#131298950Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:04 AM GMT

(How come they suspect him? What has he said to make them think he is hiding something?)
#131299067Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:05 AM GMT

(I had mentioned that I wanted to go READ the book, then you talked about thievery and started to quickly cover up after the mishap :P) “If we are unwilling to be aware of the dark, we cannot see the light.”
#131299144Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

(He said metagamemetagamemetagame) All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131299324Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

(Ah, he was relating it to the felon that was committed before hand.) George "Now listen here, you know me as someone that always follows the rules set in this place so why suspect me of this crime? I would not steal especially a book as dangerous as that one." I say in reply.
#131299360Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

(I'm using logic though :S) “If we are unwilling to be aware of the dark, we cannot see the light.”
#131299459Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

Caldir: I take my hand back, and hold my hands up. "Guilty as charged." I state, "but it's always worth a try." I still hold some suspicions, but whatever. I said I'd leave him alone depending on his decision. "So, anyways. What do you think the book IS?" “If we are unwilling to be aware of the dark, we cannot see the light.”
#131299682Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:11 AM GMT

(I think it's a [CONTENT REDACTED DUE TO SPOILER]) @George/Caldir: "I honestly have no idea... I might try to become a Councilmember specifically to figure that out." All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131299928Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:13 AM GMT

() Caldir: I give a small chuckle. "The goal of the century: become one of the strongest magic users ever... for a book. A story of epic proportions." “If we are unwilling to be aware of the dark, we cannot see the light.”
#131300007Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:14 AM GMT

George I smile at Ferolk but say nothing still slightly annoyed by their suspicions.
#131300273Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

@George/Caldir: "But for the moment, we have more important things to do that worry about the one book," Says one of your friends, "We still have Ferolk's conspiracy, remember?" All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131300615Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

George "And the oncoming exam." I murmur as I continue to think over the note that was left on my bed that morning.
#131300882Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

Caldir: "I still think the book is connected with the conspiracy, but we've got the exam sooner. We can always focus on the conspiracy AFTER we've done the exam and got more privileges." I state. (g2g. 2:22 AM kills me.) “If we are unwilling to be aware of the dark, we cannot see the light.”
#131300960Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

(Can we put this on pause for a sec while I collab with Smough?) All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131301870Sunday, April 20, 2014 1:32 AM GMT

(Sure.) George I nod. "Exactly, right now exams should be our priority."
#131441557Monday, April 21, 2014 6:45 AM GMT

@George/Caldir: "True... But what can we do to prepare for the test?" Ferolk asks, "Probably most of the other apprentices are just having a good time, or doing other things unrelated to the test, due to the contents of that message." All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131441714Monday, April 21, 2014 6:49 AM GMT

George "Maybe that is the key." I say. "Maybe we should relax and have a bit of fun besides we might learn something along the way."
#131441997Monday, April 21, 2014 6:58 AM GMT

@George/Caldir: "Maybe," Says one of your friends (We REALLY need to name these guys... You two decide on names), "But if taking time off can be counted as part of preperation for the test, then just about anything that's happened over the past day can - The shady councilmember could just be him acting for the test, the Book of Hilorik could easily just be part of the test as well." All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131442080Monday, April 21, 2014 7:01 AM GMT

(Henry and Martin.) George I nod as I realise what he was implying. "That could be it, they could be testing us on how we react to certain situations."
#131449668Monday, April 21, 2014 11:44 AM GMT

Name: Morgloth Xact. Age: 21 Gender: M. Race: Half-Ling. (If anyone else is this, you will die.) Appearance: A taller half-ling than most, he has a rough dark beard, covering most of his jawline. His hair is curly black. His eyes are green, with dark circles surrounding them from late nights. Like most half-lings, he is hairy on the legs and arms. Clothing: He wears a rag brown jacket, covering a more brown shirt, with leather trousers and leather boots, tied together with a fine piece of string. The seams in his jacket are a dark crimsons, stitched together as a continuous X between two lines, like this. IXI. Languages: Ghoril and Davek. Occupation: An Apprentice of the Arcane Order. Master: Lazarus Corx, an ancient Elf who had fought in the Deathstriker war, he would often recount his experiences in the war with Morgloth. He is strict, but is kind, trying his best not to get off task. Bio: TBA? Please? Stories of his life would be told in the dorms late at night or around the campfire or something? Other: Bannanachair. Bannanachair.
#131449755Monday, April 21, 2014 11:46 AM GMT

(@above, I am not an admin but I am sure Tim would appreciate a bio.)
#131449855Monday, April 21, 2014 11:48 AM GMT

(AW HELL NAW IT'S LATE AN- Yeah, Probably, we'll see.) I sleep in a beard.
#131496780Monday, April 21, 2014 10:40 PM GMT

(The RP will take place over the span of like two or three days, Myc. That's not enough time for telling his story around campfires.) All hail the Bannanachair king!
#131512646Tuesday, April 22, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

(Fine, but in my defense, it was late at night....again. I'll have it when I get on the laptop.)
#131528043Tuesday, April 22, 2014 3:23 AM GMT

(Okay, Okay. I got it. Bio: Morgloth was criticized by nearly everyone he wandered upon for his height and hairiness. He was a wandering merchant with his parents, until they came across the Arcane order, where he took upon a new life. He vowed that one day, he would get his revenge on those who had bullied him. Morgloth stays up late at night, working on some experiments, most unknown by others. He is often viewed as a quiet, odd apprentice.
#131545037Tuesday, April 22, 2014 8:51 AM GMT

@Arthur/Caldir: "I don't think that these are part of the test, although I do agree that they should be looked into a bit more," Says Ferolk. @Morgloth: It's noon on the second day before the test, and for the first part of the day you were doing chores for your master. All hail the Bannanachair king!