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#124096432Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:44 PM GMT

When a game has reached a certain threshold (Lets say 300) votes, it starts checking the like/dislike ratio. If (Likes/TotalLikes) is greater than 0.8, then in the topleft corner of the games picture is a picture of a thumbs up in green and the text "LIKED!" next to it. If (Likes/TotalLikes) is less than 0.5 (IE: More dislikes than likes) An image of a red thumbs down and the text "DISLIKED!" is put in the top left corner. This makes it easier for players to see if a game is much liked or disliked without even clicking on it (IE: From picture alone)
#124098547Sunday, January 26, 2014 3:18 PM GMT

You have the best idea ever to come to S&I. Support.
#124099512Sunday, January 26, 2014 3:30 PM GMT

Good idea. Supported.
#124104418Sunday, January 26, 2014 4:33 PM GMT

Maybe also if (Likes/TotalLikes) is less than 0.3 then it will be unable to appear in the Most Popular page (Still playable, but players wont be able to find it)
#124133286Sunday, January 26, 2014 9:46 PM GMT

#124154340Monday, January 27, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

#124189599Monday, January 27, 2014 2:13 PM GMT

Having a look, I think that it should instead be as follows: > 90% Likes: Green thumbs up, 'LIKED' tag < 60% Likes: Red thumbs down, 'DISLIKED' tag < 50% Likes: An angry face, 'HATED' tag, game cannot be displayed on the Games page until the number of likes recovers, game can no longer be advertised (The only option is to get people to join manually, or to create a new place. Hated places (ALL places) should be deletable. Furthermore, apply a list filter to games descriptions. If enough keywords are listed in a short amount of time, or there is a divider character (IE: ',', ';', '/') between too many words in a row (Like 10+) then the description should be filtered to remove random games coming up because someone put this in the description: Tags: Minecraft, Roblox, Games, FPS, RTS, MMO, RPG, Space, obby, Tycoon, Defence, Best, Great, Fun, Mega, VIP, Admin, Kohls, House, 1337, 9001, Halo, COD, ...
#124189882Monday, January 27, 2014 2:25 PM GMT

any game with 40% dislike or lower should be removed
#124189934Monday, January 27, 2014 2:26 PM GMT

@Pink That's horribly unfair
#124190880Monday, January 27, 2014 2:55 PM GMT

The idea is good. The problem is the ROBLOXian suggesting it, and I will gladly state why. You have a reputation as a ROBLOXian who insists that in order for an idea to be published, it must be in your game first via a script. The logic in that is terrible, as the spread of influence in scripting is not as great as you think it would be. An idea cannot be forged from a script, unless it's a "game design/creator's design idea/concept". Even then, it cannot be spread to ROBLOX as a whole via altering ROBLOX's internal coding to apply an idea. You then gathered the misaligned, poisonous support of two other ROBLOXians whose names shall not be mentioned, for they have been mentioned (along with yours) in the thread "WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE?"(http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=117177511), by Limitlicious, and have devastated my feelings. Not once did I report you, because there was a small glimmer of hope that you wouldn't stop harassing me, yet you had condescended and backstabbed me during the argument. I had lost all faith in you by this point. So if you want these two paragraphs to be wiped off from your reputation as a ROBLOXian, I demand you owe me an apology and ~five friends. Then I will revoke this and apologize to you. Support to the idea, but No Support to you. It's poisonous to say "No Support", but I had to say it to prove my point. Karma's real fun, ain't it?
#124191651Monday, January 27, 2014 3:17 PM GMT

The idea is good. The problem is the ROBLOXian suggesting it, and I will gladly state why. --1: The poster should have no effect on the idea itself. Only the content matters. You have a reputation as a ROBLOXian who insists that in order for an idea to be published, it must be in your game first via a script. --I never said that. I never implied it. I simply say if something can be scripted (Whilst maintaining game playability), it should not be suggested. Even then, it cannot be spread to ROBLOX as a whole via altering ROBLOX's internal coding to apply an idea. --Some ideas that are scriptable should not be. At least, not in the suggested form. You then gathered the misaligned, poisonous support of two other ROBLOXians whose names shall not be mentioned, for they have been mentioned (along with yours) in the thread "WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE?" --It is hardly my fault that not everyone has the ability to TRY and learn to script. Not once did I report you, because there was a small glimmer of hope that you wouldn't stop harassing me, yet you had condescended and backstabbed me during the argument. I had lost all faith in you by this point. --If an idea is scriptable, it should not be suggested. The admins could work on implementing some new ideas which are not scriptable to reduce lag under certain conditions or allow for better creations to be made before adding a "Damage" property in parts or whatever the scriptable idea is (IE: Mirror properties I am in support of, despite the scriptability, due to how it would be incredibly laggy or bad resolution to make it infeasible.) So if you want these two paragraphs to be wiped off from your reputation as a ROBLOXian, I demand you owe me an apology and ~five friends. Then I will revoke this and apologize to you. --I will not apologise for not supporting ideas on the grounds of them being scriptable or, in my eyes, pointless. Support to the idea, but No Support to you. It's poisonous to say "No Support", but I had to say it to prove my point. Karma's real fun, ain't it? --So you don't support an idea based on the person who posted it instead of the content of the thread? Good for you.
#124192002Monday, January 27, 2014 3:26 PM GMT

1. Sadly, the poster does have an effect on the idea itself. As I stated prior, the idea itself is good. The content is good, but your past came back to haunt you. 2. You began our hatred-ship with "Scriptable". 3. You were telling me to implement it in my game, in which I stated would have a poor spread due to the customers I'm trying to please being inexperienced in scripting. 4. But it was your fault for harassing me. 5. And if you don't provide the script, the argument falls flat. I wanted to suggest for the admins to do it for the reasons you state, so it's not scriptable the way you put it. 6. Then you will forever be hated. I will make sure you will rue for this. Just apologize and give me the friends, and I will put an end to this. 7. I did not say "No Support" to the idea. I said "No Support" to you. Please get the context right. This is similar to your second point against me. I will take back my non-support if you apologize and give me the friends.
#124192186Monday, January 27, 2014 3:30 PM GMT

1: So if someone else posted the EXACT same content, it would be fine? I dont get it... 2: Because whatever idea WAS scriptable... 3: Inexperienced with scripting? Learn. You wont become experienced if Roblox adds everything for you. 4: Saying your scriptable ideas are scriptable, then defending my arguments, is not really harassing. You, by saying that the ideas should be implemented are harassing me by the same logic. 5: Why should I make everything I say is scriptable? Some things I myself cannot make, but I have seen made elsewhere (Or can simply be made anyway) 6: I am not going to be "forever hated" by everyone because some ideas are scriptable. 7: You don't support me in what?
#124193864Monday, January 27, 2014 4:16 PM GMT

Moving on, anyone else?
#124220901Monday, January 27, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

1. Yes, actually. If the Original Poster writes in a way that the reader can understand and agree with, it's an earned vote of support. The Original Post and Original Poster are valid subject matter. 2. I remembered that day. You, Thermionic, and Michealaqz4 all flamed me. 3. I did. The problem is spread and influence. 4. I'm sorry, what? What on this green Earth gave you the delusions of grandeur that I was defending you? I don't defend my enemies by any means. 5. And this is where you fall flat. You yourself don't know how to script? After insulting me and telling me to do it? 6. Not everyone, but a growing number of people. 7. The fact that you are a cyberbully until you apologize for your sins.
#124221717Monday, January 27, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

1: So the writing style determines it then, not the poster. 2: Well I don't. 3: No, you wont. Who would learn to script when Roblox could make everything for them? 4: You defend your OWN arguments. That's the point. We all do, unless persuaded otherwise. 5: I do know how to script. Just not everything (Such as Navmesh AI algorithms). But those things which I cannot make I still do not support, without very good reason. 6: Not really... 7: Right. So what don't you support me about?
#124224826Monday, January 27, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

@Notunknown99 1. Both. 2. That's why I'm here. Had you not flamed me, I would have just left a "Support" to both you and the idea itself and go on with my life, defending the thread if need-be. 3. Maybe there can be levels of scripting, and levels of building? Like difficulty levels in some games. 4. I am currently not persuaded otherwise. Persuasion will come with apology. 5. That ain't helping you much. So you can't script out my idea, so you blindly "No Supported" my thread. So I was reminded/warned, and made three enemies, for no reason. Just fine and dandy. 6. I will erase your negative reputation if you apologize. 7. I already stated why I do not support you in my Original Debate/Argument. Stated shortly, I am seeking retribution against you. Said retribution will end with your apology.
#124225488Monday, January 27, 2014 11:44 PM GMT

1: ...Whatever 2: I don't flame people. I simply do not support ideas I think should not be posted or implemented. 3: I do not understand that bit you just said... 4: An apology for what? "I'm sorry I did not like your idea"? 5: I never said I could not. I simply don't see why I should. Whatever it was, I could probably make it now if that satisfies you. 6: Well it would appear we are both too stubborn on this issue... 7: That's not really a valid reason... 8: I say we leave this out of here and continue this via PM instead, if you wish to continue this, anyway.
#124227220Monday, January 27, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

@OP Eh, I'll pretend 2-8 are 1-7 since that point ended. 2. Then explain why you insulted me. 3. Even if I were to implement my idea as a game design concept, even if I snatched a spot on the blog with a front-page game, my influence will pan in comparison to ROBLOX's. So will yours. It's not a bad thing if ROBLOX made scripting easier for the playerbase, because that means more newbies will become pros. Don't you want more pros? 4. Insulting, for one thing. Stating that I and my thread are stupid being another. Thermionic and Michealaqz4 also owe me, but your "teammates" haven't showed up yet to defend you. I think two others also "teamed up" with you, which would total five, but they were one-time posters. 5. To prove your point, so that your argument can stop flopping on the ground like Patrick Star wearing the Krusty Krab uniform. Then, snatch a "Community Spotlight" and convince ROBLOX Corp. that your idea is your only idea, and that I and many others cannot follow in your footsteps. 6. I might have to shrink this down to a 1-6 policy after this. 7. See 4. 8. To pay for your stubbornness, I'm keeping this public.

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