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#126257321Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:45 AM GMT

Before i start, this plugin is a plugin that allows you to create your armor more efficiently, so if you ever wanted to build a really nice armor, but just can't make the script work properly or just too lazy to make one, then just use this plugin, because it does it all for you. It has all the tools you need, Studio tools are usable, custom part adder to save time for you inserting parts into workspace. Its a great plugin, but some people need a tutorial on how to use it, so i didn't bother to make this one. Here we go: First off, when you click on the small blue icon that looks like armor, a frame appears with 6 different "Robloxian" Body parts. Each part is highlightable, so for every part highlighted, it will create the highlighted body part as actual "Parts", and the rest stay grey and transparent (If you don't have some parts selected). You must have at least one selected, otherwise it will ask you to re-pick parts. secondly, after you hit the create button, the script makes 6 body parts, the camera will automatically focus on your build dummy, so you don't have to venture for it on your map. Body parts are locked (unlockable), so they don't disturb you when you try to select parts. You also get a side-menu, this is where you can insert your parts, and if you have opened it before but were confused by it, you probably noticed another 6 body part GUI's. These are to quickly and efficiently move your selected/highlighted parts into the desired body part weld. Moving your mouse over the body part will help you out on which body part weld you are about to move parts into. you MUST move your parts into body part welds, otherwise when you finish your work, the un-moved parts will remain in workspace, and not be part of the armor, meaning it wont put the armor on your character after you join your game. there are several different options it gives you, "Unlock Parts", "Finish work", "Remake dummy", and the other options which slide out the right side which i pretty much explained above. Each of these do different things... of course. Unlock Parts - This unlocks every body part in your dummy, so if you don't like the current position of your dummy, or something is in the way of the dummy, then you can unlock the parts, move it to desired position, and lock the parts again so they don't disturb you. Finish work - this should be self explanatory, but it does give you the option to name your armor after clicking the button, and provides you with scripts that puts the armor on after you enter/join a server. Remake dummy - Lets say you screwed up or your piece of work kind of looks sloppy and needs remaking... "Oh no, i messed up, i want to remake my dummy... if only there was a reset dummy button", well there is a button like this, it clears your dummy, WITH THE MOVED PARTS, and asks you to highlight and make new parts, now you might be thinking "I could have just clicked the blue icon and clicked it again... that would remake it... what a noob"... true, but here's the thing, when you do that, it doesn't give you a warning, and if you changed your mind after doing this, its too late... but the button i made gives you a warning, read carefully! This gives you the chance to change your mind and hit the cancel button. that is pretty much how this plugin works! Hope this helped, if you want to come back to this later, you can track this thread to make it easier for you to find, but if you guys are new to this and reading, and find this plugin interesting, you can install it here: http://www.roblox.com/ArmorMaker-Make-your-own-armor-v1-3-item?id=144711773 There will be updates every week (hopefully), if you have any awesome suggestions that may be cool to add into this plugin, or an important question to ask about this plugin (saying you are confused about some stuff), just send me a message or leave a comment below, have fun with this and make great armor! If you really like this plugin, please support it and possible share it with friends, and tell them to share it, etc... that would be great.
#126265513Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:09 PM GMT

Is this basicly a morph creator? Does it just make the armor or also the means to put it on anything you might want?
#126286357Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:58 PM GMT

Thanks for the tutorial!
#126291609Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

Nice tutorial but you have far to come with your grammar skills.
#126332595Friday, February 21, 2014 4:49 AM GMT

heyy, at least i try my best so you can understand, eh? ;), and yes this is basically a morph maker, but it only works in your place, or any other place you put the armor into, its not like a shirt where you can use it in any game you want.
#126334527Friday, February 21, 2014 5:21 AM GMT

Certainly isn't how I'd describe it. Armor creator is the only real good way, it's not really a morph.
#127498453Friday, March 07, 2014 10:15 PM GMT

Every time i have tried to use this, it has created the armor. Though a problem I have been having is that when i log in, i doesn't work. I just given up on it, but i will go ahead and try it again or wait for a response. I've tried re-entering the game over and over and it hasn't worked. I tried making new gear and it didn't work. i followed EVERY step exactly repeatedly and it is still not working. Do you have any suggestions at this time? I will attempt to do it again but I'm not sure that it will work. I will reply to this again if it does work.
#127542934Saturday, March 08, 2014 10:16 AM GMT

Forget the grammer. use it for scripting instead :D.
#129192464Friday, March 28, 2014 6:53 PM GMT

I kinda understand the point of this but how do you get the armour to go on players?
#129700645Thursday, April 03, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

#131980506Saturday, April 26, 2014 9:47 PM GMT

The finish button isn't working.
#132163738Monday, April 28, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

Please add a way to where it doesnt automatically give it to you, like you step on it and it gives you it..like a morph. But other than that its great
#132177390Monday, April 28, 2014 10:21 PM GMT

...Okay. Alternate usage methods would be nice...but using a morph is easy and boring, just go get a morph kit. Otherwise, you ruin the point of even using this...do you know how cheap the "step on a button" morph looks? It's not pretty or professional either.
#132479747Friday, May 02, 2014 8:24 PM GMT

I've got a great suggestion...make a HAT REMOVER
#132598624Saturday, May 03, 2014 7:38 PM GMT

Its called hitting = in game.
#134844298Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

FYI u dont need no grammer it just so ppl get how to use it DUR
#136403722Sunday, June 08, 2014 7:49 PM GMT

This Does Not Make Cents
#145017699Sunday, August 31, 2014 10:54 PM GMT

Thx man
#145027423Monday, September 01, 2014 12:52 AM GMT

but using a morph is easy and boring, just go get a morph kit. Otherwise, you ruin the point of even using this...do you know how cheap the "step on a button" morph looks? That's what I wanted this plugin to be easy and boring. I have tried to find something where I can make armor but I cant and idc how cheap it looks
#147595851Thursday, October 09, 2014 3:13 AM GMT

How would I drag the shapes to my dummy though? When I click the shape it just makes the shape I clicked on appear at MY location,not on the dummy's torso.
#147893281Monday, October 13, 2014 6:23 PM GMT

yes finally i dont have to script every little tiny bits of my game thx bro!
#147893524Monday, October 13, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

did you even read it?
#147893605Monday, October 13, 2014 6:31 PM GMT

BEST... PLUGIN... IN ROBLOX HISTORY!!!!! 54573845734895734895/100
#148670055Monday, October 27, 2014 2:30 AM GMT

Thx It Is Veary Awsome! :D
#148869263Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

How To Fix... 1. Go Into The Armor You Just Made 2. Open Up The Script 3. Copy EVERYTHING 4. Create A LocalScript In The Armor 5. Paste Everything You Copied In The LocalScript 6. Name The LocalScript What The Original Script Was Called 7. Delete The Original Script 8. Try In Actual Game... And Done!

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