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#129753143Thursday, April 03, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

2054, Earth is booming with Technology, Hunger is mostly restored in Africa, America is more dominant that before, But Pollution is spreading across the ocean. Although this seems ordinary for everyone now, Something seems wrong...Giant, Mutated, Eggs. People were bazzled by this, So scientists took them to a lab to investigate. It was soon realised these were a egg of some sort of alien species, Scientists though they should cut them up, And they did. But they made the wrong mistake, 2 Small weird creatures what run on 4s, Smashes out of the egg, Attacking and killing the Scientists. They bit the scientists, Inhecting something into them before these creatures ran up into a vent in the lab, Sneaked their way into every room, Killing all the scientists and biting them as usual, Until one of the scientists managed to call the police, Soon after the police stormed in and shot at these things, But before. they knew it, The scientists came out of the rooms, They seemed, Reptillian, White flaky skin was on them. And they had bloodshot eyes too, And their clothes were ripped off, leaving only their trousers and shoes. They attacked the cops with their bare hands, brutally smashing their faces in until they were nothing but a pile of gore and guts. They stole the guns and finally finished them off, Before they started hiding from the public, But for some reason this virus/Disease spreaded, Slowly England was becoming the first victim, England hold them off for a good 5 months before the Creatures broke through, Masscaring england in just 3 days. European armies and American armies too Started fighting the creatures in England, Soon people realized what they were called, "Locusts" Its unknown why though, But people did not care, They either hid or fighted. But the virus became more advanced, The locust knew how to create their own weapons now, Locusts fighted with all their glory as the Europeans did too, But some of them became infected, And Locusts in Advanced militar y armour? Crap. The war raged, And people tried making cures, but failed. But enough of that, Anyways, The tl;dr Version, Locusts progressed through Europe and America, Now your a survivor, And quite possibly the only survivor, Excluding the military, But the military kill everyone in sight now. And you wake up after a coma. ~CS~ Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Weapons: (Limited, please) Abilities: Weaknesses: Bio: Anything else?: (Other things you may want to include.) Rules. 1.No godmodding, Its pretty obvious. 2.If you dont like it, Dont comment on it. 3.Please dont troll tho. 4.Be realistic too, You only start off with mabye a pistol or Meelee weapon and thats it. 5.No powerplaying tho. 6.You cannot raid Military bases unil really late in the RP, If it gets that far. 7.No OP weapons. 8.There is no rule 8.

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