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#128567301Friday, March 21, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

Introduction ~ This is a GRSA thread, you have been warned. --- My name is DiamondDragonair and I am the creator of the GRSA series! And this RP is not what you think it is. So, let's begin? yeah i dont care Background ~ The world blew up, that's what happened. Two years later, though and there is sure no way as heck these kids would know. Last year, however, these teenagers lost their memories after the world almost ended and three people died and blah blah blah. However, this takes place in the void between time, the peace before calamity. This is the erased years before the death of everything and everyone. ========================================== You're wandering around for a while, in a little meadow in what seems to be a country side. You're confused, walking in a jerky motion until you wake up again and again, a never ending cycle of you waking up and falling asleep. And then, you're home. It's quiet. You look around, there is nobody in sight. It's odd, you think. However, you then turn around. A young man, handsome indeed, with radiant eyes that seem to change color based on his mood. His hair was bright pink as he was dressed in a jetblack suit, smiling brilliantly. You can't recall whatever may have occured, though you find yourself in a large main hall type of room, as if you were in a hotel with people your age. Two ladies stand by the door, grinning an oddly fake smile as they hold hands. One of the girls was virtually undescribable and the other had short blonde messy hair with hazel eyes. Welcome back to the book club, everyone. ASHE POSSIBILITIES - YOU START OUT WITH NO POWER! ( *If you were in previous Roleplay(s) and acquired a power, you can start with your power. ) TIERS --- TIER I : Dear sweetness, why would you want this ability? JUST TAKE IT! TIER II : Normal abilities, common. TIER III : Rarer powers, limited and unique. TIER IIII : Extremely rare, very valuable. Previous RP Ashe : Character was in a previous RP and obtained a power or more in the RP. (EXAMPLE : Tord can turn into any animal, Utopia is a time traveler and she has lived multiple lives with different appearances, etc.) Admin only powers : Admins. Yeah. You'll have to message me if you want to have your character have a power, after we get at least 20 pages. -----------------------------------------RULES 1. Be polite out of RP. 2. Put 'C00L K1D' in other. 3. No Godmodding/stuff 4. Yes; this RP WILL have powers. 5. No controlling NPCs. 6. "It's not in the rules!" is not an option. 7. Yes, it is possible to figure out the secrets of this place. 8. No killing characters without the person who made the character's permissions. 9. Please, do not act like you are like hulk even if your character is under an influence. 10. Remember, always obey me. 11. Eventually, depending on certain factors, your character may acquire a power; wether it's good or bad is your choice. 12. If you leave, you are automatically considered a disgrace. 13. Put 'Snickers' in 'Other' 14. Have fun! 15. I do not mind triggering things like self-harm, just please don't do it too much because there are people who get easily offended. 16. Have fun! Again! CHARACTER FORM - Name : Age : Gender : Interests : Appearance : Bio : Personality : Were you in a previous GRS RP? : If so, did you have powers? : Do you promise not to quit? : Other : Start at the main lobby. And remember, I must accept you. Admins are as follows : ElectricBlaze Penut2 Foxesrcool554 EpicChic TheDeadDemon etc. Have fun!
#128568793Friday, March 21, 2014 2:18 AM GMT

CHARACTER FORM - Name : Charlotte Martin Age : 17 Gender : Female Interests : Art and writing Appearance : Dark tanned skin, light brown hair that is straight and reaches to her mid-back. Blue eyes. Her left leg has been missing since birth, so Charlotte walks with silver crutches. 5'6, 137 pounds Bio : Charlotte was born in a happy home in Australia. As she grew used to her missing left leg, she also grew a passion for the arts. She couldn't act or sing, but she could paint and draw and write. When she turned 7, she moved to the US due to a job transfer for her father. She went to a normal school until Gray Ridge Sky Academy. Then, Charlotte got to school and met Natsuki, a Japanese kid that basically lives with Piyo-Chan. She went on a date with Ace and stuff happened and then BOOM POW BWOOOOSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSH EARTH IS OVAR yeah thats kinda all i got Personality : Charlotte is a fun and happy girl once you meet her. She doesn't let her leg stand in her way and is very outgoing. She can get angry at several things, one is when people are all sympathetic to her. She carries around a sketchbook and notebook everywhere, as well as she crutches, of course. She will get jealous if you touch Ace, though. Were you in a previous GRS RP? : Yeah If so, did you have powers? : Hell yeah Do you promise not to quit? : Probably Other : C00L K1D'S SNICKERS
#128569075Friday, March 21, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

ayyyy fox welcome back I'll probably get mine in tomorrow.
#128569429Friday, March 21, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

Well I was mentioned, that was a started? And why'd you give away Tord's super-secret ability? ;c
#128569717Friday, March 21, 2014 2:28 AM GMT

CHARACTER FORM - Name : Gwendolyn Abby Thaniter Age : 15 Gender : Female Interests : Reading, math, science, physiology, Appearance : Gwendolyn has light blonde hair that hangs over her eyes. Her glasses are a dark brown and frame her icy blue eyes. Her eyes hide a secret, but it would take a mastermind to figure it out. She has freckles on her pale face that surround her nose. She has a wiry build and is short. As in 4'11 short. Along with her shortness, she weighs 103 pounds. Gwendolyn wear's a prison uniform, seeing as the world ended while she was still in prison. On her body, there are several cuts, scratches and bruises and she walks with a hunch. Bio : Gwendolyn had a normal childhood. Her parents never divorced and were usually happy. Her brother Zach annoyed the crap out of her, as did Leah, with her 'boy issues' and her 'reputation being ruined because of her nerdy younger sister' and 'my boyfriend died in a freak accident'. That's all. Nothing to do with Gwendolyn. Nope. Not a bit. Okay, fine, I'll tell you. Gwendolyn did this crazy thing to his motorcycle and it went boom and stuff. Okay, then Gwen showed up at Gray Ridge Sky Academy and went on a limo trip and met Collyn and grew hatred for Utopia. She taught Collyn sign language and was gonna get in a romantical relationship with him until Utopia regenerated into the 14th doctor and began freaking out, provoking Gwen. Gwen then attempted murder on Utopia, only to get caught and thrown in jail with a sucky lawyer named Vinny. So, she's pretty sure all chances with Collyn are gone. Personality : Gwendolyn used to be your stereotypical nerd who loved to read and was all quiet and smart and crap, but not anymore. Our new Gwennie is still quiet, but doesn't boast in her smartness. She, now, is usually hunched and staring in a corner, muttering to herself and contemplating life. Yes, she will still talk and love and crap, but Collyn, you better watch out cuz ain't nothing stoppin' you from this fine hunka woman. Also, Utopia, watch out. Were you in a previous GRS RP? : Yes If so, did you have powers? : Pshhshshshsh, no Do you promise not to quit? : Sure Other : YO DAWG DEZ BE MI SNICKERS YO CUZ ONLY C00L K1D'S GET SNICKERS
#128569895Friday, March 21, 2014 2:30 AM GMT

hi marked
#128570021Friday, March 21, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

@Jp hi jp thank u for marking ~~o.o~~ squidly armssss
#128570159Friday, March 21, 2014 2:33 AM GMT

@pawz Sorry pawz, I just needed an example ;-; plus i have a stuffy nose. anyway, RP will start tomorrow. because stuffy nose and lateness. and my character forms will also come tomorrow.
#128570182Friday, March 21, 2014 2:33 AM GMT

I feel like one of those CS questions were specifically directed at me. Hmm.]
#128570659Friday, March 21, 2014 2:39 AM GMT

CHARACTER FORM - Name : Sammy Tomlinson Age : 17 Gender : Male Interests : Video games, poetry Appearance : Sammy has curly blonde locks that fall over his light green eyes that sparkle in the light. He has a bunch of orange freckles dotting his face. He has dimples that run deep into the sides of his cheek. His left ear is pierced with a diamond stud. Sammy is 5'6 and weighs 148 pounds. He has a lanky build and sometimes walks hunched over. Bio : Sammy was born in California and grew up like a normal boy, playing video games and riding his bike and whatever normal boys do. Though, while he grew up, instead of looking for girls, he studied boys and grew interested with him. After middle school, his family moved, so Sammy had to go to Gray Ridge Sky Academy. yeah thats kinda it Personality : Sammy is usually an upbeat person, but is easily effected by harsh words. He will try to stick up for you though, as the kind person he is. If you push him to his max, Sammy will turn mean and you don't want to see him mean. He is sorta flamboyant, but not really, as well as flirtatious. To guys, I mean. Were you in a previous GRS RP? : Nope If so, did you have powers? : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Do you promise not to quit? : i guess Other : IM SUCH A C00L K1D, MOMMY GAVE ME A SNICKERS BAR
#128570695Friday, March 21, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

@Pawz probs bio totally bio u joinin mate
#128570892Friday, March 21, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

Accepted! we need to like schedule a time that we'll all be on at or something i suggest you get your forms in tonight so later tomorrow i can get mine in and we can start and all
#128572036Friday, March 21, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

Tord didn't seem to have changed much, he shuffled in that old, cocky scowl[smirk...?] still centered on his face. In truth, perhaps he did look a little different after all, a little changed.... Like the old times, however, he still held his guitar, his trusty comfort object of his younger High School Days. Ugh, High School. To observe one closely, one might noticed the etched, prominent lines of his face. Shallow, perhaps, but Tord's fiery brown eyes held a looked that one could describe as...haunted. It was like past demons had swarmed him again, or never left at all. For once, his once thin frame seemed even thinner, gaunt, perhaps, with sinewy muscles. Tord was still in no way, considered uber-tall, as he came in at around 5'11, a rather average height it seemed. As for his weight, eh...well, he hadn't been that hungry in the last year, dropping him down to 132. Yup, that thin. His messy[spiky] brown hair was, however, as long as ever, with wisps just floating past his ears. It seemed darker now, as if the sunlight had reached him for years. His skin held a rather pallid, pale tone, with only a hint of that creamy pale normally associated with a average cacasion male. Of course, Tord wasn't average, and hadn't been for three years. It seemed he remembered, but refused to speak of it. After what the teenager now referred to as 'The Incident', Tord's parents him had taken to see a Doctor. Y'know, the 'special' Doctor. Like many, he tried to convince the former boy that his demons were fake, never existed, and it was all a strange hoax. But how could he forget, his memory refused to let him, not to mention the other 'side' problem. The ASHE. Sixteen now, Tord, was older, and wiser. He had long since learned when to speak, and when to stay silent. He was accustomed to silence by now, and had mastered his 'wolf stare', which either warned those around him to 'stay away', or 'get lost'. Either seemed fine to him. He was a loner, for him, 'Old Habits die hard', and he preferred it that way. Getting tangled up in a crowd was a good excuse to get dragged into something you don't want to do. He stayed out of that. His interests, too, stayed the same, with the slight edition of gaming, and animating to his already existing music composition, drawing, and singing. As for his personality, eh, well you'll have to see for yourself. Tord was...simply Tord. Check-off. Name : [x] Age : [x] Gender : [x] Interests :[x] Appearance : [x] Bio : [x] Personality : [..] Were you in a previous GRS RP? : [x] If so, did you have powers? : [x] Do you promise not to quit? : Is this required. Other : Whatever you put in 'other'. Collyn CS coming up. YAY, he's not dead!
#128572227Friday, March 21, 2014 2:59 AM GMT

#128572375Friday, March 21, 2014 3:01 AM GMT

#128572406Friday, March 21, 2014 3:01 AM GMT

@pawz yes that is required
#128572480Friday, March 21, 2014 3:02 AM GMT

Collyn stood off to the side, a small shadow in the shroud of people. Since Highschool, he seemed like he hadn't change very much. Short, thin, and well, still mute & deaf, having refused the newest treat that 'does wonders for your hearing!' Ya, not. Fiften[ish] now, Collyn stood at approximately 5'4 feet[an additional two inches, oh goodie! What a rebel!] and weighing in at 123 pounds. The opposite of Tord, Collyn seemed vibrant, healthy, with bright eyes and [almost]unblemished skin. His curls had gotten longer, and a shade lighter, becoming a redish-amber, a fact in which he reveled in. Okay, okay, it was a dark amber, but it was still better then plain brown. Elf-like ears pushed their way out from his mass of hair, tipped on the ends, with a smooth, curbed lobe. His eyes, unusual still, were no less bright today. His left, a vibrant green, pulsing with darker[and lighter] shades of the same hue. And his right, well, it could be described as a bright 'liquid' gold. A deep yellow, it was the eye that seemed to be able to stare into one's soul. It was mixed with a darker shade further back, yet speckled with gray specks. Unusual indeed. And while Collyn still attained his pixie-like status, with his triangular, soft face, framed with a mischievous, imp-like smile, and sharp cheekbones, he seemed to have lost what he considered his great asset, his freckles. Okay, maybe lost wasn't the best word. They were still there, just lighter, against his deep, olive skin. They had yet to fully be smudged in, but weren't exactly visible to the casual observer. Over the years, as Collyn's writing communicational skills grew, the teenager discovered what could be described as his new passion. Writing, to be exact, or to be proper, literature. Now, he intended to make it his major. Journalism, or perhaps Creative Writing. If that was one, not an elective. Having spent his life wallowing in the silence of others, Collyn remained with a GPA of 4.122, he was intelligent, due to his observatory skills, though that didn't mean he had the occasional daft moment. Especially when it came to girls. His personality was pretty much the same. Eh..checklist..skip I will.] http://lunatox.deviantart.com/art/wip-i-dont-even-care-429239300 Credit to Lunatox[TheDeadDemon] for drawing my character.
#128573280Friday, March 21, 2014 3:13 AM GMT

CHARACTER FORM - Name : Felix O'malley Age : 17 Gender : Male Interests : Photography, math, and video games Appearance : He has messy brown hair with bangs dyed blond and a lanky stature of 6'2 and 160 ibs. He has snake bite piercings and a few freckles. He wears contacts with dark brown eyes and his eyebrows are quite darker than they should be. he hunches a lot. He wears a collection of T-shirts with sarcastic phrases and jeans with red converse. Bio : He lived with his french grandmother in New Orleans, learning to speak both languages. He didn't have a lot of friends due to being stand off-ish and his trademark "are you kidding me" stare. He never really knew his parents but he was okay with that. He's very close to his grandmother and did everything to make her proud. Personality : He's very shy, seemingly snobbish, and to the point, not one to spare peoples feelings. He's very loyal but almost too ambitious. He has trouble with patience and understanding other people. Were you in a previous GRS RP? : for like 2 pages If so, did you have powers? : yes Do you promise not to quit? : I'll try ;-; Other : c00l k1d snickers
#128573611Friday, March 21, 2014 3:17 AM GMT

EVERYONE ACCEPTED admins can do such a thing, correct?
#128596299Friday, March 21, 2014 4:24 PM GMT

O yeah Sammy's skin is light, but he has a little tan
#128596707Friday, March 21, 2014 4:33 PM GMT

I came here, actually thinking she made something that is not a school RP. nope
#128597281Friday, March 21, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

Did anyone ever eaten a fried egg with two sausages?
#128598145Friday, March 21, 2014 5:05 PM GMT

possibly joining when i get back home)
#128611723Friday, March 21, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

@hyd it's complicated they're school age but not at school #thuglyfe
#128613726Friday, March 21, 2014 9:03 PM GMT

are they skipping? :O

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