#130024752Sunday, April 06, 2014 6:15 PM GMT

(Dark, If you read the PM I sent you, you would see why you aren't helping the twins. Pretend your helping.. Different twins that are like, five or something.) Pardon looked sadly down at his own feet. "...I feel kinda bad for Hades, having to take care of us... I can tell he's starving even more then is, Regret." Pardon looked up to Regret grabbing his hand, holding it tightly. "Bro," Regret says with one of his infamous wicked grins, "Hades is gunna be fine, and so are we. Common, we got stuff to do other then this. Letting go, Regret slowly creeps bal out of the alleyway into the city. Pardon nods softly, pulling out his two swords from his back case, and following his brother closely to the corner.
#130026317Sunday, April 06, 2014 6:30 PM GMT

Kyle I hear a rustling near,I jump down, getting out my bow, and crouching down. I make my way toward the sound, knocking an arrow into the bow before seeing a small dear. From years of training, I aim at its eye, and after a split second. I see a fallen, dead deer. I pick in a cradle. I realize something, this is heavy.
#130044567Sunday, April 06, 2014 9:42 PM GMT

( not your twins. Not even realitivly close to your twins. stop assuming... >->) Truss When they got to the log it was wet, leaving the base of it slippery and hard to climb. Without hesitating He picked the first one up in his arms and threw him on top of the log ripping his hand out of his brothers. He then went for the other doing the same before he jumped up onto it as well, seconds before the garne got there. They howled and scratched at the log snapping their jaws viciously. It wouldn't be long before they made it over. Turning to the twins he put his hands on their shoulders. "you did good... c'mon were almost done.. you guys can do it.." they looked up to him horrified... but they nodded sliding down the other side into the mud below. Just as he was about to jump to the ground below a sharp pain surged up his leg. Letting out a yelp of pain he turned only to see a man-eater hanging onto his calf by its jaws. Turning over he kicked hitting the thing square in the face, it releasing its hold. The force from the kick made him fall off the log backwards, knocking all the air out of him from impact. Gasping, not moments later the garne fell on top of him slashing and biting. With in seconds he pulled his gun. He shoved it under the things chin and with a pull of a trigger, its head exploded into bits and pieces of bloody flesh flying around him. The body fell limp on top of him.
#130047700Sunday, April 06, 2014 10:19 PM GMT

Jon would check the doors and windows for Man Eaters, Apparently without anything or anyone to kill he gets bored pretty quick. So he sets outside into the forest to what it seems, "Big game Wild Cat Hunting" as he refers it too.
#130080298Monday, April 07, 2014 4:20 AM GMT

Meww!---Lexie---Mewww! I Trudged back to my tree house,I observe it thinking how i survived so long without dying,I simply climbed back up my tree house and started a fire in a stone stove that dad made when...When he was still alive,I warmed myself in the fire and looked at my bloody hands,"I'll have to wash these later"i mutter.
#130092855Monday, April 07, 2014 11:45 AM GMT

But before Jon went, He looked through a small bunch of weapons he had, He then picked up a Hunting rifle from the bunch. Jon then went to the forest by foot.
#130105655Monday, April 07, 2014 5:00 PM GMT

Nico was relieved to see just a fire, and was still stunned by the sudden glimpse of a body, but he ignored it as soon as he began to delve deeper into the thought. He sat down near the fire and waved his hands over the fire, his face reflecting to become a red tint. He hauled off his backpack and checked its contents: His handgun... Nine magazines for his handgun... A bottle of water... A half eaten sandwich... Bandages... Field glasses/binoculars... And a pack of gum. Nico took the gum, opened the packet, and popped one into his mouth. He began to chew as he unsheathed his crossbow and placed if on the floor next to the fire. He got up and started to scavenge for little boards of wood. Just outside the building, he saw a small barricade of wood, and pulled off the wood. He created another barricade from the wood in front of the door, and a small hole just big enough for him to get in. If anything else were to get in, he'd hear it. He took the arrows from his bag, and stuck them into the wood to keep it in place. The building he was in had two storeys, he was in the first storey, the second one was blocked with fallen rubble. The fire began to fade out, and Nico chipped pieces off the wood boards and threw them into the fire. It blazed, only a little though. The rain still poured and he didn't want any rain blowing out his fire. He took off his coat and lay it next to the fire, the room was only about ten by ten metres squared, so it wasn't that big. The fire lay near the door, but somewhat in the middle. He lay his head down on his leather jacket and stared up at the ceiling as he rested for a while.
#130112050Monday, April 07, 2014 7:18 PM GMT

Jon would now be in the forest after 30 minutes of walking. He readied his guns as he walked to what it seemed to be, A village of peasents, Jon would grab his Sniper rifle now, Aiming it near a Gasoline Tank in the village.
#130189331Tuesday, April 08, 2014 7:50 PM GMT

(( Bumpo Wumpo ))
#130233410Wednesday, April 09, 2014 4:12 AM GMT

Name: Japheth (pronounced Jay-feth) Immunem. Called Jay. Gender: Male Age: 19 Group:(PATC, Man-eater, peasant, solo, neko) Solo Detailed Description: Jay stands at six foot two with a medium muscular build and a pale tone to his skin. His hair is a shaggy brown mess topped with an Australian slouch hat (Google for images)and black bandana covering his nose and everything beneath. His eyes are of a bright, piercing emerald. He wears a black undershirt and a forest-green trench coat over with an ammo belt holding rifle rounds in each loop slung across his chest. Black combat boots cover his feet and grey camo-pattern fatigues are his pants. An SKS distance marksman rifle is slung across his back along with a scabbard for a machete. A Colt M1911 accompanies him as his sidearm and a compact .45 sits dormant in his waistband. Black fingerless gloves cover his hands. Four rifles rounds, unique from the others on his strap, sit in the four consecutive bullet loops that top the left sleeve of his trench coat. Abilities: Jay is an excellent shot and often prefers to take targets out from a distance. Despite this preference, he is excellent at hand-to-hand and close quarters combat. His bandana covers his mouth, the location of another aspect of his physique and brutal capabilities in close quarters. Weaknesses: His disregard for human life has caused many survivor groups to shun him away, thus his becoming of a pariah. He can be arrogant, however silent he tends to be, which often gets him into trouble with those who see themselves superior. Background: Like almost everyone else, his family is dead or turned Man-Eater and is the only one to have escaped the cities. He's wandered from survivor camp to survivor camp, performing whatever duties he'd been given. At one point when scavenging, he witnessed some of his close friends get captured by other human beings, tortured, then killed straight up or fed to Man-Eaters. He managed to escape these bandits and return later, killing every last one of them. Those who knew of this claimed that as the last bandit died that God, or whatever it was that allowed this hell to come to earth, stripped him of his humanity. From then on he had scavenged around the cities, slowly beginning to succumb to the evolution enforced upon all of those who dwell the streets. Later, he had been captured by a PATC patrol whose leader was too intrigued by Jay’s peculiar case to kill him. Instead, they tried to use him as a weapon. He had fought captivity continuously and refused to join. Instead he bargained to not serve under the PATC banner, but under his own as a scout, bounty hunter, scavenger, or whatever else they need him to be. He's been running jobs for the local PATC cell since. Because his slouch hat covers his ears, some think he might be part Neko from his time in the woods. Other: (anything else you feel like including
#130286448Wednesday, April 09, 2014 11:36 PM GMT

(accepted ^-^)
#130288213Wednesday, April 09, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

(WOOOO! There is much rejoicing on my end. I worked hard on that CS lol. You guys do a party thing or whatevs?)
#130394214Friday, April 11, 2014 6:19 AM GMT

(Only if I am accepted, if not then just ignore this) I look up and down the tree-house, examining it from a distance. It seems like a worthy enough place to loot. I enter the tree-house and see a girl. I let out a tiny gasp by accident and hide behind the first thing I see.
#130422608Friday, April 11, 2014 2:39 PM GMT

Jay A pop sounded down the avenue of the city followed by a KA-TSH a few seconds later as the silenced rifle round hit its mark. The merc leaned back to lounge in his lawn chair after dispatching the last of the Man-Eaters he had spotted. The PATC had assigned him yet another clearing mission. They were getting assigned more frequently now. Jay knew he wasn't on the best of terms with the local PATC commander, but he didn't think he'd be sent on suicide mission after suicide mission. *No,* he thought. *It's because I've shown that I can complete them time and time again.* He shook the thought away. No need to question what the PATC was planning. It was likely better this way. He was given things to do, a purpose in a sense. Otherwise he'd likely be wandering the countryside picking off anything that moved, human or not, or crawling around in the streets again. Jay shuddered. He knew what the streets did to people. With no sign of any other Man-Eaters, Jay packed up his things and moved off down to the nearest boulevard. This sector of the city had been cleared up. Time to move on to the other. *Just another day on the job...*
#130422733Friday, April 11, 2014 2:43 PM GMT

(were u talking about meh :3?)
#131519276Tuesday, April 22, 2014 1:58 AM GMT

(Did this really just die? It had such great potential.)
#131566341Tuesday, April 22, 2014 4:52 PM GMT

Yes, this died. Pretty much no one was interacting with anyone, and then, everything soon went downhill.
#131575939Tuesday, April 22, 2014 6:57 PM GMT

(I was working on that bit for my character. Any good RPer and person with common sense would start working towards the other characters, or if necessary, RP by themselves for a little bit. Threads survive that way.)
#131577514Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:16 PM GMT

I was trying to, but the guy just ignored me completely.
#131577806Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:20 PM GMT

Meh, Dunno if this is the right time, But wanna do a fallout RP on a party Hissy?
#131579100Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:34 PM GMT

(Welp seeing as people are posting suddenly, we could easily revive this if everyone would stop being lazy.)
#131777280Thursday, April 24, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

( ive had a lot of home work :C but yes lets please not let this die.)
#131783841Thursday, April 24, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

(Aye, it's okay DMK x3 I'll post later tonight c:)
#132114373Monday, April 28, 2014 1:49 AM GMT

( so i just posted... and it deleted it. THANKS ROBLOX> .-.)
#132114882Monday, April 28, 2014 1:54 AM GMT

(Repost and I'll try my best to reply tonight. I JUST got back from a trip, so I'm a bit sleepy x3)