Possible pro bowl candidates
Rams - Undecided
Spartans - MrMANPOWAH,Blademan01,kiddx,setsuna,and lockonstratus
Raiders - Undecided
Warriors - LevelGodzilla, Nuzo, Monke, Plane, Mike
Bruisers - Ikios (QB), Raider95nation (WR), and Ilovef00d (CB)
Punishers - Bunglest, Oathkeeper13, Eggbertz, FLynxy, Xavierpwn, FolesPhilly, MrFishies, Theonlykinq, Fred man, Dmastakilla44 (Freedomgamerx?)
FFC- Mack, AhiijahHD, Screamsaver123, Bacon, Pops
Panthers- jamesgabo, Anguspepperer , patriots0117, SirTrollington , and RyanMooBoo.
Huskies - Williams, Yourmama, and xy
Snowhawks - few wrs(?)