#129229806Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:59 AM GMT

Princess Unity wandering around the village on her horse looked at all the splendor. She took a few pastries bakers offered and gave some coins to the poor. She was so fascinated on how the town worked, So different from the castle. When she got to where her family was she realized they left without her. Although hurt she decided it meant more time for her to explore. As she walked into the dress shoppe she knew her family has been there. She let the tailor measure her and show her fabrics. After that Unity got on her horse and put on her cloak. She rode off towards the woods.
Top 100 Poster
#129230822Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

Lancel was starting to regret accepting the position as an escort. While it was less dull then kitchen work Lancel had not lived in a secluded castle as the royal family members had. The village was a familiar sight for him. The royal family members simply pursued the shops, spoke to the townsfolk and rode within their carriages. Not to mention the equipment of a household guard was not very comfortable. While looking back Lancel noticed the horse belonging to Unity was missing. It seemed as though she had ridden off, or perhaps she had gotten herself lost. It didn't matter really, making her way to the queens carriage Lancel speaks to one of the more experienced members of the guard, asking to speak to the queen personally.
#129231747Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

[Sadly, this computer I am using tonight is not fit for function. However, tomorrow I will be using my regular laptop. c: Then, I hopefully may roleplay more!] [And the average height and weight is up to you.] Queen Isabella was stepping out of the carriage to wander around the town. All of the different sighs and smells had always made her curious, as they were nothing like what was in the castle. "Sven." Queen Isabella asked; "Is Lucy back at the castle, or did she make the journey with us..? I need to speak to her about an upcoming event... I figured a walk in the town would suit the conversation."
#129231778Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

The Forge is on the edge of the forest! ;D] With a sigh, Kayden quickly undressed, and redressed himself. No use heading off to the village dressed in a sooty overcoat, and large boots. This time around, he shrugged on a simple wool long-sleeved tunic, tanish in colour, with no designs. His breechs were of a darker colour, and he wore a leather jerkin over his tunic. Tying on his black cloak, he set out, barefoot, for the village.
#129232377Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

[c: All above accepted.] Queen Isabella looked around the town, looking toward Sven once again. "I love the town. Especially at night. I hear the townspeople light up the streets with lanterns. This sounds like something the children would want to see, no?" The Queen nodded approvingly. She was practically speaking to herself, turning in circles. "Ah, how lovely would it be to throw a Masquerade tonight...? Maybe my dear daughters will find some.. let us say, friends?" Her glance caught the forest that was far out in the distance. Nobody. Went into the forest. Well, of course, at least not the royals. Terrible stories of strange creatures and blood-thirsty "things" were like rumors spread around the castle. It was once heard an ancestor of the Queen rode out on horseback to go retrieve the family's dog who had accidentally lost itself in the forest. He never came back.
Top 100 Poster
#129232450Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

"Ah. Madame? My lady?" I call out to the queen who has left the carriage.
#129233255Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

Sven found his way to the Queen's side " Miss Isabella, for the moment Lucy I do not know of, however I will be leaving shortly to retrieve miss Unity she has gone off somewhere. " Fon Fon was sitting on her fathers shoulders once more Sven noticed Lancel approaching " It would seem your attention is needed elsewhere. " The Butler said as he was soon gone as quickly as he came about. ( Hoping I spelled your name correctly Mage xD Forgive me if I did not )
#129235176Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

Character's name: Fennel Age: 14 Appearance: A very pale skinned girl, with gray-blue eyes and pale pink lips and black hair that trails down to her waist. She wears a lace black dress with sleeves to her elbow, it poofs out slightly at the bottom and ends at ankle hight. She has no shoes, or if she does she is rarely seen in them. Height (Optional): 5'4 Weight (Optional): 115 Wealth status: Poor-None Residence: A forest near the castle Occupation(s): None, Is sometimes mistaken as a ghost Able to practice witchcraft? If so, what power?: She can manipulate shadows Short Biography: Fennel had grown up on a farm, but had not been allowed out of her house. Her family was constantly worried something would happen to her if she even stepped a foot onto grass. However, one day a horrible storm hit. Her house collapsed, and she was forced outside, both of her parents either trapped or dead inside. After a couple days of wandering around the fields, and then returning home, she left. She found an old shack in the forest where she now lives and wanders through the forest. An old kook lived there, and she has been taking care of the old lady. The woman, named Gritt, has helped Fennel learn of her shadow abilities, unlocking things that Fennel didn't even know of. Other (Optional): Character's name: Gritt Age: 64 Appearance: A wrinkled old woman, with white hair tied back into a bun. She is very thin and sickly looking, despite showing Fennel she is well able to take care of herself. She has light brown eyes, Height (Optional): NA Weight (Optional): NA Wealth status: Poor-None Residence: A forest near the castle Occupation(s): None, Old servant in the castle Able to practice witchcraft? If so, what power?: Spirit Short Biography: Gritt had grown up a girl in training to work in the castle, and once she had gotten the job, she was very good at it. It wasn't till she was 26 she realized she had Spirit powers when she accidentally read another maids mind. She explored her abilities on her own, pushing her own boundaries. One day she made a mistake, and whatever she used had caused her to loose most of her memory, except for the knowledge she had worked for the crown. After this she wandered off the castle property, and found a well conditioned shack to live in. She lived there herself for 34 years of her life, until she met Fennel Other (Optional):
#129236216Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

Lucy sat at the desk within the nursery glanceing at the cots every so often; She would gaze at the moon remebering when the queen was a small child and the fun filled days which she injoyed spending with her! Untill the clock struck twelve she stood up and kissed the childrens forhead befor makeing her way to the other childrens rooms; She would then blow out the candles and kiss the other children on the fore head. She made her way down to the servants hall where she asked if the queen had returned; The footman responded with a shrug of his sholders and then a rude no befor he dragged himself to finish his night duties and be up for four am sharp. Lucy then made her way back up into the castle and walked along the huge corridors till she came to a lovely white painted corridor she placed the a key into a lock of a double white door and turned it swiftley inside lay her study a place she was given when ariveing on her first day. She sat reading and waiting... And as usual a childs head peeped round; It was one of the princesses lucy took her to bed and read her a story befor returning to her study. The grabbed her cane locked the door and made her way to bed by four am...
#129236348Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:14 AM GMT

He walked back from town, carrying a large amount of bread and cheese. It was extremely late at night, and it would take too long to make a clock and guess the time. He kept walking until he saw the fireflies which surrounded his garden.
#129236784Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:19 AM GMT

Fennel woke up, and looked around. Gritt was in the corner, a fire started on the dirt ground, and the smell of...chicken permeated the air. She stood and walked over to see a small chicken cooking "Where did you get-" she was cut off by Gritt "Some farmer was stupid and left their chickens unwatched" she snorted. Fennel was quiet for a moment, then opened her mouth slightly and whispered "You stole a chicken." Gritt nodded. Fennel stared. "You stole a chicken" she repeated, louder this time. The old woman ignored her, continuing to cook the chicken over the fire like nothing was wrong. Fennel let out an exasperated huff, and then turned and headed towards the door "Im going to go pick some apples" she stated, starting to walk out the door. "Leave now and I will eat all the chicken" Gritt called. Fennel clenched her fists, and then returned "Fine." she growled at her elderly companion "Ill stay."
#129237299Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:24 AM GMT

(Is it morning now? Or have you just woke? Dont forget make it clear.)
#129237423Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:26 AM GMT

Kayedn made the trip down the slightly rocky road barefoot, though it didn't both her much. He had lived here for a while, and the soles of his feet had become quite accustomed to the stony, uneven terrain. His pale fingers, were still clenched around the list his father had given him, lest he forget his task.
#129238285Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:36 AM GMT

Early morning lucy awoke; She dressed herself in her pressed maid uniform,polished her cane and cleaned her reading glasses. She then made herway down into the servants hall (Huge hall where servants eat and socialise) where a cup of tea was waiting laid there everymorning by the cook. Lucy drank her tea and walked upstairs; Today was her day of and she always made sure the children where well befor she left. After makeing sure the children where okay she changed into her beautifull spring outfit a long purple gown with a white cardigan and hat which made her look like royalty. She placed her reading glasses back on the tip of her nose after cleaning them and took her caridge to the town(Nannys + Governess would have there own caridges that they used for taking children out) it arrived infrount of a Elegant cafe that was closed for construction; Lucy got out of the caridge and it rode back to the castle. Lucy made herway to a few stores and saw Kayden walk out of the rocky road and into the main town; She became curious of where he had traveled from and causiously made her way across to the dress store. Lucy bought some new toys for the children that would be delivered and a new hat; She then made herway back to the castle for lunchen.
#129238491Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:38 AM GMT

Uhm, Kayden's still up on the rocky path, near the woods. The walk is quite a bit from town.]
#129239020Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:45 AM GMT

(This is after iv done all the other stuff so kayden would of reached end by then)
#129239209Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

(kingoh, I said that she woke up. I think you can infirm that since Gritt had time to go steal a chicken, pluck it, light a fire, and start cooking it, that it is at the very least mid day....)
#129239360Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:49 AM GMT

Well, yes, but you seem to be hurrying along everyone too fast...Are you an admin?]
#129239370Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:50 AM GMT

#129239588Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

(No but it could of been in middle of night; Im aware its day now but thanks anyway :).)
#129239769Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:54 AM GMT

Okay, but would it be okay if you slowed roleplaying down a bit? You seem to be moving the roleplay around too fast, and others can't keep up. Would it be best if you left that OP(original poster)? It's just confusing. ;p
#129239831Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:55 AM GMT

--If you left that to the OP.]
Top 100 Poster
#129239922Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:57 AM GMT

(Yeah, I'm a bit confused. The royals went out into the town, a trip that couldn't have been over an hour and have only looked around for awhile. I'd doubt we'd have gone more then two hours since the start of this RP.
#129239988Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:57 AM GMT

Exactly. It's just too confusing.]
#129240050Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:58 AM GMT

(Are you speaking to me? About the moving the RP too fast..?)