#124975323Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

Jordan He takes out a bebe gun from his pocket. He points it at brandon, pressing the trigger.
#124975536Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

Brandon The bullet of the BB gun hit me right i the knee, "OOOOOOOWW", i scream as i retreat to my car
#124975648Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:35 AM GMT

((Wow, this rp moves fast, gonna probably be a short wait
#124976378Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

(Yeah, you might get accepted today or tomorrow) Brandon I get in my car and i text Jordan, "You wanna go to the beach?"
#124976974Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

He txts you back: "sure"
#124977030Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Brandon I keep waiting for Jordan
#124977251Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:51 AM GMT

jordan Jordan hops in the passenger seat with his trunks on and towel on his shoulder.
#124977598Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:55 AM GMT

Brandon "Wait, i need to go get Aly", i tell Jordan as i start looking for Aly
#124977786Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:57 AM GMT

Aly I lie down in my bed, looking up at the sticks I put on my ceiling. There's Cinderella, and Aurora, and even Belle!
#124977975Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

He txts Brandon:Shes in her room
#124977980Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

Brandon I walk into Aly's room and i tell her, "Where going to the beach, you cooming or not, cause i will leave you here with dad"
#124978078Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

Aly I jump up. "The beach?" I say happily. "I wanna come!" Giggling, I find my swimsuit, my goggles, and my sand-castle-building kit.
#124978322Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:03 AM GMT

Brandon "Good, now come on i will be waiting with Jordan in my car", i tell her as i head back to the car
#124978460Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:04 AM GMT

Aly I skip out the door, and race past Brandon so that I can get to the car first. I open the backseat door and jump in, claiming the middle seat. "I WIN!" I announce.
#124978695Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

Brandon I get in the Drivers seat, i start the engine, i pull out of the garage and i start Driving towards the Beach
#124979059Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

Brandon While still driving to the beach i ask Jason, "Can you plug my laptop into the truck outlet?"
#124979133Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

(I mean Jordan)
#124979595Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:17 AM GMT

Brandon "Nevermind that, were here", i say parking in the parking lot and getting out of the car also getting the Icebox from the back of the car
#124987027Thursday, February 06, 2014 4:58 AM GMT

Julie My car rolls down the hill, and I have a sudden urge. A small child - eating icecream - is just a few feet in front of me. I accelerate and the small child hits the bonnet of my car, causing her to be flung over the roof. I keep driving, leaving her there.
#124995561Thursday, February 06, 2014 11:29 AM GMT

(Rose you were declined..)
#124996003Thursday, February 06, 2014 11:57 AM GMT

(Julie, do not roleplay, you were declined. James is accepted.) August plopped down in his bed,exhausted. "Everyone, lights out by midnight. Have Aly in bed by nine, please." He yelled. Ashton sat on the couch and threw his phone down. "THIS BIRD COMES FROM HELL!" He picked up his Xbox controller and began playing.
#124996065Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:00 PM GMT

Anabella I walk into the living room, and took out my phone
#124997152Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:47 PM GMT

Name: Elisa Claire Ag3: 17 1/2 Parent? no Pet? no Normal clothing choice: Black and white slang top with black and white ruffled shorts. Appearance: She has long black hair, not really long, but long black hair, and she has sea green eyes that also look turquoise at times. She also is thin and well-fed and hydrated. Personality: Depressed at times, sarcastic at times, even happy at times. Weight: 149 Height: 6'3 Family Friend? no Other: Owns a navy blue mustang convertible, except with high-tech lights which help her see in the fog.
#124999636Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:03 PM GMT

[Sorry if it is too late to join this!] Name: Jade Claire Ag3: 17 Parent? No Pet? No Normal clothing choice: Blue dress, blue shoes with black stripes, black pants and glasses [NOTE: I may have missed some details, sorry!] Appearance: Long black hair, braces and green eyes Personality: Nice and loves to cook Weight: ? Height: ? Family Friend? Yes Other: N/A
#125003981Thursday, February 06, 2014 4:05 PM GMT

(Lol, why was I declined?)