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#126237637Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

A slit of blood runs down Glaterux's face. He hadn't bled for a long time. He looked up at Venis and rushed past him. Without looking back Glaterux says, "Watch your back." Talia looks at the dark elf. She slaps Venis across the face and runs towards Glaterux.
#126254617Thursday, February 20, 2014 7:36 AM GMT

{Edgeworth} I walk up behind the two I just had a fight with and say, "That went better than expected,"
#126283457Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

(..Glaterux and Talia already started walking Tails. And first off Talia wants to kill you at the moment. Also you hit her with a pike. She isnt just going to forget that)
#126294932Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

Venis- "Fdfioh...Casin...Legts gino..." Venis mutters as the Vanguards leave, to prepare to journey once again. "..." The dark elf remains silent, though instead of daggers, he carries a mysterious blade. "Lets get him back... Esol, you mix something up in that wagon of yours and get him sober." Fenlio commands, and the group returns to their site.
#126295597Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:33 PM GMT

#126297915Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:54 PM GMT

(?... Nothing for you to worry about. I'm serious, it just meant the Vanguards return to their wagons and such.)
#126307193Friday, February 21, 2014 12:27 AM GMT

As everyone beings to leave the village, a dark barrier of miniature magenta pieces surrounds the hamlet. Degros walks up to Glaterux, his undead army to the Vanguards. Sorcerers on large Darkness Dragons control the barrier. Degros' face was covered and he was wearing a purple cape with a first and lightning bolt in hand, the rest heavily armoured. "Well, well, well. My lucky day, your death!" he said, laughing.
#126309400Friday, February 21, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

(... Can I just say that you really, and I mean REALLY, want to kill us?) (And also, everyone leaves the village?... I'm not sure I would believe anything like that would happen.) (And finally, Degros shows up in random villages for no reason with his entire army and sorcerers? Just have to say; He's horrible at strategy. Yes, he's bloodthirsty, cruel, extremely deadly and such, which I love, but he's still horrible at strategy.)
#126317104Friday, February 21, 2014 2:05 AM GMT

(Responses: 1: Slightly. :P 2: I assumed you all want to separate 3: Degros was the broad one, Mikeal the intelligent. He also pillages any villages he stumbles upon.)
#126319654Friday, February 21, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

(Alright... I feel better now... But I'm not telling you why...) Venis- "Ivg skilv git ficht in meni!" Venis draws his crossbow, and even though he's drunk, the Vanguard's know what he does while drunk. "Vanguards! Circle around Venis! Make sure as hell he doesn't get sober, and keep those undead from him!" Fenlio orders*, and Esol draws his mysterious blade. *Fenlio and Esol are far more skilled than the regular Vanguards.* *Venis has...'Special skills' when drunk. It makes up for his lack of defense/armor.* (Prescison, why don't we doing the fight real rp style, not with dice and stats and the like.)
#134854395Friday, May 23, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

Do you guys want me to recreate this Roleplay? I stumbled upon it looking through MyForums and think it should be given a second chance. Respond if you do.

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