#13161258Friday, August 21, 2009 2:02 AM GMT

Xyunto: *"I don't know, something!"*
Top 25 Poster
#13161345Friday, August 21, 2009 2:04 AM GMT

Jek: *snaps and a glow that the necrons can't see appears over my head* erm...
#13161986Friday, August 21, 2009 2:14 AM GMT

Xyunto: What?
#13191882Friday, August 21, 2009 10:23 PM GMT

Xyunto: *"Taldeer, ready to attack. Commence?"*
Top 25 Poster
#13192002Friday, August 21, 2009 10:25 PM GMT

Jek: *gets shot off heart's blood* GAH.
#13192100Friday, August 21, 2009 10:27 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Uncloaks and flips off Synthia* Synthia: *Dives down and grabs Jek, then flies high into the air* Xyunto: *Pulls out Brisingr and gets ready for a rough landing*
#13192338Friday, August 21, 2009 10:31 PM GMT

Synthia: *Flies over Heart's Blood and drops Jek onto* Xyunto: *Falls between trees, cutting them rapidly to make landing area at the bottom*
#13192689Friday, August 21, 2009 10:38 PM GMT

Nec.ron Mono.liths(50):*Fir.es a.t Synt.hia a.nd Xyu.nto us.ing gau.ss fla.k* Necron Pariah:INCO.MING DRA.GON A.ND M.- Ma.gi Ran.ger:*Za.ps th.e Pari.ah wi.th ligh.tning mag.ic an.d it bre.aks apa.rt*Tak.es h.is Nec.ron sta.ff an.d bla.sts a Nec.ron War.rior wi.th it* Warl.ock Tald.eer:ATT.ACK! Ma.gi Guard.ians:*Thro.ws spe.ars a.t th.e Necr.ons* Nec.ron Lo.rd:DES.TROY TH.EM! Nec.ron War.riors:*Fir.ing a.t t.he Ma.gi an.d Xyu.nto an.d Syn.thia* Nec.ron Pari.ahs:*Wa.lks a.nd fla.nks rig.ht* Nec.ron Imm.ortals:*Fla.nks le.ft* Ma.gi Pyr.o:THE.Y'RE FLAN.KING U.S T.O TH.E RI.GHT AN.D LE.FT! *Pu.lls ou.t a bo.mb arr.ow*Fir.es a.t th.e Ne.crons flank.ing th.e rig.ht* (I got PPM'd. >.>) ♠-Spartan118-♠
#13192728Friday, August 21, 2009 10:38 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Accidently gets Brisingr stuck in a tree and hangs onto Brisingr* *A piece of wood falls down, hitting a Monolith* Xyunto: *Freezes*
#13192984Friday, August 21, 2009 10:43 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Dodging the shots, trying to get Brisingr out*
Top 25 Poster
#13193016Friday, August 21, 2009 10:44 PM GMT

Jek: *Jumps to the ground and takes out my mace*
#13193102Friday, August 21, 2009 10:45 PM GMT

Magi Knights:*Rises up and attacks the Necrons* Magi Rangers:*Rises up and fires at the Necrons with metal piercing arrows using crossbows* Necron Monolith:*Launches a boulder at the Magi* Magi Guardian:INCOMING! *Rolls out of the way* *CRASH* Magi Ranger:GET UP EVERYONE! LET'S GO! LET- *Hit in the head*Falls dead* Magi Commando Elite:*Chopping trees down for cover and traps* Magi Commando Squad:*Cloaks and falls behind Necron lines* Behemoth(a some what humanoid monster with white skin and scales):*Comes into the battlefield*Roars*Smashes through Necron infantry* Magi Guardian:*Riding the behemoth and operating an arrow turret* ♠-Spartan118-♠
#13193202Friday, August 21, 2009 10:47 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Lets go of Brisingr and falls infront of a couple of Necrons* Hi...? *The tree Brisingr is in slowly collapses, knocking down other trees, and Brisingr falls out, piercing Xyunto in the elbow, keeping him from moving* Xyunto: Agh!
Top 25 Poster
#13193214Friday, August 21, 2009 10:47 PM GMT

Jek: *runs at the necrons and bashes each one in my path*
#13193390Friday, August 21, 2009 10:50 PM GMT

Synthia: *Flies towards Xyunto, but gets hit buy a few boulders and lands on some Magi* Ow!
#13193399Friday, August 21, 2009 10:50 PM GMT

-Sniper Tower- Magi Ranger:*Using a plasma crossbow sniper* Got'cha in my sights... *Snipes the Necron Lord* Necron Lord:*Grabs the arrow and hurls it back* Magi Ranger:*Gets hit in the arm* AGH! Magi Ranger Medic:*Takes out a bacta-tank and bandages*Starts mending the Ranger's wound* Necron Monolith:*Fires some little gauss shots at the sniper tower* -Meanwhile- Behemoth:*Smashing a Monolith* Magi Guardian:KILL THEM, BOY! Behemoth:*Armor is absorbing most of the shots* Magi Knights:*Pushing back the Necron forces a little bit* Necron Monolith:*Smashes most of the Magi Knights* Magi Knight:Oh sweet mother of- *Smashed too* -Behind the Enemy Lines- Magi Commando Squad:*Sabotaging Necron Monoliths, weapons, and infantry* ♠-Spartan118-♠ ♠-Spartan118-♠
Top 25 Poster
#13193455Friday, August 21, 2009 10:51 PM GMT

Jek: *gets shot in the chest* GAH. *collapses*
#13193472Friday, August 21, 2009 10:52 PM GMT

Xyunto: *Trying to get up before the Monolith hits him* Oh god no, oh no!
#13193558Friday, August 21, 2009 10:53 PM GMT

Necron Immortal:*About to smash Xyunto* Magi Hell Hound(A Magi dog meant for war):*Pounces on the Immortal and starts ripping his parts out*Growls viciously* Magi Tamed Snarps(wasp like creatures that have four wings and can shoot needles out their mouths):*Shooting needles at the Necrons* ♠-Spartan118-♠
#13193626Friday, August 21, 2009 10:54 PM GMT

Xyunto: *An arrow whizzes over his head* SWEET MOTHER! *Still trying to get up*
#13193631Friday, August 21, 2009 10:54 PM GMT

Necron Warriors(10):*Limps to Jek and attacks him* Magi Guardian:*Shoves the Warriors out of the way and slashes them all* ♠-Spartan118-♠
Top 25 Poster
#13193748Friday, August 21, 2009 10:56 PM GMT

Jek: *out cold*
#13193857Friday, August 21, 2009 10:58 PM GMT

Magi Guardian:*Picks Jek up and rushes him over to a medic* Magi Black Falcon Medic:Hrm... *Takes out a bacta-tank and takes some bacta and rubs it on Jek's wounds*Bandages them* Alright. Now let's wake him up. *Takes out a very sour berry*Makes Jek eat it* ♠-Spartan118-♠
#13193908Friday, August 21, 2009 10:59 PM GMT

Xyunto: *An arrow pierces him in the side* I SWEAR I'VE HAD ENOUGH WOUNDS ALREADY! *Trying to remove the arrow*
#13194009Friday, August 21, 2009 11:00 PM GMT

Magi Seer Councilor:*Runs up to Xyunto and takes the arrow out*Starts healing his wounds with White Magic* Magi Guardians(5):*Protects Xyunto and the Councilor* ♠-Spartan118-♠