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#12874933Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:21 AM GMT

PLEASE NOTE: There may be some minor spelling or grammar errors, I am sorry if you find one, PM me what the spelling or grammar error is and I will fix it in 'Role-Playing For Dummies IV'. Please also note, DO NOT take the subject title seriously, I am in no trying way to offend someone. Again, if this is too big for you, and you complain about it by replying, get out. ========================================================================== PLEASE ALSO NOTE: If you are in a hurry and only want to find things of your choice, press the 'Ctrl' button and the 'F' button at the same time. This will bring up the 'Find' tool. Enter in the keyword or number in the Find tool and press enter, this will bring you to that part. ========================================================================== ACTIONS/SAYINGS KEYWORDS: CHATROOMROLEPLAY [1] STORYMODEROLEPLAY [2] BATTLEMODEROLEPLAY [3] MIXEDMODEROLEPLAY [4] ========================================================================== GOOD ROLE-PLAYING KEYWORDS: NOTCONTROLLINGCHAR [5] SUPERLONGPOST [6] GODMODGODADMINANDUBERING [7] BADSPELLINGORGRAMMAR [8] GOODTIMING [9] BLOCKAGE [10] FOLLOWINGRPG [11] IC&OOC [12] DONOTJUDGE [13] LAWSOFPHYSICS [14] ========================================================================== MAKING RPG KEYWORDS: DESCRIPTIVESTORY [15] CHARACTERSHEET [16] MAINPOST [17] NOUBERPERSON [18] SENTANCECHECK [19] ========================================================================== GOOD CHOICES SECTION: FAIRGROUPS [20] FAIRSIDES [21] LIMITPOWERS [22] GOODAPPEARANCE [23] ========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: This is what kind of Modes of Role-Play there is possible to use. 1] CHATROOMROLEPLAY [Chatroom Role-Play] ' Name: You must die *Slashes you with katana* ' The name is where you put your name of course, this helps people to remember your name, if you don't people would just call you by your username mostly of what I would think. To separate from your name and what your saying/doing, you must put a colon( : ) in front of your name. The ' * * ' tells people that the words between them are an action. An action is when you do something. You can also use ' ~ ~ ', ' - - ', or ' ( ) ' to tell people that it's an action. It's up to you. 2] STORYMODEROLEPLAY [Story Mode Role-Play] ' Name I got in my battle stance and stared at him right in the eyes. "Bring it" I say, hissing at him. ' Again, the name is where you put your name. It's the same for chat room, it helps people remember your name, yada, yada, yada.. Sorry, I just don't want to make this part extremely long. Anyways, you should describe VERY CLEARLY on how you will attack or do something, otherwise, the person you are Role-Playing with will not understand you. To say something put " " around what you are saying. You should also describe on how you talk not emotionless, or else people will think your a robot. 3] BATTLEMODEROLEPLAY [Battle Role-Play] ' Name attacks! He dealt 10 damage to Monster! Monster attacks! He dealt 2 damage to Name! Name quick attacks! He dealt 4 damage to Monster! Monster yells, "Spare me!" ' And again, Name is where you put your name, and Monster is where you put the attacker's name. But, this is very simple, it's like your in an actual Role-Play game. You don't describe how you attack/defend, unless you describe how fast or how strong you attack, you say how much damage is done, This may only work with battling monsters, you cannot judge on what a other person that actually has a character does. Now then, like Story Mode Roleplaying, you put " " around what you say just like Story Mode Role-Play, and describe how you say something. 4] MIXEDMODEROLEPLAY [Mixed Mode Role-Play] This can be very clear, this is when you mix one mode of roleplay with another mode of roleplay. Lets take Chatroom Role-Play and Story Mode Roleplay for example. ' Name *Shoots civilian with pistol* "Hahahaha!" ' The Name is part of Story Mode, the name stays up there, while the ' *Shoots civilian with pistol* ' is part of Chatroom Roleplay. The "Hahahaha!" part is from Story Mode. This mode can be tricky sometimes to get used to. ========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: There's some very simple things that you need to know to be able to be a good Role-Player. If you don't follow these, most likely you would get banned from the RPG by the creator. 5] NOTCONTROLLINGCHAR [Not Controlling Character] You should NOT control other people's characters to talk or make them do something. You can not be the judge of what happens to the person if you attack or do something to him, but you MAY be able to judge if you do something that cannot be escaped or dodged. Take this for example. ' I growl, I was frustrated.. He had to pay.. NOW. I raise my hands up into the night drift sky, and a black aura beam covers my hands in a circle, I lower my hands in front of me, and fire them extremely fast that he couldn't even dodge it. He ends up getting hit in the chest and head. ' 6] SUPERLONGPOST [Super Long Post] You SHOULDN'T make your post in a big, chunk or word wall. That makes it harder to read, you should break it up into pieces to be easier to read. Take this for example. ' Name: *Actions/Sayings here* Name: *Actions/Sayings here* ' If you use Story Mode Role-Play, break up what you say into pieces, and keep what you do int a paragraph so it's kind of more.. Story like. 7] GODMODGODADMINANDUBERING [God-Mod, God-Admin, And Ubering] Starters or some people like to do this, it plays a horrible affect on the other Role-Players in the RPG your playing on. You should NEVER, EVER, EEVVVEER God-Mod/God-Admin/Uber in a RPG, unless the thread is about doing it or allows it. God Mod means you moderate the RPG and kill them whenever you like. God Admin means you act just like the creator of the thread meaning you can ban, warn, or do other actions just like the creator. Ubering is when you are overpowered. 8] BADSPELLINGORGRAMMAR [Bad Spelling Or Grammar] This is the big thing that can get people troubled, alright, people can be like this. Name: Omg y di u doo dat il kil u nao *Atakz u* This is VERY irritating, I mean, REALLY. JUST REALLY. There is a RULE to have good grammar and spelling, follow it, enough said. 9] GOODTIMING [Good Timing] Timing, yes, time. Do you know what I mean? You should not do something extremely quick. Here's a example of what people do. ' Name: I'm going to make sushi, ok. *Takes out sushi* *Makes sushi* K, done. ' Here is what you SHOULD do. ' Name: I'm going to make sushi, alright? *Takes out sushi ingredients* *Starts putting fish and rice together* *Rolls it up and cuts it* *Later* *Done making sushi* ' 10] BLOCKAGE [Blockage] Sometimes, the main thing I can see is blockage. Yes, I do it too, oh I'm such a bad role-model.. BUT.. NOT.. A lot, like some other people. If you have to once and a while, do so. Just don't do an overdose. Take this example. ' Name1: Alright, I'm ready to fight you! Name2: Ok.. But my body is made of metal, so it would be hard to attack... ' That is blockage, don't try to do that a lot, it's almost as irritating as bad spelling/grammar. 11] FOLLOWINGRPG [Following RPG] This is partly is shared in the family of ubering or God-Modding/Admin thing, but, just to make this crystal clear, here's an example. If this was a survival RPG, crash landed on a island, you have to survive.. Etcetera, etcetera, you shouldn't have a gun or a computer with you. Seriously, who would carry that with them? 12] IC&OOC IC means In-Character, OOC means Out Of Character. You should seperate IC and OOC so that it doesn't get irritating and confusing. Take this bad example. NAME: OKAY DARKSHADOW101! YOUR BANNED FOREVAR OOC should be between ( ), so let me fix the example above. (OKAY DARKSHADOW101! YOUR BANNED FOREVAR) If you want, you can use [ ]'s, --'s or { }'s. Again, it's up to you. If you need an example, here. (OOC here) --OOC here-- [OOC here] {OOC here} 13] DONOTJUDGE [Do Not Judge] People like to be the judge of things without giving the person a chance. This is often used in fights. Let me show you. ' I raised my broadsword and dashed toward him, and I slashed at his arm, cutting it off and making him bleed heavily. ' You cannot judge on what will happen to the person, the person could dodge it, or just take the hit. Here is what you should do. ' I raised my broadsword and dashed toward him, I tried slashing at his arm. ' 14] LAWSOFPHYSICS [Laws Of Physics] People like to do this. It's when a person breaks a law of physics. Even though it's an RPG, you can't break the laws of physics unless the RPG creator gives you permission or everyone is allowed to do it. Lets take this for example. ' "I can run at the speed of light!" I ran at the speed of light. ' Clearly, you would DIE even before you could run at the speed of light. The wind force would be EXTREMELY strong, just killing you. ========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: Making an RPG is kind of hard if you want a good one, but here's how I would make RPG's. (PLEASE NOTE: I'm experienced, don't bug me about I don't know how to) 15] DESCRIPTIVESTORY [Descriptive Story] You should have a very descriptive story, something that seems like an actual paragraph story. The advanced makes it into two or even three paragraphs. Now then, if you don't have a story, people will not understand what the RPG is about, or what is happening. 16] CHARACTERSHEET [Character Sheet] You MUST have a character sheet for people to fill in. Make a clean one, and one that is yours, put your character sheet in the main post so that it can be used as an example. At the average, it is suggested to have... ' Name, bio(Biography), and appearance. ' Depending on what the RPG is about, you can add more to the character sheet so that you can get more info. But, please note, there's also filling the character sheet. It is suggested not to say 'Unknown' on parts that can be filled. For example, 'Power: Unknown' You must fill it in so the people themselves can know, but you can say that nobody knows, so the characters the people made have no idea. Now for example 'Power: Fire, but NOBODY knows' 17] MAINPOST [Main Post] You should attach EVERYTHING into the main post, who cares if it's long, it at least doesn't spam the page with the things separated. This means it should look like this. ' STORY: (Story here) RULES: (Rules here) SIDE NOTES: (Side notes here) (Optional) CHARACTER SHEET: (Character Sheet Here) MY CHARACTER SHEET: (Your Character Sheet Here) ' The character sheet and your character sheet are ALWAYS last, if you want to add another section, do it above before the character sheet and your character sheet. 18] NOUBERPERSON [No Uber Person] [NOTE: This is for the creators of the RPG's] When you make your character sheet, don't try to be the god or the uber character. You should make it all equal, unless your doing that to prevent unexperienced Role-Players to do bad stuff. 19] SENTANCECHECK [Sentence Check] Haha, this is fun to do, at least to me. If you want to check if someone had read the story, the rules, and some other sections, you could sneak it something. For example. ' STORY: It was a dark night.. Where the vampires go out, it's a bloody night.. (Note: Just to check if you are reading, put 'I like cheeseburgers' below when you make your character sheet) RULES: Don't uber, don't god admin/mod, use best spelling, write 'I like pie' next to 'I like cheeseburgers' ' ========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: Getting your character sheet and choosing the right choices, yes, many people have problems with these. 20] FAIRGROUPS [Fair Groups] Okay, lets take this for example.. Pet RPG's. Yeah, if a person has a house that you have to live in, and every pet is living in one BIG, BIG group, that isn't right. You should choose for each of you to be in different groups so that it's equal and fair. 21] FAIRSIDES [Fair Sides] Now, let's take sides for example. The evil, and the good, so normal, unoriginal, anyways, if all the people are good, where is the evil people? There would be no use to fight for if there were no bads. So make each side equal. 22] LIMITPOWERS [Limit Powers] You shouldn't have a chunk of power/abilites/skills/etcetera.. Lets take this bad example, your a master of space, darkness, light, water, earth, solar, shadow, and poison. You should put it to a limit. It depends on what the maker of the RPG enforces. 23] GOODAPPEARANCE [Good Appearance] Alright, 'Appearance' on character sheets. If the character sheet only has 'Appearance' on it, put everything on it, be descriptive. So, what you mainly look like, and your clothes. If your character sheet has both 'Appearance' and 'Clothes' Put what you mainly look like in appearances, and what you're wearing in clothes. If you choose to make a link, make sure it shows the clothes and appearance, if it doesn't show the clothes, put down the clothes along with it. ========================================================================== Hope you learned something! <:D If you want, you can PM me some suggestion I should add! If you have any questions on more detail for a certain part, PM me asking, and I'll help you.
#12887515Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:25 PM GMT

Buuuuuuuummp o3o
#12887780Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:33 PM GMT

Cool story bro.
#12888259Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:47 PM GMT

{lol 1234 Posts} Il keep this thread...tracked :D
#12888325Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:49 PM GMT

Nice job Suprising i read the whole thing.
#12888377Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:51 PM GMT

I God-Mod...to kill other God-Modding people XD...and I uber only when I say so..XD
#12888449Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:52 PM GMT

Uber can be fun if your allowed to Like curving bullets *shoots bullet and it goes around jandroy's head and hits enemy*WOOHOO
Top 25 Poster
#12888485Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:53 PM GMT

There is an exception to blockage. If your character always moves at high speeds, you can block more often.
#12888541Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:55 PM GMT

Nah,I preffer dodging than blocking
#12888586Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:56 PM GMT

@ awolf *Writes that down in notepad* o3o
#12888601Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:56 PM GMT

Blockage always happen. Without blockage. people would be scattered on the floor dead from some uberer
Top 25 Poster
#12888679Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:58 PM GMT

You should also have strategies to implement the good things into your RP, and keep the bad ones out.
#12888688Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:59 PM GMT

Yes, but I'm talking about people who 'over do it'.
#12888793Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:01 PM GMT

Also Blockage for deadly weapons are okay.If someone attacks you and cuts your arm off.The arm's gone.If they had no permission.2 things will happen.Death to their char and banned from thread Blockage for bullets is more dodging.Noone has perfect aim.I go with a 4 strikes your out system.They shoot at you.3 times they miss then they cause a minor injury.The longer you dodge the enemy bullets should be the more painful the ending is. Example guy 1:*dodges 20 bullets* guy 2:*shoots guy 1 in back* Now here is a big one guy 1:*somehow dodged 100 bullets* guy 2:CHEATER! Guy 1 is ubering and deserves a major injury.So that is what they get.
Top 100 Poster
#12889052Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:07 PM GMT

Nice, very nice guide im sure it will help RP alot. Keep up the good work.
#12889300Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:13 PM GMT

Never said anything about Spamming...KMJANSNAJNDNWUTUABSYDBNSJGFBDMSKOFJ!!! Dr.Hax:HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXX!!!!*TV hits Jandroy in the Head*
#12905156Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:57 PM GMT

#12905207Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:58 PM GMT

#12913644Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:05 AM GMT

Very Nice..
#12913943Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:12 AM GMT

:3 ish guhd
#12914047Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:14 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#12914094Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:15 AM GMT

@ ryan *Points to 'Again, if this is too big for you, and you complain about it by replying, get out.'* Now get out.
#12914136Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:16 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#12914164Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:17 AM GMT

Ahem. *Poinst to your secret*
#12914189Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:17 AM GMT

Lemme guess Ryanboy...you dont read books XD

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