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#127610126Sunday, March 09, 2014 2:30 AM GMT

PLOT/BACKSTORY A massive empire reaching across much of the world (Based from European and Roman culture) has propelled itself into the industrial age with the help of a gimmicky plot-device material that powers their machines. As the empire grows ever larger, its need for the mineral is paramount in order to avoid collapsing in on itself. How convenient must it be that the empire has discovered a massive continent where the resource is plentiful? Too bad the continent is a hellish jungle that's filled with dangerous flora, fauna and other hazards that make mining extremely difficult. To make problems worse, these wilds are inhabited by a group of natives who will fervently prevent any kind of expansion into their lands and have no problems with using violence to keep outsiders away. THE ACTUAL ROLE-PLAY You are part of the very first expedition team that will head to the heart of the jungle, where the resources are, to mine it clean of the energy material. Because of the fact that the jungle is so hazardous, every single member of the expedition must be able to fend for themselves against the dangerous wildlife and tribesmen. It's 19-early 20th century weaponry. Early rifles, revolvers, as well as more reliable sabres and bows are all use-able. Melee does much more damage, while ranged is safer. Random events will happen, such as members of the expedition being poisoned by flowers or entire wagons in the mechanical caravan being lost in the swamp. Good and bad occurrences can happen to any player, as well as some NPCs that are vital to the game. The ultimate goal is to make it to the mining site and establishing the base, at which point the role-play basically ends to prevent the thread from stagnating. The role-play will be like Oregon trail through a rainforest with dungeon crawler elements mixed in. It's nothing original, but I think I could make it work.
#127661227Sunday, March 09, 2014 6:16 PM GMT

Of course no one replies. Wouldn't want to steal Anime Hunger Games Magic School #154,143's thunder.
#127670579Sunday, March 09, 2014 8:05 PM GMT

so edgy
#127674023Sunday, March 09, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

why does this remind me of dishonoured and the pandyssian continent
#127679367Sunday, March 09, 2014 9:37 PM GMT

On a more serious note, this is an interesting idea, but it just doesn't appeal to me. Y'know, frankly, I don't think many of these RPers would be interested. I would recommend visiting the KNCRP freeforums, where a lot of our veterans have migrated (unless you're an alt and you already know about that site).
#127686106Sunday, March 09, 2014 10:51 PM GMT

I actually took a lot more influence from Bastion that I should have. Most of my RP ideas don't translate well into practice because I either end up railroading the entire plot or waste too much time on the plot itself so that there's not much roleplaying involved. But tell me more about that forum.
#127686782Sunday, March 09, 2014 10:59 PM GMT

Well, if you recognize the names 'Drow', 'Kerion', or 'Jinxy', they all collaborated on KNCRP and continue to manage it to this day. A lot of our more experienced RPers role-play there, and I think you'd fit right in there. There's plenty of fantasy/steampunk RPers there, if I'm not mistaken.

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