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#127713763Monday, March 10, 2014 4:28 AM GMT

Ashe raises a eyebrow. "Shame. Back to the drawing board I suppose. And I'd rather a game of cricket."
#127713825Monday, March 10, 2014 4:29 AM GMT

"Oh I am the best Bowler! You should come bat some time Lassie! We'd have a swell game!"
#127714158Monday, March 10, 2014 4:35 AM GMT

The's poof as Ashe lights a small fuse, bouncing it in her hand she chuckles. "Lovely to hear. Such a waste of paint that was. Alas, I was hoping to rig them till morn," She likes a smoke with the fuse. "You can't win them all." She sighs.
#127714398Monday, March 10, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

"It's a shame you won't trust us."
#127714621Monday, March 10, 2014 4:43 AM GMT

"Trust is something no one can afford." She points out and tosses the man the small bomb. "And boom." The 'bomb' explodes paint flying over the manor and bulter. Ashe walking away cackling.
#127714813Monday, March 10, 2014 4:46 AM GMT

Ahahaha. Nope. A dog leaps over the wall attempting to catch the 'ball' it instead is knocked in the center of the street. You'll have to try MUCH harder than that.
#127714999Monday, March 10, 2014 4:49 AM GMT

Ashe chuckles a walking down the street. "Herm... Back to the drawing board."
#127775369Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:07 AM GMT

(It's back?! I missed this.)
#129340501Sunday, March 30, 2014 4:08 AM GMT

"So...illogical!" "Why is she so stubborn? So angry?" "Has the master not provided?" "He even gave her something to do." "I think she's psychotic." "...We've established that already, block head." "Paint bombs? Seriously?"
#129401794Sunday, March 30, 2014 8:39 PM GMT

Shutting the door behind her she smirks. Walking over to a small hand mirror she taps it. "Il zey koraav fos koros, fiik." She snaps sharply. The mirror slowly flickers as she lays her tarot about it. Hoping her foci will aid it's strength. About the mansion three pieces of mirror flicker to life. The match to this mirror. Shattered and still very useful. One in the grass by the door shows who enters by that side. Another by the gate, and the third across the street, planted before this began. "Lovely, lovely." She whispers. Unsure if any could hear or see her through the spell. "Should've checked that." She mutters softly, "This will take more power than I thought, as well..."
#129483596Monday, March 31, 2014 9:11 PM GMT

((Sorry for the double post. I gets bored. XD)) Ashe tilts her head. "Illogical... Quite so. Angry, stubborn, just me. Psychotic? What a lovely complement." She ends the spell quickly, leaning heavily on the table. "Provided, yes. Gave me something to do? I'll get revenge for that..." Her eye twitches, "And Paint bombs were a back up plan if I couldn't do my lovely graffiti." She sinks to the floor. "I am the great Da Vinci or whatever of graffiti and pickpocketing! But now, just about time to pass out. It seems I found my limit... Great." Her voice drips with sarcasm through the empty house. "... Need to find a way to by-pass that pompus, annoying-" She spirals off into a series of name-calling rants at Delhome. "I love insult people who aren't around, it such fun. Then when you do say it to their face, it seems eloquent and poetic." The girl is in a very good mood.

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