#127443861Friday, March 07, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

STUDENT Name: Caine Isa Age: 16 Gender: Male Type: Ocab Appearance: (A few lines please, links are allowed.) (Ahem.) Caine is nearly at normal height for his age, but have excellent posture, and stands at a 5"9. Caine's face is sharp and angular, and he likes to raise his chin high- something he had done seemingly since he had grown such a face. He has deep, bloodied red hair with an auburn twist to it to make it shine in the light. This hair is more on the long side, and has bangs that sweep into his crystal-like light brown eyes. These eyes have nice- almost unnoticeable- bright amber rings in them. He naturally has a lovely tan skin tone- making people wonder if he has native american blood in him. (although he doesn't.) His eyelashes are long and dark red. He also has on a pair of small black studs for earrings, but they are hardly seen over the tips of his hair. His lips and cheeks are a slightest more pink then the rest of his skin- making him seem usually cold. (If no uniform/ on days to not wear a uniform=) Caine has nice-fitting jeans that are usually deep gray, black, brown, or white. Turtlenecks of black mostly that fit his lanky figure well, and maybe a fitting T-shirt here and there. However, he always has Black dress shoes and a nice jacket with the schools logo on the chest. Personality: (Again, at least 2 lines.)Some say that It is a true shame that Caine is an Ocab when they first meet him, but others who know him well know Caine's act. While Caine seems very calming and trusting to talk too- all he really is is a brown-noser. He has an incredibly smooth; slick act to himself that everybody ends up usually liking him because he makes them feel like somebody cares. Maybe on the inside, An angel to know at first (and to every adult, forever) , but a true- slick-talking devil on the inside to everybody else. Its not unnatural to say that he is also very intelligent. Nobody knows why he brings people way up high to only tear them back down low and pitiful, but some say that he is truly a sadist on the inside. (Sadist= A person who enjoys seeing another in pain.) Bio: (Yes, it is required.) Grew up with his mother and father- who work for a big business and never had the time for Caine to ever play with him or care for him. He had many different nannies though his life, one quitting after the other when they mentioned the child was a criminal- but of course, he sat angelically in his room all by himself. They had reported that all he did was be iscolated and not do a single thing. They had reported that strange things had been going on to them since they had first started babysitting him. Concerned, his parents sent him off to boarding school in an attempt to force him to get friends. After five long years of not seeing Caine, they decided it was time, and had him sent back. Caine had come back like a pleasant-faced social, smooth gentleman, like they had wanted. Little did they know, the crazy rage boiling underneath his skin had grown much fiercer. They didn't know that all those five years, there had been trouble at his boarding school for 'unknown and explainable' reasons. Many kids had been unknowingly hurt by Caine. And they didn't even realize it could have ever been him when they figured about his magic. They didn't know when they sent him off to Leginna that his rage would grow further underneath that calming, smooth-talking mouth. Other: I believe there is no secret code. c;
#127448672Friday, March 07, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

Daichi, Hissey, doodle - Accepted NOWICAN - More detail. Anyone can join, I think there's only one or two people who I'm removing.
#127449701Friday, March 07, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

Name: Kayden Kaspersky Grimm. Age: Sixteen years of age, his birthday, however, is May 6th. Gender: Male, of course. Type: Caegan. Appearance: (A few lines please, links are allowed.) Kayden stands at about 6'1, which, in his opinion he considers to be rather average for a guy his age. He weighs in at something around 150, his frequent activities keeping his build lean. Being tall, he is also lanky, and has a tendency to trip over his feet, or to accidentally knock something over with a backhand. However, he is a veteran runner, with lean, sinewy muscles. With skin colour that resembles something close to a creamy pale, with a hint of peach, he's certainly strange. Due to his fair skin, whenever Kaydenis pressured to blush, his skin instantly heats up, becoming a splotchy, fiery red. Freckles can be spotted, falling over his nose and even lightly crossing into his cheeks. His eyes are stormy. Not gray, exactly, or blue or brown or hazel, or green. His eyes were all colours, and no colour, nothing fixed. His eyes, are the kind of eyes that, depending on the light, were green one moment, and hazel the next. Even blue. The only constant in them, was the oddly colour specks that floated around his irises, a redish-brown, clay-like. A rounded appearance, his eyes hold, they are lashed by his long, thick lashes, which have been described as "lashes" a girl could kill for. Kayden's features could be described more as "rugged", or "sculpted", with prominent cheekbones and a chin. His hair is a dark, frenzied mess. Though while it isn't curly, his hair wouldn't be described as straight either. It can be called wavy, because, as stated, it was a mix of the two. It's also rare to see Kayden comb it, as he prefers the mismatched strands and such. As for the accurate colour description, it's dark...almost black in colour with the occasional lighter streak of brown running through. His eyebrows match his hair colour, as in most cases. On some days, Kayden will run around with a faint stubble on his chin. Personality: (Again, at least 2 lines.) Kayden, at times isn't the easiest of all people to get along with. He his a man of many faces, a boy of many sides, and his moods blink in and out of anger, to happiness. In a short note, the teenager could be described as loyal; for his undying faith, stubborn; for his refusal to give up on a task, and brazen; for his quick reactions, that sometimes get him into trouble. Loyalty, Distrusful] Kayden was born with the ability of faith, of loyalty. He's there by one's side when they need it, and is not afraid to lend a hand. He refuses to let go of a friend, even if they have declared him an enemy, to, an extent which could be described as annoying. However, for those around them, this side of him comes at a price. He is distrustful towards newcomers at first, and it takes a while for his protective, hard shell to crack, though this isn't a impossible feat. Another fault of this trait is that he can be blind to that friend's worse faults, which can lead him into trouble. And although he isn't gullible, is he has so much faith in one friend, then he can be lead into a trap. Stubborn, Thick-headed] Stubborn, a trait common among the Grimm family. Kayden has the belief that he can accomplish any task, no matter how hard, how despairing with the simple thought of being determined. A hardworker, the teenager never gives up, no matter the cost, and will stubbornly hold onto those close to him. Stubborn as an a--, it's hard to get out of an argument when you've engaged one with him, and convincing him otherwise of a fact is useless. So said, Kayden has a problem with authority, he's simply not one to listening to the order's of others, and will often act out on his own, [no matter the cost] He also has a thick-skull, and to drive a point into his brain, one might have to repeat the same thing, over and over, even if he does get annoyed. Brazen, Courageous] He's a young man, and like most young men, Kayden has the ability to be unfazed, untouched by the actions[and/or words] of others. He enjoys diving into the fray, being on the front line, simply for the thrill-seeking and action, claiming "The back line doesn't get any fun, this is where I belong". At times, he's shown unmatchable courage, by sacrificing himself so that a friend may go on, so deep his loyalty runs. Impatient, Sloppy] Now, he may be stubborn, but at times Kayden has shown the ability that he can't sit still. A horrible stealth missioner, it's impossible to stop him from making a sound, whether it's the faint click his leg makes as it jiggles, or an annoying scratching sound with his hands. Bored easy, it's hard to keep his attention focused on one thing at a time, as he will often glance around and miss out on instruction. The only exception is when he's working[or in a task, argument], as he is competitive, and he wants to win. Bio: (Yes, it is required.) Can it be explained throughout the roleplay, I'm actually pretty terrible at these. Brief overview, however] Born in Chicago, Illinois. His mum's name is Iliana, his father, Aridol. Both had the genetic [recessive] gene of Wiccanism[If it exists, xD, I'd assume it's genetics], however the gene came out dominant in Kayden. His parents both died when Kayden was twelve, due to circumstances Kayden would rather not talk about. Other: Well, you did state there was no secret code. Hmmm.
#127449880Friday, March 07, 2014 1:55 AM GMT

Accepted. I'll make my CS (It'll be short, I warn you.) Then we'll begin.
#127450337Friday, March 07, 2014 1:59 AM GMT

#127451679Friday, March 07, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

STUDENT Name: Alanna A. Allison Age: 13 Gender: Female Type: Avalen Appearance: http://anime.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/603071/ That picture doesn't show everything. Alanna is 5'0", making her short for her age. She weighs a little under 100 pounds, and the rest is on the picture. Personality: Alanna is a leader, who hate to be told what to do. She never backs down from something she believes in, and will not bow down to authority. This applies especially if Alanna thinks that something is unfair. Alanna loves making friends, and will happily help new people. She's a very friendly type of person, and this is shown by her actions. Alanna loathes sitting still, and will often be seen bouncing in place. Alanna classifies herself as a 'nerd' because she loves reading and math and doing well in school. She'll sometimes go overboard to be the best, as Alanna is extremely competitive. Bio: Alanna grew up in Paris, France. She lived there for the first ten years of her life, and only moved to America when she was ten. She still keeps some things from her home country, and tries to hide her accent. Alanna can speak English, but will sometimes say wrong phrases. She has a twin sister, Lara, who lived in America for most of her life. Other: Alanna is far-sighted, and wears contacts to conceal this fact. (I'm going to make the magic teacher, Lara, and the principal in a little while.)
#127452174Friday, March 07, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

Can I reserve the Science teacher? And will the starting post be made, now? ;?
#127452214Friday, March 07, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

Yes, you can, and we'll start when I finish the principal.
#127452499Friday, March 07, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

TEACHER Name: Kelli Ingram Age: 24 Gender: Female Wants to Teach: Powers 101 Appearance: http://anime.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1066632/ Personality: Kelli is very hyper and loves her students. However, she is not a lenient teacher. Kelli will reprimend students who disobey her, but with unusual methods. Rather than send a student down to the office for talking in class, Kelli will make the student sing a song in front of his or her fellow students. Kelli is extremely organized, and this shows in her lessons. SHORT Bio: Kelli went to Leginna herself when she was a young girl. However, when a teacher made her angry, Kelli may or may not have accidentally...burnt down the school. She lived on the run for the next ten or so years of her life, but finally came back to her original homeplace. This led to her getting a job as the Powers teacher. Other: n/a (Principal will be made in a minute. Male or female?)
#127452701Friday, March 07, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

#127452732Friday, March 07, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

Vam, get out.
#127453040Friday, March 07, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

#127454056Friday, March 07, 2014 2:41 AM GMT

Will students being inducted into the school already have small flashes of unnatural ability before being selected for a house? Oh, and also, can Caegan possess animals as well?
#127454524Friday, March 07, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

A) They're not houses. They're types of witches and warlocks. Essentially, you have your own dorm room, but that's the kind of witch you are. It's not required to hang out with your type, but most do. And what happened last time was that it was just announced, but here? Each student will get called up to demonstrate their powers, at which point they'll be shown which type they are. B) Animals are allowed at the school, and you may have one at most.
#127455717Friday, March 07, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

M'kay. I'll choose a Australian Barn Owl. They're my favorite type of.prey-bird.
#127457203Friday, March 07, 2014 3:14 AM GMT

TEACHER Name: Jerome Clarke Age: 35 Gender: Male Wants to Teach: Principal Appearance:Jerome has tan skin, blue eyes and short, straight blonde hair.He is 5' 6" and has a medium build.His clothes are usually quite masculine and he usually wears darker colors than most.Jerome has a faint scar on his right foot.People tend to find him very attractive, as he looks younger than he really is. Personality: Jerome isn't a 'haha funny' type person. He rarely laughs, and doesn't smile much at all. He is very strict with the students, and picks a few favorites. There are many rumors flying about him, none of which have been confirmed. SHORT Bio: Jerome is the son of a principal from a while ago. He gained the position after the new principal died....in an accident....nothing more. Other: n/a
#127457656Friday, March 07, 2014 3:20 AM GMT

Yay, so will you make the starting post now? ]
#127457990Friday, March 07, 2014 3:24 AM GMT

(We might have to wait for more people...I think you and I are the only ones here.)
#127458635Friday, March 07, 2014 3:32 AM GMT

I have to go soon anyways, but I was hoping to squeeze an starting post in before I go to sleep.
#127465513Friday, March 07, 2014 5:11 AM GMT

Ummmm Does anyone notice i'm here.... XD
#127465686Friday, March 07, 2014 5:15 AM GMT

I know you're here, but we'll have to begin tomorrow. Sorry :( “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” - George Carlin
#127466365Friday, March 07, 2014 5:28 AM GMT

Awwww D:
#127466512Friday, March 07, 2014 5:31 AM GMT

TEACHER Name:Ms.Poppins Namberg Gwendelen (Thats just my last name but students usually call me Ms.poppins Age:52 Gender:Female Wants to Teach:Powers 101 Appearance:White hair, She looks like a human but is actually a Witch, She is a size of a tall 6th grader Personality: She is very nice and likes to bake cookies! While she is strict with childeren not doing homerwork, shes a pretty chill gramma SHORT Bio:She has been teaching at Leginna School for Witches and Warlocks for 32 years and is a Tilawen witch Other:she likez cats
#127467787Friday, March 07, 2014 6:02 AM GMT

Nope. There is so much wrong with that, let me begin A) We already have a teacher for that B) That is such a bad character, it looks like a troll C) Just....no. “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” - George Carlin
#127471654Friday, March 07, 2014 11:04 AM GMT

(Sorry I went to sleep >.<