#124656319Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:05 AM GMT

Levi looked on in confusion as a man passed him, and...came back. "Uhm...hi." He grunted in response, watching Styll with guarded yellow eyes.
#124657668Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:21 AM GMT

(:l I can change my power if it's to OP, the only weakness I can see is the fact that it takes time to absorb cosmic energy, the bigger the effect wanted, the more will it takes, and the more energy.)
#124657807Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:23 AM GMT

Nah, it's okay, we got you covered. I made my female character to oppose yours.]
#124658160Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:29 AM GMT

(Well can I add to him that his father was a vampire, so his eyes are a sort orange color, and besides that the only vampire atribute he acquired was Semi-Immortality.)
#124658617Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:34 AM GMT

Caesar/Styll "Want to come with us? We're going to go hunt," Caesar told the guy. "Hunt humans, if I wasn't clear."
#124658914Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:39 AM GMT

Levi curled his lip in disgust as his words, "No, thank you." He growled in reply,
#124659375Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:45 AM GMT

Caesar/Styll "Aww, you little baby.." Caesar mutters. He then looked at Kayden straight in the eye and used his persuasion power on him. "You will come with us and you will not whine about it."
#124659695Sunday, February 02, 2014 5:49 AM GMT

In that split second while Levi mulled it over, he turned ghost, becoming translucent whilst his face paled, his hair turning stark white and his eyes glowing a soft gold. "No." He replied, the power ineffective now that he was 'considered' dead.
#124660964Sunday, February 02, 2014 6:07 AM GMT

(Well, this looks interesting. Mind if I join in?) Name: Jocas Asunscion Age: 17 Gender: Male Height (Optional): I can't tell what but he is medium in height. Weight (Optional): 150 Hair/Hair Color: Spiky blue with light violet stripes. Bodily: Normal pale skin and he is semi-muscular built. Clothing: He wears a blue headgear, blue cloak, blue tank-top, blue fingerless gloves with armbands and gauntlets, dark blue belt, blue pants and blue boots. Bio (At least three sentences): He was raised in a rich family, although he was formerly born in a poor family. When grew up, his father trained him to fight using magic and fists. Since then, Jocas became a master of magic and martial arts and he is now currently owning his family's fortune. Alignment: Either good or evil, but for me, he is LAWFUL neutral. Other (Optional): Warcraft Attributes : He is a man of pure stupidity. He can be curious at all times. Sometime he can be serious whenever he is in battle. He can have weird feels towards anything that he doesn't know. He can sometimes be lucky whenever there is a situation(only when he smiles.) He can be easily angry whenever his friends or people are in danger and he will do anything to save them. Powers: He can manipulate both fire and lightning(fire on his right hand and lightning on his left hand.) He is a master of free-style combat which tandems his power. He can hit really hard with either his fist or his feet. He even has properties of a superhuman, commonly strength and speed. Inventory (Optional): two small swords, a broadsword(good for defensive measures), a katana and a gas-powered pistol.
#124663223Sunday, February 02, 2014 6:44 AM GMT

Caesar/Styll "You're no fun," Caesar said. "Styll, master, let's go."
#124663633Sunday, February 02, 2014 6:51 AM GMT

Levi sighed, "Why should I come with you?" He growled, "You tried to force me before."
#124664672Sunday, February 02, 2014 7:13 AM GMT

Caesar/Styll "You don't want to kill people?" Caesar asked. Styll grunted and began walking. "Well, goodbye!" And Caesar hissed and walked away with Styll.
#124664866Sunday, February 02, 2014 7:17 AM GMT

"No," Levi murmured, not staying to watch them walk away, "I'm not like the rest of the cruel bastards in this world.."
#124713396Sunday, February 02, 2014 9:06 PM GMT

(Pawz new character and Sage are accepted. Ksee, you can change your character a little bit if you want) In the location of hell's gate, a dark figure stood watching from above, his blade clenched in his hands. "Hell's gate... more souls to pass through it." The figure said, his blade still clenched in his hands.
#124715811Sunday, February 02, 2014 9:34 PM GMT

Continuing on, Levi continued his slow plod across the barren landscape that led up to Hell's Gate. For him, it was a mere shadow in the distance, a place to achieve...eventually. He had to walk first. Queen was alone, a vicious smile touching her unnaturally beautiful features. Her latest victim lay in front of her, a body bled white.
#124718056Sunday, February 02, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

The figure leaned against the gargoyle on top of Hell's Gate, waiting for anyone at all to pass by. Leaning his blade against his shoulder, Naraku cautiously peered around for any victims.
#124718539Sunday, February 02, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

Name: Alex, Sanderson Age: Immortal, looks like hes 21 but hes about 40 Gender: Male Height (Optional): 6 feet 5 Weight (Optional): 140 Hair/Hair Color: Golden and wavy Bodily: He has a muscular build and tan skin Clothing: A Sword he made out of pure Cosmic energy. Bio (At least three sentences): His parents died mysteriously from a unknown cause when he was only 4 his aunt and uncle took him in and raised him ever since, it's not like he didn't like his aunt and uncle, but he dosn't really care for them, because of this, he left them long ago and has been exploring ever since. Alignment: Good Other (Optional): Warcraft Attributes : He's nice, brave, and adventurous, his eyes are a deep orange color. Powers Cosmic Manipulation: To manipulate cosmic forces and channel upon there energy. Semi-Immortality: His father was a vampire, but besides this power and his eyes, he is nothing like a vampire.
#124722912Sunday, February 02, 2014 10:49 PM GMT

(Accepted, Ksee)
#124733451Monday, February 03, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

#124736703Monday, February 03, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

Ksee, your character isn't wearing any clothes, lol.]
#124768172Monday, February 03, 2014 10:25 AM GMT

(Wow, Ksee. Your really doing an ''effort'' here...)
#124777739Monday, February 03, 2014 4:29 PM GMT

#124779146Monday, February 03, 2014 4:57 PM GMT

Name: Xethain (Pronounced Ze-th-ean) Age: ? Gender: Male Height (Optional): 6.1 Weight (Optional): 140 lbs Hair/Hair Color: Brown/ Trimmed, Short Bodily: Pale Skinned; brown eyes, that will change color depending on mood. Clothing: Dark Tunics, Steel boots, and steel gauntlets. Bio (At least three sentences): Xethain had a different life before he became what he is now. He was turned into a Dark Angel/ Wizard after the war between humans and the dark ones. He doesn't know his past, he needs help to remember what happened. Alignment: Neutral, but leaning more toward Bad. Other (Optional): Attributes : Has no fear of almost anything, brave, good in combat. Was crowned General of a part of the Dark Angel Army Powers: Can sense fear, read thoughts, see future, makes dark energy sword, armor and shield appear in his possesion, can fly, can summon dark angels/ demons, use flame, dark, and undead spells. Inventory (Optional): dark energy sword, armor and shield Species: Dark Angel/ Wizard.
#124783431Monday, February 03, 2014 6:25 PM GMT

(Flying you forgot something. Reread the rules)
#124784509Monday, February 03, 2014 6:47 PM GMT

Twirling his blade in the air, the figure began hovering directly above hell's gate. His blade appeared to be emitting some kind of demonic-electricity like energy. Though you couldn't see his expression, his aura became spikier, as though he was eager for something.