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#128825158Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:34 PM GMT

The Insane Asylum, is an Role-Play that takes place off the coast of Cape-Cod, Massachusetts. It's island home is Martha's Vineyard. It's an Asylum for Human beings who have gone Insane, the Idea of the "Insane Asylum" Role-Play is to just relax, and pretend your an Insane, and Deranged Lunatic trying to escape the very structure that is keeping you chained up from the rest of the world, Once you have escaped, you have to flee from the cops. The best option for most Basic-Lunatics in this Role-Play is to disarm a warden, (In This Role-Play Warden's carry Tazzers) Then Taze him, and make your get-away. Outside of the Main door are all sorts of Cars, Motorcycles, and etc. Once escaped you have to make your way to the Ferry, then sneak aboard and head for Hyannis, then take any mode of transportation to Boston, were your plane is waiting at Logan Airport, thus flying to one of three locations. L1.) Beijing L2.) Albania L3.) Nova Scotia Were you will begin your new life of any occupation. Enjoy! Rules {-} {1} Follow all Forum, and ROBLOX Rules {2} No ODing (Online-Dating) {3} No cusses. {4} Have fun! -Character Sheet (CS)- Name: Age: Gender: Height (Optional): Weight (Optional): Hair/Hair Color: Bodily: Clothing: Bio (At least three sentences): Alignment: Other (Optional): Enjoy!
#128825754Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:41 PM GMT

It's as simple as excaping a padded chamber, disarming an arm guard, hopping outside, riding a motorcycle onto a boat to an airport without your passport or any information, and flying to another country. All in a safejacket.
#128825769Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:41 PM GMT

-Character Sheet (CS)- Name: CeCe Age: 30 Gender: Male Height (Optional): 6'5 Weight (Optional): 180 lbs Hair/Hair Color: White Bodily: Albino Clothing: Black Pants, Red Nike Long Socks, Air Jordans, White Tanktop, WHite Dress shirt w/ no tie, black vest Bio (At least three sentences): CeCe was put into the Insane Asylum after being legally titled 'Insane', all the other Insane Asylum's were full due to the tragedy of the world, thus people went Insane thinking they were going to die. CeCe was thrown into The Martha Vineyard's Asylum due to it's opening in the 'Dangerously Insane' section of the Asylum located in the basement. CeCe never though he would become that insane, when he was dis-armed at his Nantucket home, he was brought to court and was sentenced to a life-time inside the Insane Asylum. He tries to escape eagerly, wanting to start a new life in Albania. Alignment: Strong Other (Optional): Likes the color pink, likes red cars.
#128825838Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

@The How do you know that? e.e Your all tied up.
#128825908Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

how do I know what? :p
#128826246Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:47 PM GMT

@Rob Escaping one of those is easy? How? e.o Explain, your method of taking off the restriction coat, getting the gaurd to open the door then ransack him, taze everyone and not get shot and then steal a motorcycle. e.e
#128827779Monday, March 24, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

Uh.. who's rob?
#128828426Monday, March 24, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

Name:Nick Asipi Age:18 Gender:Male Height (Optional):5'10 Weight (Optional):150 Hair/Hair Color:Black Bodily:IDK what this is. If like race Caucasian. Clothing:Black hoodie blue shir and black jeans Bio (At least three sentences):Nick was put into a asylum for unknow reasons. Its rumored he killed someone but no one knows. He hopes to begin a life in Albania Alignment:Strong. Other (Optional):Albania :D
#128833300Monday, March 24, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

Name: Dan Baker Age: 23 Gender: Male Height: 5, 6 Weight: 130 lbs Hair/Hair color: Brown Clothing: Camouflage pants with a white tank top shirt. Bio: Dan Baker, an old U.S.M.C Sergeant. Just got home from Afghan in 2011. Father at the age of 57 was murdered by an old friend from the U.S.A. After that Dan wasn't acting right for a few months. Dan Baker was reported to the PD after a shooting that he did at a store. Dan's defense at court was that he was hearing voices. Later put in an asylum. Alignment: Built (Did I forget anything important?)
#128834766Monday, March 24, 2014 1:14 AM GMT

Name: John Hanson Age: 29 Gender: Male Height: 6'7" Weight: 135 lbs Hair/Hair Color: Blonde Clothing: Black Tank Top, plain white socks and black sweatpants Bio: Ahhh, old Johnny. The youngest commander - Commander of the War Group Heat Syndicate - now retired. Recently put in an insane asylum for a deadly massacre while on the drug cocaine. He wishes to have the things to soon be able to break out of this asylum... wanting to go to Beijing. Alignment: Fierce
#128834908Monday, March 24, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

-Smuggled a small spoon in to make a small, and cliche getaway-
#128838144Monday, March 24, 2014 1:50 AM GMT

Dan Baker- Looks outside my cell's glass window. Sees John in the other cell across the hall. "Hey, can you hear me"? "What's your name"?
#128862291Monday, March 24, 2014 11:30 AM GMT

John. John Hanson.
#128886176Monday, March 24, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

CeCe - Paces up and down Cell "Maybe I can dig out? Isn't that right Mr. Wall." Starts digging through ground "My spoon broke." "IDEA..." Gets bed and whacks Cell Bars open "Hehe! >:D" Runs through hallways- Sees a gaurd and dis-armed a Warden, then taxed him "I'll break some other's out, John and Dan? Yea." Walks up to John's and Dan's cells, and tazes the locks letting them out
#128887590Monday, March 24, 2014 8:38 PM GMT

Thanks, mate. I had this spoon... but.. -Tosses it- No use of it now.
#128889294Monday, March 24, 2014 8:55 PM GMT

CeCe - "How we escape now then? Taze ourselves out? Kick ou-" "Nevermind" Walks forward looking cautiously
#128890340Monday, March 24, 2014 9:06 PM GMT

Name: Katrina Devin Age: 16 Gender: Female Hair/Hair Color: Dark blonde/ Light brown. Clothing: Dark jeans and a black hoodie w/ a bandanna on my neck. Bio (At least three sentences): Every day when I wasn't occupied I would find the closest corner and rock myself to sleep. I would constantly wake up screaming. When I went into high school one day someone teased me and I stabbed them with a pen.I have an obsession with blood and think I'm different things. ( Eg. a unicorn. ) I also get stalked by shadows in my head and sometimes a voice tells me to do things. I was taken away from my parents and they were scared of me and locked in here.
#128890473Monday, March 24, 2014 9:07 PM GMT

Sits next to bars. Starts to make noises. "AWOOOOOO AWA EEEK YA NOOOOOAAA" Attracts attention from other cells and guards.
#128890685Monday, March 24, 2014 9:10 PM GMT

-Looks back at Katrina- The heck?
#128890737Monday, March 24, 2014 9:10 PM GMT

Oh crap! Guards are-a comin!
#128891028Monday, March 24, 2014 9:14 PM GMT

Smirks. "Just you wait until the chickens head falls off." Stands up and frowns as the guard walks past. "I think my face is melting can I have some water please?"
#128891424Monday, March 24, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

-Silences guard from behind, taking his uniform- No, you can't. -Takes guard's tazer as well-
#128892263Monday, March 24, 2014 9:27 PM GMT

"Woah! Dude! Where did you learn that! Please get me out of here...."
#128893474Monday, March 24, 2014 9:38 PM GMT

#128893786Monday, March 24, 2014 9:41 PM GMT

-Finds a key in pocket and unlocks Katirna's cell-

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