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#127528918Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:34 AM GMT

Of why I will never vote for anyone like Obama and his ridiculous policies that allow people who do nothing all day to live off the hard working man's money
#127528962Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:35 AM GMT

#127529166Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:37 AM GMT

It's too late, social equality is coming no matter how much you hate it.. You can't just lock everyone inside slums to shoot each other anymore, in fact I've hustled myself into multiple financial aid programs and might even be able to slip myself into a CC and get a decent job.
#127529359Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

1. Financial aid has nothing to do with what I'm talking about 2. Community College will not get you a good job lol unless you like making $20,000 a year
#127529426Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:40 AM GMT

And America has had social equality all along lol.
#127529497Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:41 AM GMT

mb1 I got a letter from some science universty in Philly I'm serious
#127529577Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:42 AM GMT

You're so disconnected, thigns are still really bad, a lot of people I know have gotten turned down because of their race or even just their background of where they're from/their accent that's "too urban".
#127529789Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:45 AM GMT

1. Being a minority actually gives you an advantage when applying for financial aid and scholarships so let's throw that ignorant statement out the window right there 2. Being "too urban" is a polite way of saying you're ghetto and you can't form a proper sentence and conduct yourself in a proper manner
#127529875Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:46 AM GMT

And you can't use that excuse either cause I'm pretty sure people like Ben Carson grew up dirt poor in city streets with crap education and still managed to climb their way to the top using hard work. Like I said, you're just using crappy excuses.
#127529903Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:46 AM GMT

runes right. Hello sir how are you today is proper aye dawg what u up 2 mi home boi swag swag ayeeee is urban
#127529924Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:47 AM GMT

"1. Being a minority actually gives you an advantage when applying for financial aid and scholarships so let's throw that ignorant statement out the window right there" Which judging by your beliefs, you seem to be very strongly against. "2. Being "too urban" is a polite way of saying you're ghetto and you can't form a proper sentence and conduct yourself in a proper manner" Because public schooling is terrible and no one learns anything there?
#127530084Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:48 AM GMT

Which judging by your beliefs, you seem to be very strongly against. ____________________________________________________________ Maybe if you actually paid attention or learned something, you would realize that my "beliefs" have nothing to do with financial aid or scholarships, and that the wealthy are mostly the ones that provide financial aid and scholarships anyway Also, there's something called the internet. Teach yourself. The entire world is at your fingertips. That's not an excuse anymore. If you really wanted to be something and have a decent life you would find a way to succeed.
#127530103Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:49 AM GMT

And this isn't my own justice, I'm working on getting out, but I'd rather stay here and die with my friends rather than abandon them in NP.
#127530311Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:51 AM GMT

Then stop wasting the wealthy person's money that's providing you financial aid and let it go to someone who actually wants to make something out of their life.
#127530427Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:53 AM GMT

"Also, there's something called the internet. Teach yourself. The entire world is at your fingertips. That's not an excuse anymore. If you really wanted to be something and have a decent life you would find a way to succeed." Very few people here can afford a computer, and Mike Nutter (the man dedicated to the destruction of minority youth) is closing down libraries like crazy, so there's no where to learn outside of school.
#127530556Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

"Then stop wasting the wealthy person's money that's providing you financial aid and let it go to someone who actually wants to make something out of their life." Woah hold on a second there cuh lmao. How did you pick up that I don't want to make anything of my life? And what makes you think you know what my intentions are for my career future?
#127530580Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

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#127530636Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:55 AM GMT

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#127530705Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:56 AM GMT

"I'd rather stay here and die with my friends rather than abandon them in NP" Man, I would really hate to be that wealthy person that you make fun of every day who's actually your ticket to having a decent life
#127530708Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:56 AM GMT

i actually understand why mb1 wouldn't go to college. it's way too much money just to get a piece of paper everyone else has while getting debt you won't pay off until you're beyond 40.
#127530748Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:57 AM GMT

cheesey if i dont move soon i probably will, this place is going crazy.
#127530780Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:57 AM GMT

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#127530851Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:58 AM GMT

this is why you can never hold an argument on the sf because 99% of the time, its always one-sided and the other person's blindness to a subject drags out the argument
#127530961Saturday, March 08, 2014 4:59 AM GMT

it's way too much money just to get a piece of paper everyone else has while getting debt you won't pay off until you're beyond 40. _____________________________________________________________________________ People wouldn't be in debt if they actually paid attention in school and studied hard enough to get financial aid Did you know $1 billion in unclaimed scholarship money goes unclaimed every year in the United States?

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