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#128589779Friday, March 21, 2014 1:09 PM GMT

Hello fellow citizens of Robloxia. I would like to share this idea with you and I would like as much feed back as possible. Would it not be great if Roblox had a "Sponsor" feature. Imagine this, you have a great game or group that you have just created and you would like it to get out on the roblox game page or group page as soon as possible. You have just gotten your BC account and spent a lot of your Robux on either creating game passes, or creating group ranks, and now you hardly have anything to spend on advertisement. The "Sponsor" feature can be used allowing other roblox users to help out by paying for the ads. Not only could this feature be used to have other user/groups pay for advertisement, but they could also pay for uniforms, or passes and also get a percentage in the cut. I believe this feature can be used for both groups and individual games. Continue reading for more info. [Game Sponsoring] When sponsoring for a game, and individual could help another individual get his game out. Also, my idea is that for just individual games, you could be limited to only have lets say five sponsors. Whereas in a group, you could be limited to perhaps ten sponsors. [Group Sponsoring] Group sponsoring I believe could be so much bigger than game sponsoring because there could be so much more to do. Not only could an individual or a group pay for advertisement, they could also create uniforms and or places to add to the group as part of their sponsoring payment. They could even advertise within your group about what they are doing. To rap things up, I believe a "Sponsor" feature would be amazing and revolutionize the way groups or games get out. Now, it is your turn, please post comments and tell me what you think, what could possibly be added and what you believe could possible make this better. Thank you guys for your help and opinions;) JioCash
#128590352Friday, March 21, 2014 1:30 PM GMT

#128591952Friday, March 21, 2014 2:23 PM GMT

This is good thougt ROBLOX is getting to compicated now it is so hard to do stuff.
#128592870Friday, March 21, 2014 2:52 PM GMT

Exactly, plus the "Sponsor" feature could also be for BC members only, but BC users could use that to help NBC members. So you need BC to sponsor someone, but you dont need BC to be sponsored.
#128592907Friday, March 21, 2014 2:53 PM GMT

Half-Support. They can already kind of do that for the Groups. (╯°□°)╯
#128593047Friday, March 21, 2014 2:57 PM GMT

True, I can not disagree, but it is an idea, and it can be improved. Thank you for your opinion. Jiocash
#128593123Friday, March 21, 2014 2:59 PM GMT

#142421943Saturday, August 02, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

Good idea. You should take this up with them.
#142422247Sunday, August 03, 2014 12:02 AM GMT

I like it. This would allow developers to be rewarded for their work.

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