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#129517337Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:41 AM GMT

On a world similar to earth with human beings as its intelligent inhabitants, new Countries are rising in a landscape very similar to the Mediterranean, maps are not mapped, and armies still to be trained. You are the God of one of these tribes, over the years you will experience them grow and possibly help them in the process. ------------------------------------------------- Core Concepts -This is played that every page is 100 years, being said don't focus on little things like making a barracks in a city when you have dozens of cities, we can all assume things like that would occur, however it is a smart idea to make list of what you have in each of your settlements. -You begin as a City-State esque nation with a population of a humble 50 people to possibly 10000, armies should be no large then 20% of your nations, exceptions can be made, although remember militias don't count towards this. -As things go on and technology enhances I will possibly make maps, etc, NOTE: these wont be accurate until boats and things of the sort are created. Try to create realistic things, if I deem it stupid and impossible it will simply not work. -A nation culture depends usually on where they're situated, those near oceans will become fisher men creating boats most likely. ------------------------------------------------- God Concepts: -As a god you're simply that, interacting on the mortal plain is extremely hard and I will most likely not allow you to do it. Don't misunderstand me though you still manage what goes on in your nation ETC. -As stated before you have no true powers you simply play as a god because a ruler couldn't survive hundreds of years unless he's immortal. -However, you can interact with other heavenly beings, although don't do that yet. -Yes your people believe in you and they do worship you if you so wish. ------------------------------------------------- Rules Basic rules of the forums, we all know them by now, also, I am all powerful and if I don't like something then you will get a warning or two then a ban from the Role-play. ------------------------------------------------- Nation Sheet Countries Name: Region: (Say deserts, forest, etc) Resources: Gods Name: Gods Gender: Populace: Soldiers: Bio: (mention who they're inspired by, for example Carthaginians, Romans, etc) Extra: (for if i forgot anything) ------------------------------------------------- NOTE: I will be looking out for admins.
#129517441Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

Countries Name: the Senate and the People of Estra Region: Landscape very similar to Rome Resources: Grapes, Marble, Timber, Etc Gods Name: Agora Populace: 8732 Soldiers: 1123 Bio: Being widely know for its democratic themes, the nation of Estra is widely popular and attracts much trade and foreign culture. Being found at the mouth of a river leading into the great ocean these people fish and create small rafts. Timbers are cut and marble mined and the people have big plans for these resources. Citizens of Agora worship their Patron God Agora, although they do also practice the belief of other lesser deity's which are the children of Agora. Extra:
#129517905Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

Hope this gets some players, I'm off to bed we'll probably start tomorrow.
#129583451Tuesday, April 01, 2014 10:43 PM GMT

This was a fail, any one have any criticism?
#129586144Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

(Did someone call me? Looks like a good rp needs a rescue!) Countries Name: The Dewcs Region: A medium size island off the mainland, it's rocky with plenty of hills and forests. Resources: Wool, timber, stone, copper, fish. Gods Name: Jorisn, the god of simplity. Jorisn has a court of other gods, known as 'Rein Gods'. Gods Gender: Male Populace: Around 6700 people spread over the hills. Soldiers: 500 noble warriors, who are stronger and more skilled than regular soldiers. Bio: Inspired by the Vikings raiders, but in a different time period. The Dewcs are a mysterious people ranging from many places, but most of all they are shepherds. Their herds of goats and sheep supply them with the food they need, and fish rounds it out. They worship Jorisn, and live their life in a simple manner like Jorisn lives. Extra: The Dewcs have noble warriors, in which their armies are smaller but better trained and more experienced.
#129586631Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

I might join cause this seems interesting.
#129588550Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

Thank god, lol.
#129589254Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:39 PM GMT

@Jona accepted
#129589927Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

Countries Name: Kingdom of Bactria Region: Bordered by desert on the south, it is surrounded by mountains to the west with a central mountain range splitting the center with a break in that giving way to fertile plains and forests. To the north are thick forests and the east leads into a plain Resources: Marble, Iron, Copper, Tin, Lumber Gods Name: Gods Gender: Male Populace: Est. 13,000 in the cities, 32,000 in the country side Soldiers: 2,700 in the King's retinues, 3,000 in city garrisons/militias Bio: Formed from the collapse of the world's largest empire, Bactria is the frontier of said Empire. Breaking off from the largest successor state of Salucia. Bactria has a Greek-Persian inspired culture, with an absolute monarch ruling over the whole empire. Its people are a hardy folk, resisting sieges for years before the current day. they are made up of thousands of craftsman, farmers, artisans, merchants, nobles and foreigners. The Kingdom of Bactria is a prosperous, productive nation which focuses on maintaining its independence above all else. Its army is based off of a thick, heavy line of Hoplite warriors who wear bronze breastplates and helmets, with large bronze-covered wood shields and 20 foot long spears. Their phalanxes make their ranks nearly completely impenetrable from the front, with their vulnerable flanks and rear covered by light spearmen who use their mobility to flank enemy formations. Bactrian ranged units are mainly made up of Pelasti and Akolbeli who hurl javelins into enemy ranks and fire arrows at them respectively. Pelasti are light skirmishing units who excel at hit-and-run attacks, Akolbeli however are deployed behind the phalanx line to cover enemy light units in a hail of lethal arrows. Cavalry is taken care of by the General's Bodyguard, a unit of 100 armoured horsemen who come around an enemy's rear and slam into them causing mass casualties. Extra: (for if i forgot anything)
#129591605Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:01 AM GMT

Countries Name: The Republic of Phionexium Region: Similar to Rome, Greece, and Macedonia Resources: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Wood, Cloth, Leather, Stone, Gods Name: Phionex Gods Gender:Male Populace: Soldiers: 7043 Bio: Inspiried mostly by Rome and Macedona Extra: Population total: 15000
#129592165Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

Extra continued: Has 17 cities and the royal guard has 50 soldiers, each city has a milita of 372 men. Divisions of the army: Calvary-300, Footmen-3232 Artillary-743 Royal Guard-50 more to come...
#129593767Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:20 AM GMT

OP said your military shouldn't be more then 20% of your Population.
#129595202Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

Countries Name: Republic of Phorephaiic (For- if- AYY- ick-) Region: An empire in open land, consisting of a coliseum, senate hall, small town, and a temple Resources: Copper, metal, stone, emerald, concrete Gods Name: Aphoraital (Aff- or- AIT- ull), the god of balance and memory, but he has a council of other worshipped gods, called the Senate of Phorephaiic. Gods Gender: Male Populace: 9,600 Soldiers: 2,500 Bio: Romans Extra: (for if i forgot anything): The Senate of Phorephaiic consists of these gods, in order of rank and amount of power in the Senate: Aphoraital, balance and memory Gyrius, intelligience Nekkall, brutality, bodyguard of Gyrius and Aphoraital Lower Senate Farkajae, energy Adariu, adrenaline Astraeus, stars These gods rarely act with or against mortals, and only do so when the Senate must defend their land. The six gods, however, are bound by Ancient Laws not to attack other mortals UNLESS their presence is invoked by the people of Phorephaiic. -- The current emperor of Phorephaiic is Emperor Azari Nearu III.
#129595948Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:40 AM GMT

(I'm more of like the Germanic tribes and celts.) Can we begin rping?
#129598289Wednesday, April 02, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

Eternal and Max your populations are super high, re-read the thread and find your mistake. @Sneaky accepted.. @Jona soon, might wanna get a few more people.
#129611001Wednesday, April 02, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

(Adjust it down to 4,000 in the cities and 7,500 in the countryside. Brings it down to 11,500, which is still within the 15,000 limit.)
#129613358Wednesday, April 02, 2014 3:49 AM GMT

@Max, alright the limit is 10000 but that can slide, also please reduce your army count, keep it at 20% max.
#129628218Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:18 PM GMT

Populace:5000 Military Populace:1000 The country is a fair just Democracy type of government.
#129628295Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:21 PM GMT

Sorry to keep re posting but heres a change in my country Populace: 9700 Military Populace: 3600
#129628540Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:30 PM GMT

Can we like make it rain n' crap Gods do if we are pleased or not or if we want to change something about our Nation? Offical lawyer of the Roleplay Forum.
#129631200Wednesday, April 02, 2014 1:55 PM GMT

(Alright, reduce it to 1,800 as the Monarch's Retinues. Milita doesnt count, right? Reduce that to 1,200 milita as well for garrisons. Also, people, may you use () for OOC posts or OOC sections of posts? Makes it easy to sort out the Out-Of-Character stuff from the IC stuff.)
#129650910Wednesday, April 02, 2014 8:32 PM GMT

(I have a small army, but most of the Dewc men and a few women can step in a 'Rein Soldiers', the Dewc version of milita. Rein Soldiers are better than militias but will often lose to actual soldiers.) (I have a spread out population, I have a small army compared to everyone else, and almost no resources that could be considered 'wealth', like gold or silver. I think having better militia and soldiers make up for it. But don't worry, I'm on my own island.)
#129660054Wednesday, April 02, 2014 10:08 PM GMT

Countries Name: City of Zorano Region: A Mountain-ish and a desert-plains mix. (South Spain as an example.) Resources: Coal, Grapes Gods Name: Zorana, Goddess of Happiness and Luck and Anaroz, Goddess of Hatred and Failiure(Not worshiped, but the "anti-god" of Zorana Gods Gender: Female Populace: 5775 Soldiers: 1200 (Mostly untrained) Bio: Zorano is a lot different than other nations, where Kings rule all. In Zorano, the Queen has more power than the king, Princesses become Queen when their mother dies and women are viewed equals to men. The current rulers are Queen Safora and King Ramirez and the Queen is from the Zorano Family, the first and only family to rule Zorano They are also a bit based off of Carthage
#129669479Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:41 PM GMT

#129669608Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

the Senate and People of Estra With the main port city much more fished could be made if nets were left out at night or during the hours ship didn't sail. The plan is carried through.

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