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#128164626Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

-:] Story -:] Races -:] Magic -:] Rules -:] Admins -:] Character Sheet [STORY] Aloria, a large and flourishing land, filled with many different creatures and species. However, two evil nuisances have attacked this land both at different times and have luckily been smited. Ahramin, the personification of chaos and evil itself had arisen, but was pushed back to his resting place, the Void, by his brother Norath, the God of light. But now, Norath too has fallen, tricked by his devious children and wife sides with Ahramin. Aloria was once a peaceful, bright place where magic flew throughout the land, a land known for it's treacherous and ridiculously tall mountains, plains as far as the eye could see, and deep forests. All the beauty in this land is on the verge of destruction, with an evil awakening in the east and threatening the future for all of Aloria; Ahramin. He was fated to an eternity of sleep by the elder gods, he has lain dormant up until now. Now that the elder gods have abandoned Alora, he rises. He and his evil legion of Specters seek to destroy all light and happiness within our once amazing and beautiful world. [RACES] Elves - Elves are... elves. Tall, slender, what you would expect to see in a mostly carnivorous race. Technically evolved from reptiles, elves can dislocate their jaws to swallow their prey whole. Elves secrete a cocoon-like substance from the tips of their tongues, which they craft both string and poison arrow tips with, as well as using the substance to both poison and entrap their opponents. This substance can also be used to coat their hands, allowing for wall-crawling combined with their unnatural dislocation ability. Dwarves - Dwarves are a short species, the tallest growing up to around 5'0. They dwell mostly within caves, and barely care for hygiene. Their lifepsans are very short, as they end at around 40 or 50 years. Man - The race of man, most men are tall, ranging from 7-8 feet, and burly. Men are a fickle race, constantly disputing with one another throughout the land, and hard to unify. But when man truly finds an adversary worth unifying against, they are nearly unstoppable wiht their grim determination, hearts of steel, and strength of unity. Specter( Agents of the Evil entity to the east, I will only allow so many of these.) Usually working with necromancy, Specters are under the control of Ahramin. Standing at up to 8'0, they are extremely tall and have hideous faces. Their skin is literally white; a ghastly white. [MAGIC] Everyone in Aloria is born with magic in their veins, however not every citizen may use it. Magic can be only created by biological creatures born into it. Additionally, magic changes form based on it's user's morality and personality(e.g. an assassin's magic would be dark enough to move through the dark, and accurate enough to kill someone, while a priest's magic is more likely to summon blinding lights to stun infidels.) Magic is controlled by it's user's mind, so the more creative the user, the more the magic can do, and, as it can fluctuate with the user's emotions, magic can also change in mid casting if the caster becomes distracted. [RULES] 1. No godmodding, meta gaming, OOC knowledge, etc.. 2. I am not responsible for any bans you receive for breaking ROBLOX rules. 3. Magic at the most is small, no insane amounts of magical power. 4. Romance allowed, but keep it minimal. 5. Admins can accept / decline CS's, create events, and make up new rules as we go. [ADMINS] Me of course >.> Hydreigons SwedishLemon Kenzieroo [CHARACTER SHEET] Name: Appearance: Attire: Gender: Personality: Inventory: Weaponry: Magic?: Bio: Race:
#128164726Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

Most men are 7-8 ft? Are these supposed to be humans? "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." - George Carlin
#128164832Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

My elf sheet want accepted. Nooooooooooooow!
#128165293Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

Name: Darikinth Cortexil Appearance: Slightly short for a Man, with green eyes and black, wavy hair. He has a crooked nose from breaking it one too many times, and a scar on his shoulder from a swordfight. Attire: Peasant's clothes, but he also has a sword that he doesn't bother to hide. Gender: M Personality: Determined, cautious, cunning. Inventory: A sword, some food. Weaponry: A sword Magic?: No Bio: Born a few years ago, his parents left him in a forest for dead for some reason. He had to survive on his own, stealing food. He eventually joined an organization of bandits, and climbed through the ranks, becoming the leader of a small bandit troupe. Race: Man Other: I'm getting lazy with my CS's. Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128166699Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

Accepted And alannal, they are based off the Norse vikings, who usually were in that range.
#128169391Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

Do we begin now? Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128169726Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

damn norse vikings were huge
#128169737Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

No, let's wait for a few more people.
#128170146Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

@Diamond: damn Lebron Jameses were huge Bannanachair 10K unleashed!
#128170468Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:25 AM GMT

so is magic johnson
#128227733Sunday, March 16, 2014 5:39 PM GMT


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