Top 25 Poster
#12731089Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:18 AM GMT

"Yes, yes there is."
#12731095Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:19 AM GMT

After the battle, I clean the blood off my labcoat. Then, I noticed sarah. I respond "The Aliens..there's some sort of Virus that triggers ontouch when we touch them...Maybe Hazard suits can help with your study" I say to sarah.
#12731122Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:20 AM GMT

"Good good..." I said and smiled.I wanted to find the cause of the infection inside the creature,and maybe find a cure.Though I doubted I would.
#12731125Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:20 AM GMT

*Runs down hallway* Zack: "I gotta find survivors fast!" *Barges in door* Some random guy jumps on Zacks back and starts hitting him with a stick Zack: "Aaah! Someone help me! I got one on my back!" Guy on back: "Didnt know they can talk that fluently." Zack: "Wait. I know that voice. I know that musty smell of Pina Colada. Jackson!" Guy on back: "You better die, Zombie!" Zack: "No, Im serious its me!" Guy on back: *Jumps off, stick ready* "Oh, so it is you." zack: "No kidding." *Rubs shoulder* Jackson: "So, any news?" Zack: "WEll jacks dead." Jackson: "Oh. So sorry to hear that."
Top 25 Poster
#12731135Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:21 AM GMT

I put on a Hazardous Enviroment suit.
#12731156Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:22 AM GMT

"Hey Dylan, can I have one too?"
#12731161Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:22 AM GMT

[is trapped in hallway with alot of zombies crowding me] [shoots all] [gets bit] Gat: AHHHHHHHCKKKKKKKKKK THERES ONLY ONE WAY OUT OF THIS [cuts arm where zombie bit me] [is in a big area with lots of zombies]
#12731162Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:22 AM GMT

"So where is the suit?" I said in a rush
Top 25 Poster
#12731176Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:23 AM GMT

I hand sarah a Hazardous Enviroment suit.
#12731185Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:24 AM GMT

Cysero: If I may...while I was watching your battle, I noticed the infected humans were attacking in a formation. They may have some sort of Intelligence. Jackson: Great, smart zombies? What's the world coming to now.. Cysero: Alert! I am detecting a radio transmission..coming from Washington DC, The Pentagon. Transmission: Transmission begin. '51? Are you there? '51? You there? I answer the transmission, speaking into the mic.."We..things..things have gone downfall here..Infected humanoids.." Transmission: Roger that. We have detected it to. We will send some troppers to investigate. Pentagon out. --end transmission- Jackson: You didn't even tell them the blastdoors are shut..
#12731210Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:25 AM GMT

[shoots most of zombie's] [trys to kill self with guns but is out of ammo] Gat: :o Gat:AHHHHHHHHHHHH*gets eaten by zombies surrounding me x_x
#12731234Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:27 AM GMT

You really took the easy way out of this. zack: "Thanks" *Puts on a suit* Zack: "So whats the situation now, Dylan?"
#12731268Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:29 AM GMT

Meanwhile, in a helicopter somewhere near Vegas.. Armoured Trooper: Alright, so, lemme get this strait. Your paying us 10 grand just to infiltrate Area-51? GOLD! Captain Ricey: That's right. But it's a search-and-rescue mission. Armoured Trooper: I've always wanted to see what Area 51 hides since I was a kid!
#12731315Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:31 AM GMT

Capt. Ricey: We're here! Armoured Trooper: This'll be a cakewalk. Armoured Trooper: Hey, Niko, put your armor on! Maybe they'll be some sort of aliens here! Niko: Don't get your hopes up. Armoured Trooper: Aw, come on! Live a little, the Goverment never knew this would happend, so, maybe they didn't hide the stuff.
#12731330Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:32 AM GMT

I had my suit on and was already examining the creature. "Where the hell is it!?" I asked myself
#12731788Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:00 AM GMT

Well youre free with words, Miss Spicy Tounge.
#12731853Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:04 AM GMT

#12731961Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:11 AM GMT

#12765559Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:08 PM GMT

>_> Name:Zero Sigma Age:21 Affilation: Special Forces Weapons: XM8, Glock, 2 Hand Grenades, Combat Knife Appearence:Light chest melee armor, camoflauge pants, grey tanktop, slightly tanned, muscled, black hair, brown eyes. Bio:Zero is a special forces trooper who has free runner-like skills, and massive experience as a Direct Action Attacker. (i.e. he prefers where he goes in, kills, and gets out.) The light armor helps keep him agile but not very well protected from bullets.
#12804919Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:04 PM GMT

#12841440Friday, August 14, 2009 4:50 PM GMT

Name: Micheal Conroy Age: 25 / 20 (depending on how many years this is before Operation: Alpha) Affilation: Surviving Scientists Weapons: Vertian XX Automatic Laser Gatling Gun (VALGG) Appearence: Red Labcoat, brown hair, brown eyes, jeans, and a white shirt Bio: Always wanted to be a scientist, the goverment was hiring when he was 10, so he faked his age and went on to be very successful. When he was transferred he vowed to himself after this point he would never stop being a scientist for the goverment no matter what, he questioned this when they shut down an entire section of Area 51 because of infected, he borrowed his weapon from scientists examining an alien, but never ended up giving it back since they were infected, and now reside in trying to breakdown the blast doors. He sits in his office (right across the hall from where Zack is) and studies the aliens. -for Operation: Alpha people, now you know what Micheal did before the alien war... and yes it was a ver eventful life......-
#12842690Friday, August 14, 2009 5:19 PM GMT

(That gives me an Idea.) At Sector Gamma... Scientist: Works well for the youngest mercanary. Xeno: Just give me my mission. Scientist 2: Alright, you are to clear and rescue Survivors in Sector Delta. They're scientists, not big mercanries or soldiers as you are. A armoury full of weapons open. Xeno grabs an XM8, Two colt 1911s, and a M249 as a special. Xeno: Now to the objective..
#12843589Friday, August 14, 2009 5:38 PM GMT

Blackhawk pilot:Gogogogo!!!! Zero and some Special Forces:*slide down a rope and land in front of Area 51* Special Force 1:Wow....I never thought I would get to see Area 51...evar. Zero:Shut up and get to work! Special Force 2:Who put you in charge? Zero:The President. Special Forces:o_o Zero:Blow a hole in the blast door! Special Force Demolitionist:Yes,sir....*plants some C4 around the edge of the blast door* Zero:Now everybody crawl into that vent up there!! Special Force 1:Then why did you have the C4 planted?! Zero:Everybody but the turretman crawl into that vent. Special Force 2:*facepalm* Special Force Turretman:*sets up a portable minigun behind some sandbags*Ready when you are! Zero:*climbs up into the vent* Special Force 1,2, and Demolitionist:*follow* Zero:Now, set of teh explosives!! Special Force Demolitionist:*presses a detonator, and a large explosion is heard* Zero:Crawl crawl crawl!! Special forces and Zero:*begins crawling forward* Infected:*come charging out the door* Turretman:BWAHAHAHA!!!*opens fire*
#12889326Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:13 PM GMT

Micheal: studing body in office *bump...bump...BOOM!* Micheal: oh great the zombies got through the first half of the blast doors again (there 4 blast doors....) *goes to controls and presses Turret Blast 4* That should make do with them...*several screams are heard as the zombies are pushed back, since the turret is in a hidden spot* *knock knock* Micheal: who could that be.....*slowly opens door to another non-infested room, gun in hand* * imediately a guy falls in the door, then stands up and sits down in a chair* Micheal: *closes and locks door* Jeff? How are you? Jeff:Oh my god! thank you so much... i would've died if another swarm came in! Micheal: Are there any others? Jeff: Zack and some others are in the room across the hall... Micheal: ... theres an underground tunnel to there.... Jeff: How do you know that? Micheal: This is my office! Jeff: Well not everyone's office has blastdoors for entryways!! Micheal: Anyways.... *starts searching for the tunnel*
#12890214Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:32 PM GMT

Zack: "We gotta get outta here fast, the blast doors wont last forever!"