#125092306Friday, February 07, 2014 8:49 PM GMT

"mister noobist" died
#125128229Saturday, February 08, 2014 3:02 AM GMT

Sanctity glanced over at Seth silently, before answering his question. "No, I don't know what could happen next. But, maybe, we'll find out sooner or later." She said, her voice still portrayed an emotionless tone.
#125128469Saturday, February 08, 2014 3:05 AM GMT

"Hm..." I continue to silently think to myself, thinking of logical reasons as to why this is happening and how this is happening.
#125128896Saturday, February 08, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

Jerome "You know,It won't stop til we are all dead."
#125305777Sunday, February 09, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

Shayne "Ha.." I said, "This isn't scary but it's not funny. It's somewhat entertaining. Watching everyone freak out over this is honestly, amusing..." As I stared into the distance, at darkness.
#125306963Sunday, February 09, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

Sanctity glanced over at Shayne. A small amused and somewhat crazy smile crept upon her face. "Yes... Yes.... So amusing." She said, placing a finger on her lips in a curious manner. "Where have you been all this time?" Sanctity asked, tilting her head.
#125307436Sunday, February 09, 2014 10:28 PM GMT

Shayne "I've been avoiding everyone," I said, quietly. "and I've been watching all of you, also exploring off on my own, looking for useful things." After I finished saying that, I pulled a dagger from my boot, and held it in front of me.
#125308574Sunday, February 09, 2014 10:39 PM GMT

Sanctity pulled out some sharp needles- each needle either silver or black. "I already found some things." She said, her tone emotionless. Turning her head, Sanctity mumbled quietly, "Nice dagger by the way..."
#125332337Monday, February 10, 2014 2:50 AM GMT

Shayne "Interesting needles." I said as I slid the dagger back into my boot. "So what's been happening? I only stuck around for a little while before I went off on my own. Catch me up on things."
#125332917Monday, February 10, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

Sanctity placed the needles away from Shayne's view. "Not much. Cups and other stuff came flying at us in the Kitchen." She said, then pointed at Clair. "She got some glass in her eye."
#125333795Monday, February 10, 2014 3:05 AM GMT

Shayne How the hell? Is it even possible for cups to randomly fly at you? I thought to myself. "Flying cups, huh.." I said with amusement. "Any theory's? Oh and, how is that girl who got glass in her eye? Maybe some if us can go search around the house for a medicine or first aid kit, to keep from infection."
#125334727Monday, February 10, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

Sanctity was silent for a while. "You ask tons of questions....." She mumbled, her voice icy. "He has a theory... Why don't you ask him about it?" Sanctity said, pointing to Seth. "She knows how she got glass in her eye. Why don't you ask her about it?" She said, pointing to Clair. "And you can go looking around for medicine or a First-Aid kit.." Sanctity said one last time. Every single time she talked, her voice switched from cold to emotionless to blunt.
#125338060Monday, February 10, 2014 4:00 AM GMT

I lift my head, looking over at the female pointing towards me. "Yeah, I got a theory, although I don't have much to back it up. I couldn't get a good look at the shelf in the kitchen with the cups, but from what I remember, it looked like it wasn't filled enough to block air from escaping. So, that seems to eliminate pressure build-up, and if the was pressure build-up, how could there be pressure build-up if there's nothing that forces newer air into that shelf? My original theory was pressure build-up, however, thinking more on it, it's very unlikely. To be honest, I don't know how it could have happened. Not the slightest idea."
#125378597Monday, February 10, 2014 9:33 PM GMT

I sighed. No one knows what's going on. And from what was going on I thought all of us are going to end up like Clair, or worse. "How about this," I said. "Seth and I go to the kitchen and try to figure some things out, and after we go looking for a medicine or first aid kit after, for now and anything in the future."
#125384170Monday, February 10, 2014 10:30 PM GMT

Sanctity merely just nodded. Once again, she adjusted her eye patch, letting her hair fall in front of her face.
#125562742Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

"Good idea. However, do you think it'd be smart to go without an entire group? This 'ghost', if there is one, seems to be targeting groups of three or less. We should bring at least four people for lower chances of attack. And, do you think it's smart to even look? For all we know, this 'supernatural' entity wants us to do just that."
#125563255Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:58 AM GMT

Sanctity blinked twice. "I could go if you want." She said, crossing her arms.
#125564796Thursday, February 13, 2014 4:18 AM GMT

Shayne I sighed. He had a point, if the 'ghost' is watching us, for all we knew we could just be walking into our own deaths. "Sure, but I guess three will be fine... it's your call whether or not to have four people tag along," I said and pulled my dagger from my boot and spun it in the air, catching it by the handle.
#126155965Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:59 AM GMT

"So... We exploring or what?" Sanctity asked, balancing the needles on her fingertips. She caught them each time they fell, and clicked them together so that they made a soft clicking noise.
#126165613Wednesday, February 19, 2014 6:23 AM GMT

"I suppose. We just need to be at our highest level of caution at all times in order to have the fastest reaction times possible should we need to react to anything that can be reacted to." I get up from my position, if I wasn't already, and walk to the middle of the room, taking a breath to clear my head for more rational thinking.
#126222933Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:41 AM GMT

Shayne A sheepish smirk crept across my face as I stared at the dagger. "Then let's go!" I cheered as I trotted to the kitchen; carefree.
#126225297Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:04 AM GMT

"Whatever you say.." Sanctity mumbled, trailing after Shayne. She gripped the needles in her hand rather tightly, ready to poke someone or something if possible.
#126245277Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:15 AM GMT

"Baka... Entering the kitchen without care... Whatever." I follow suit, making sure to watch everything, ensuring that if something happens, I'll see it. "Let's just focus on getting what we can and returning to that girl as quickly as possible."
#126307772Friday, February 21, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

As I walked in, I looked at the broken cups everywhere, and without paying attention, I stepped on a glass. "Damn." I said and rubbed the sole of my shoe. One of the glasses fell, as it was dangling from the edge of a cabinet. Running my fingers along the counter, felt like running my hand over a top tow of a sharks teeth; sharp and lethal.
#126394616Saturday, February 22, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

Sanctity glanced back at Seth, a look of curiosity plastered across her face. "What does... ba..ka.. mean?" She asked softly, tilting her head in that of a curious manner.