you could use a system where if you got over five negative points (A like adds two points, a dislike subtracts one), then your comment will be up for "check-up" by a moderator. This mod, if the comment was spam, would take the offender a first warning, and if it happens again in the next 30 days, then comments will be locked for you for a set amount of time. Once this is up, the time between comments will be delayed. For example, if so and so was at the minimum, the time between posts would increase to lets say 2 minutes. To make this easy, lets just multiply it by two each time another added offence is recorded. Group Comment "Spam" Idea: This has a very simple fix: You can not post a copy of what you previously said until ten minutes later. That is all I have to say. So, please post your suggestions/critique. I know a similar topic was posted about comment ratings, but this expands majorly not on just the like/dislike system, but the meaning and the hidden stuff about it.
#123803359Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

They already have a system similar to the forums, where after you post a comment you cannot comment on ANY other item for a certain period of time. Your idea has potential, but so many comments are crowded out by new ones that this idea would not have much of an effect. Support customized BC: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=89560430
#123803497Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

True, but I will qoute from my own forum topic. " I know a similar topic was posted about comment ratings, but this expands majorly not on just the like/dislike system, but the meaning and the hidden stuff about it."
#123804919Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:25 AM GMT

It wouldn't harm, but it would not achieve as much as you would like. Support custom BC: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=89560430
#124142808Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

#124802479Monday, February 03, 2014 10:48 PM GMT

#124805084Monday, February 03, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

Mods shuffling through 982743947924732 pages of comments No

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