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#127860170Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

TL;DR Burying SFers Relationships since now. #over
#127860223Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

SCrew dem ho3s roblox for the win wtf am I saying I really have no life congrates man start handing out some resumes talk to both of your famleys maybe get an apartment and maybe in a few baby david jr will be born I support you all the way if you leave roblox you still gota be my Skype pal
#127860502Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

Or are you? ;)
#127860770Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:30 AM GMT

I'm one year behind you, but I have never mentioned the idea of marriage. I work at GameStop right now, hoping go go to UW Madison. Good luck.
#127860875Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

WOAH! First let me see a picture of Megan then we will decide from there
#127861170Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

1. Remove all thoughts about getting your life started without a college degree 2. Pursue a college degree, encourage her to get one as well 3. The longer you stay in school, the more money you make 4. If you both come out still committed to eachother, great, you can then start a life. 5. more likely than not, you both will have casted away from eachother, but thats just part of life. you can easily find someone else as a replacement if that does happen. 6. good luck
#127861433Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

cant put a price on love guys no matter what she looks like they are there for each other david think about #debt you savior to everything debt is amazing
#127861775Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

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#127863537Wednesday, March 12, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

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