#126237977Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

Ms. Godwen *I look around happily* "Ok. I guess not. The first problem is 98 divided by 1921." *I write the problems on the chalk board, still happy.*
#126238022Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

Alice Spacing out, I did notice the Teacher's announcement.
#126238369Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:03 AM GMT

Alanna I raise my hand, not knowing the answer, but knowing that I can figure it out in about 7.2 seconds.
#126238546Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:04 AM GMT

Alice Oh jeez. I'm not good in math... I pound my head on the desk, trying to think.
#126238971Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

Alice I raise my hand, answering "19.5 or 0.05125523012".
#126239055Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

(Two questions. 1, did you google that? 2. The teacher is offline. I guess that's not a question, though....)
#126239230Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

( Yup. I'm in Grade 7, so I can't really that question mentally. )
#126239504Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:13 AM GMT

(I'm in grade 8......sort of. Also, she posted on a different RP that she'll be away for 45 minutes. Now what?)
#126239742Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

( Hm. Pretend the Teacher went out of the Classroom or something.)
#126240045Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:19 AM GMT

Alanna I tap my pencil on the desk, trying to think of something to do. Then, it occurs to me. I grin mischievously, looking around the room. A slight bolt of lightning envelops me as I teleport out of the room and into the teacher's lounge. I grab the nearest cup, then teleport back to the Math classroom. I put the mug on the teacher's desk, noting that it's filled with.....ew. Coconut water. Who drinks that stuff? I take the teacher's real mug, which is filled with coffee, and throw it in the trash.
#126240376Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:22 AM GMT

Alice Glancing at the Girl's actions, I continue to draw the cupcake, now colouring it a baby and and light pink. Just like Oliver's. I smiled.I jolt up and began racing along the walls, touching them while my hand emitted a green energy. Minutes later flowers of all sorts began sprouting up out of the walls. I smiled at my actions.
#126240590Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:24 AM GMT

Alanna "Working on a 'Greenify the World' program?" I ask the girl who just decorated the walls. I walk up to one flower, and create a small ball of light in my palm. I blow on it, and the ball floats to the center of the classroom, emitting natural light.
#126240610Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:24 AM GMT

(Wondering how I should start this out.. Hmm..)
#126240887Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:27 AM GMT

Alice "Hm....something like that. I like Plants. After all it was a power given to me. Athokinesis." I stared at the ball of light. "By the way, My name's Alice."
#126241016Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:28 AM GMT

Alanna "Alanna." I respond, making more balls of light. I color them differently, all varying pastel shades. They begin to float around the room, making small formations every once in a while. I grin. Although most of the time, using my powers exhausts me, this is simple and requires little energy.
#126241143Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:29 AM GMT

( Gtg for the night. I got tests tomorrow :/ Continue rping if you want. )
#126241308Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

Aika silently entered the classroom, munching on a red apple. She didn't mind that she was a bit late, since the Teacher was out from the classroom anyways. Finishing the apple in a few bites, she discarded it in the trashcan.
#126244265Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:03 AM GMT

- C.S's - Name : Mason Graybell Age: 18 Appearance : :Mason is a pale caucasian, and some people consider him scrawny, as he doesn't have much meat on him. Mason has medium length black hair cut directly above his eyebrows. A few specks of lighter colored hair can be found if one is searching. His eyes are a light shade of blue, and directly above them are his thin eyebrows, which are a dark brown. These mismatched hair colors irritate Mason sometimes. His eyes are small and close together, leaving a lot of space on the side of his head. His nose is convex, and is a tad small. A sprinkle of freckles are spread across the bridge of his nose. His ears are slightly large and low on his head. His cheeks give off a chubby appearance, which is odd, as the rest of him appears scrawny. His chin is sharp and pronounced, extending a wee bit farther than average. His lips are thin and are colored a dark shade of red. His neck is stout and at some angles appears almost nonexistent. Mason has a small scar crossing over his nose, from when he fell down some stairs, something he doesn't really like to brag about. Mason's fingernails are short, and sometimes painful to him, as he bites them because of his anxiety. Mason prefers to wears t-shirts most of the time, and shorts that come down to his knees. He will sometimes wear jeans, although he would really rather not. When he wears jackets, he usually wears black or grey ones, with thin linings. He is used to the cold, as when he was a kid he never wore jackets. Personality : He is calm and relaxed under pressure; although he commonly underestimates situations and puts himself above them. Bio: (Optional, but Recommended.) N/A Weaknesses: He is quite clumsy and slow, he tends to trip over his own feet and can't even hop a fence. However, he uses his powers to help aid him with his disabilities. Magical Powers : Unlike many of his peers, Mason has only one power, but one that is very powerful and is something that he can use for a prolonged amount of time. He has the power of gravity manipulation, sort of like telekinesis, except he just focuses on a certain area and everything in that radius has its gravity flipped, to the extent that if he really focuses he can pick up a truck, although when lifting that kind of weight his powers become very unreliable. Strengths : He is surprisingly very agile in an environment where he can utilize his powers fully and freely. He is cool-headed and calm. 2P! Name : Alex 2P! Appearance :Alex has notably pale skin with exceptionally small amber eyes. He has a clean-shaven head with a top-knot (which is held by a one pronged piece). He has a thin black mustache and a small goatee, as well. He stands at a height of about 5'8". His face is remarkably thin. He wears a loose fitting crimson red t-shirt. 2P! Personality : (Optional) Alex loves to torture Mason, as from a young age Mason had been very terrified of him, and obeys almost everything he says, despite Mason's attitude that violence is not always necessary. He is very controlling and manipulative and always gets what he wants Other :
#126245238Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:14 AM GMT

Name : Saxon (Not sure if we have last names or not. If so,) Deynair. Age: 17 Appearance : (Doing it later, don't kill me.) Personality : [Loner] He doesn't really start conversations. He doesn't expect others to start conversations. He simply prefers to be alone, and usually makes attempts to leave. [Strange] He does weird things, says weird things, and lots of other stuff. He is a weird person. Of course, who wouldn't be weird if they had powers, and some talking thing in their mind, which can become physical? Well, he is more weird than others. [Sarcastic] "Being sarcastic is cool, in my opinion. It's honestly funny, and I normally don't mean it rudely. But I mean, sarcasism. It's a little bit like, don't complain to me about me saying this, hitting someone, sometimes. Only the person who was hit feels a slight pain, but the others around don't. Some actually enjoy it." [Poetic] The guy is poetic. He enjoys poems, enjoys saying mind-blowing stuff, and he also enjoys saying certain phrases, as they keep him remembering who he is, and what his morals are in the world. Bio: "Why would I tell you, a random stranger, about myself and my life?" Weaknesses : An effect of his Sound Manipulation hearing, is he randomly gets hearing pains, causing him to sweat, cover his ears, and stay un-moving. He isn't fast, nor good at having endurance for running. So, if you were running from a large boulder down a tunnel, (Hint) He'd probably get crushed. Oh, and not really a weakness, but he unintentionally seems like a show-off, with his smarts. Magical Powers : Well, I did a large roleplay-ish thing showing my powers, but the dang behemoth got deleted when my tablet shut off. His powers are Sound Manipulation, and he also can use more of his brain than the average person, increasing his intelligence, memory, reflexes, and more. Strengths : He is the most quietest person in the world, when it comes to walking. He makes pretty much no sound, and his reflexes are very good. He also has little/no fear, like a rock, although he will pretend to be scared. 2P! Name : Kirito 2P! Appearance : A floating fireball, he normally appears as. The color being dark purple. He changes quite a lot, but this is what I last saw it as. 2P! Personality : I'd rather let it be TBA. Other : Never saw anything, so please don't punish me. This is currently unfinished.
#126245343Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:15 AM GMT

( *KILL* )
#126249248Thursday, February 20, 2014 5:11 AM GMT

( Both accepted ^_^ )
#126252838Thursday, February 20, 2014 6:29 AM GMT

(Back!) Ms. Godwen "Moving on to social studies, we are going to have just a little pop quiz to see how you're doing in social studies. *I hand out the papers to each and everyone of you with a smile* (Btw here's the questions on it) 1) Which Power has the ability to impertet laws? A. Legislative power B. Judicial power C. Exclusive power D. Presidential power 2) Who gives all the government powe to function? A. The people B. the president C. The judges D. The lawyers 3) Who rules the democracy? A. Governors B. The citizens C.President D. Congressmen (Only doing 3 of em XD)
#126255073Thursday, February 20, 2014 7:57 AM GMT

Lexie NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! I'm LATE!!!!!!!!!I Run Up to the classroom and burst through the door,I jump at an empty seat,I grab the paper as i get out my pencil, 1) Which Power has the ability to impertet laws? D. Presidential power 2) Who gives all the government power to function? A. The people 3) Who rules the democracy? C.President There I Exhale,as i finish
#126256068Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:49 AM GMT

Astrid. I looked down at the paper in front of me, bewildered. A quiz on the first day? I proceeded to shrug and put on a pair of white plastic gloves. I didn't want to risk freezing the desk. 1) Which Power has the ability to impertet laws? A. Legislative power 2) Who gives all the government power to function? A. The people 3) Who rules the democracy? D: Congressmen
#126256974Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:31 AM GMT

Ms. Godwen "Lexie, you're late... Well I guess It can pass for now.." *I look and grade through the papers. I hand them back. Astrid's a A-, also Lexie's A-.* "You did just fine class- today we'll be doing some research on John Fedrick Kennedy today on the laptops in the computer lab, first one gets done gets some extra free time on the computers, and free lunch" (Astrid you got one wrong, its not legislative power, its judicial. A-) (Same with Lexie, Its not presidential, its judicial. A-)