#129247659Saturday, March 29, 2014 6:02 AM GMT

(Am I accepted?)
#129248106Saturday, March 29, 2014 6:12 AM GMT

Uhm. Yes? I don't see anything wrong with your bio, so I suppose you would be.]
#129263073Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:06 PM GMT

Jei I lay down in my small ship, waiting for the first planet to land on. I choose on my map ten minutes ago, I was now here wait close to here wherever here was. I guess I should walk around my old ship. It has two rooms one small one for me to sleep and maybe eat and a cockpit where there is four seats an some buttons. There is no door I just flash step in and out. This is why my grandpa gave it to me even though I'm the youngest. ( Hehehecockpitheheheh. )
#129268024Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:16 PM GMT

(Ksee, I've looked again and I didn't see you adding Appearance or Personality. Add them, then you're accepted. Pawz, how is Kayden "mutated"? If it's just because of the power he gained, just put it as human, since every human on this role play gains one.) Bip was sitting on his ship, setting out for his first planet to explore. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he geared up, taking out his Trunips Spear. This was the beginning of his greatest part in life.
#129268738Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:25 PM GMT

(I'm sorry, I didn't add them because I had to go.) APPEARANCE]: Alex has almond shaped shaped eyes with big Emerald green crystal like pupils which sometimes glow Golden, he stands at 5 foot 9 and is often commented on being tall for his age. His hair is blonde and wavy, and likes to swish around. His skin is white, he likes to keep fit so he works out every once and a while, as a result he is semi-muscular but not on a noticeable level, his body is slim. He has a little Scar on his cheek which over the years has faded to almost nothing. [PERSONALITY]: [Brave and Adventurous] He is very brave and really Adventurous. [Curious] He is very curious and likes to sneak around even if told not to. [Indomitable will] He has a super strong will capable of resisting temptations, once he sets his sights on something, it's impossible to stop him. Hit him to the ground, he gets back up and hits you harder. [Prideful] He is very proud. [Intelligent] He is somewhat intelligent. [Quick Thinker] He thinks very quickly and knows how to get out of trickty situations.
#129268903Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:27 PM GMT

(Vam, from what I know flash step is more like taking a quick step to some where in range and it doesn't include 'teleporting' through walls. You'll need a door.)
#129270487Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:48 PM GMT

(Fine door. )
#129270699Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:50 PM GMT

(Ksee accepted and admined. I think I forgot to mention it, but Pawz admined too.)
#129270714Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:50 PM GMT

[NAME]: Vika [AGE]: 21 [RACE]: Acara Acaras are one of many different species that exist in a planet known as Neopia. As a general rule Acaras are fantastic swimmers that are just as happy on land as they are underwater. Their thick fur keeps them warm when diving to the depths of the ocean. They can also breathe underwater using gills hidden beneath their fur. [POWER]: Hydrokensis [INVENTORY]: Pocket knife, plasma cutter, and two cooked fish. [GENDER]: Female [APPEARANCE]: http://www.roblox.com/acara-item?id=151338016 - approx 2 and a half feet tall Unlike most Acaras, Vika stands on her hind legs. She also wears a black jumpsuit [PERSONALITY]: Vika is curious about the world and occasionally skittish. She is usually friendly and while she prefers working alone, she can also work as a group as well and can socialize very easily. [BIO - Must explain why you're here, only if you're not human]: Vika spent most of her life in a planet called Neopia, but when she was 20, she volunteered to be in a space exploration program in Neopia that would find other life in the universe that was also made to expand and colonize. Her partners, who left in other spaceships are in other parts of the world.
#129270853Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:52 PM GMT

#129271963Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:05 PM GMT

( Neopets rule. )
#129272092Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:06 PM GMT

Fine, just human. I was thinking about Maximum Ride the entire time. ;p]
#129272305Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:09 PM GMT

(Accepted. All of ye, to the chatroom. http://titanpad.com/Pioneers )
#129273608Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:22 PM GMT

Name: Nikki Anno @ge: 14 Personality: Helpful, Kind, Funny Looks: Big ocean blue eyes, Long brown hair that has braids, Wears bonnet sometimes, Wears dress with a apron, Has amazing smile Bio (kinda a diary entry): We were on the wagon (or walking) so long.. well.. atleast we have water.. I need to stop worrying, I have my cows, Betsy, Moo (lol), Anna, and last but not least, Jeffrey. They keep me company, so does my crush, Max, Oh I wish, just wished! he likes me, but he don't, Well.. god bless us! ~ Nikki Anno
#129273856Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:25 PM GMT

(Please use the CS provided, Goofy. Please also use proper grammar.)
#129274670Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:33 PM GMT

Auri was happy where she was, content. Her camouflaged home shielded her from most visitors that trekked beneath her. Looking up wouldn't change anything, it was a tree after all. Speaking of the tree, who, lately she'd takes to calling Delia, was flourishing greatly under her gentle touch. Already spring flowers had sprouted, and were slowly beginning to bud under Auri's care. [Can Auri also have the power of Plant Growth. Her touch would simulate plants to grow faster, and she could mentally communicate with plants.]
#129274871Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:35 PM GMT

(Sure.) Bip saw that the planet was coming in range. He flew over to the controls and lowered the speed as the ship opened it's landing gear and smacked against the soft dirt of the planet, spraying bluish dirt across the sky. The ship died down and Bip opened the door, taking out his weapon and taking his first breath in this planet.
#129275195Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:38 PM GMT

A new ship could be seen going through the atmosphere, slowly plummeting towards ground, it slows down just before it hits, touching the ground lightly. Soon after the ship has landed, a young adult can be seen walking out of it. Alex I walk out of the ship, looking around me, it seems there were other people landing here as well...
#129275227Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:38 PM GMT

[Thank God, now I have something to do when I'm lonely.] "Ssh, it's okay." Auri murmured soothingly, tracing her fingers along the spine of Delia. "You don't need to worry about the buds, De, they're growing quiet finely." Listening again, the plant herself nodded, "I promise to take care of them."
#129275579Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:42 PM GMT

[NAME]: Eli [AGE]: 8 (24 human years) [RACE]: Nesrats ( Bipedal rats) [POWER]: Eli has all of his racial abilities [Body Reformation] Eli has the ability to squeeze his body through holes as small as 1/2 inch in diameter. It is almost impossible to keep barriers Eli-proof. [Extreme Balancing]- His tail and nimble feet allows him to scamper around tightropes and anything of the sort with no hesitation. [Claws and Teeth]- Not only does he have sharp claws and teeth, but they are laced with toxic and diseases that will sure leave infections if he chooses to use them. [Intelligence]- Unlike their rabbit brothers, Nesrats are quite intelligent and cunning. [Extreme Smell]- Nesrats also have a great nose, along with Bunimers. [INVENTORY]: Plasma Cutter, two Nesratic knives, and a bag of food. [GENDER]: Male [APPEARANCE]: http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/12/11525/Concept_9.jpg [PERSONALITY]: [Cunning]- Like most Nesrats, Eli is very quick to think. However, it is shown that he might have a higher degree of intelligence [Short Tempered-] Eli is quick to get angry and will show no restraint of physical action when he is [Ambitious]- Having been a Nesrat, Eli shows a great deal of ambition especially if Bunimers are involved. [BIO - Must explain why you're here, only if you're not human]: Having been Disgraced by both Bunimer and Nesrats, Eli stole a ship to venture the cosmos on his own. He seeks his own personal ambition and compete with the Bunimer champion, Bip, in finding the Library and winning the war. John Marston up my butt
#129275622Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:42 PM GMT

#129275696Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:43 PM GMT

Bip jumped out of his ship, his spear held firmly within his hands. He heard talking, but from his distance it sounded like whispering. Through a fine grove of bushes and such, he could've sworn he saw a green lady talking to plants. He slowly approached.
#129275996Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

Vika woke up in her spaceship bed. Last night, her spaceship safely landed in a small clearing in the middle of a forest, but she was too tired to explore it. She went over to her shiplocker and picked up her plasma cutters, two cooked fish and a pocket knife. Vika then opened up the entrance to her ship and proceeded into the clearing.
#129276092Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:47 PM GMT

I am up a very tall tree.] Nearby her, the plants began muttering, of a large humanoid coming her way. Whispers they were, they were faint, but Auri figured it true. The plants would never lie to her, dear as they are. With a slightly shriek, she crept back inside her camouflaged hut, growing a doorway of plants to hide the howl. · To be honest, while he could fly a beast of a pod, no one had briefed the winged teenager of landing. "Damn," He cursed, wobbly steering the machine towards the incoming ground. "Crash-landing predicated in 5...4...3..2.." The computer drones on, not helping Kayden's nerves.
#129276229Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:49 PM GMT

"I'm not a threat!" Bip yelled out as he lowered his weapon. "I'm just curious! What are you?" He continued yelling, hoping she or he could hear.