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#125366008Monday, February 10, 2014 6:28 PM GMT

One day this girl befriended a troll, this is the story how how they met and became friends. So here is how they met: A little girl named Sally wakes up one morning in her bed and yawns and exclaims, "What a good sleep I had".And with that she walks downstairs to get something to eat. When Sally reaches the end of the stairs she is yelled at by her mean and stone cold hearted stepmother. I TOLD YOU TO MAKE THE DISHES NICE AND CLEAN, the angry stepmother says. But I did!, Sally cried out in pain for being yelled at. The angry stepmother grabs Sally by the hair and pulls her over to the sink. LOOK AT THEM, the stepmother yelled and pointed to the dishes that were covered in dirt. B--B---B-B--U---T they were clean, you just put those in mud to be mean to me, Sally cries out with her faced covered in tears. I sure did but you should have noticed and came down here and cleaned them again, the stepmother says in a angry tone. At that moment Sally made a sad face and cried out the words "I hate you". Sally's stepmother then dragged Sally to the door and kicked threw her out the door hardly, then said "I HATE YOU TOO YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING PIECE OF TRASH NOW LETS SEE HOW MUCH YOU HATE ME WHEN IT GETS DARK AND YOU HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!" With that Sally's stepmother slammed the door, locked it, and plopped on the couch. When Sally snapped out of the shock of what had just happen she bursted into tears and fell to her knees. Suddenly a Troll came out and comforted Sally and broke down the house door AND THE TROLL ATE THE STEPMOTHER AND IT WAS ALL MUSHY LOLL *TROLOLOLLLOLL* THE END AHAHAHAHAHA WELL THAT WAS random AT THE END.. BUT AS YOU KNOW I AM A TROLL AS WELLL LOL

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