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#129914129Saturday, April 05, 2014 4:50 PM GMT

(yes, this is just a repost of Paradise, but with a different name. Forgive me, but the last one is pretty much crapped on.) LOADING...▋▋▋▋COMPLETE. 2055, The Advancing Age. A popular craze has been formed, called the Reality Viewer. Similar to a Virtual Reality device, it simulates another world as realistic as possible without staying too close to actual reality. The three most popular companies in competition with each other creating their own Reality Viewers are named Gyrotronics, Mangofrontier and Telefrontier. After 50 more years, Telefrontier and Gyrotronics failed in the end and Mangofrontier went on to become more advanced until they finally broke the one rule, and it was never to possibly be overly close to reality. Instead of just letting people explore a simulation of a alien-ish world, Mangofrontier created a new type of Reality Viewer named the Paradise that let people use avatars to let users communicate and explore this world together, in a world that looks exactly like theirs, and each model of Paradise added more and more features until there were reports of users actually forgetting reality itself and essentially becoming lost in this world. People thought it was just normal irresponsibility, which was a usual type of thing, until it became some kind of epidemic and were considered dead, considering they never made a single move. When people tried to remove the devices from their head, it turned out it was just stuck there and wasn't able to come off. The users that were affected were experimented on, and the ones lucky enough to survive were living their normal lives. One user was tested to see what would happen if the device was turned off, and when it was, the user had died. Being forced to keep their devices on and leave them just sitting in a room somewhere, until they could be somehow saved, they were forced to stay where they were and stay in the simulation. Some have decided to ignore the fact that they'll never truly go back to their lives, some have completely ignored their state, and some have realized that they are trapped forever. But there is still hope. Somewhere. While this happened, Mangofrontier had taken the device out of stores. ❒WORLD❒ The simulation is an exact copy of the real world, except without any human beings walking around, only Avatars. You could do possibly anything, and suffer no punishment. Although, it became rather empty and wasteland-like when the device defected. People don't really use usernames or things like that, only their actual name. Avatars can look like anything, but only can be the size of a normal human. Because the creators believed that no-one should have their RV experience ruined, Avatars cannot be hurt in any possible way, but most have found a glitch that was like normal humans, Avatars could be killed, or in this case, forced out of their devices, as the creators thought it would be more fun this way. Most users have been trying to find other users and force them just for the fun of it, some of them still using the Paradise device after it being banned from stores specifically for that reason. ❒RULES❒ No, you can't randomly force out(kill)anyone. You must have permission from the other RPer. No godmodding. No mary-sues/gary-sues. Characters should be between 13-16. All roblox rules apply. Low romance. Pretty much. No trolling. If it is'nt in the rules, it is'nt in the rules. ❒CS❒ Name: RV Avatar: Normal Appearance: Age: Bio:
#129917872Saturday, April 05, 2014 5:25 PM GMT

#129918789Saturday, April 05, 2014 5:34 PM GMT

(anyone here)
#129925951Saturday, April 05, 2014 6:47 PM GMT

bump You can always save on sweet, fresh and deliciousat ALDI.
#129926874Saturday, April 05, 2014 6:56 PM GMT

Name:Jimmy Newman RV Avatar:A robot, his torso is mostly sphere shaped with a hole through it and skinny tube arms and legs, and a sphere shape head. with two eye holes. Normal Appearance:Blonde, short hair, a green T-shirt and blue sweatpants. Age:14 Bio:Jimmy is a fan of the Paradise RV, and has been with it for the last few versions. That's all. I'm running out of imagination here. (age limit now 13-20, this is now a rule) You can always save on sweet, fresh and deliciousat ALDI.
#129928019Saturday, April 05, 2014 7:07 PM GMT

nump You can always save on sweet, fresh and deliciousat ALDI.
#129936328Saturday, April 05, 2014 8:33 PM GMT

Name: Riley Age: 14 R.V Avatar: (Are they allowed to have powers? If no I will change it) She has long dark red hair down to the top of her legs, it has a few dark brown streaks in it. Her eyes are grey but they are not the same shade of grey. Her right eye is a pale blue-grey colour while her left is a dark grey. She has slightly tanned skin and long eyelashes. Her cheecks are red. She is 5'7 and weighs 102 (I'm hopig that the average weight for a fourteen year old) Her eyes are very deep into her skull, so that her eyelashes almost touch her eye brows. She is a fire Mage and she can use fire.... (Again I will change it if were not allowed powers) Normal appearance: Extremley similar to her Avatar except without the brown streaks in her hair. She still has the different shaded eyes which she doesn't really like that much. Bio: Riley was put uo for adoption when she was 5. Her parents got divorced and neither of them wanted her. She was adopted by a relatively wealthy family, they weren't extremely rich but they had enough money to buy her a reality viewer. She didn't have any friends so she just spent her time on the R.V. Until she got stuck... Personality: Riley is usually shy around people she doesn't know but becomes very friendly once she has been around someone for a while. She can be a little claustrophobic when in a small room with a lot of people. She does not get angered very easily but gets slightly... Out of control when she does happen to become angry. (Sorry its so short but I'm tired.
#129936849Saturday, April 05, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

(Accepted. If noone else joins within the hour, you can begin.) You can always save on sweet, fresh and deliciousat ALDI.
#129939472Saturday, April 05, 2014 9:09 PM GMT

#129949769Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:04 PM GMT

hope bump
#129950965Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

Name: Norman Delaware RV Avatar: His RV Avatar is a Spartan Legionaire in Silver armor. (If allowed, this may change on occasion) Normal Appearance: A tall kid, with dark brown hair, and pale skin. He wears a red Heavy Metal Band T-Shirt as well as black jeans. He was barefoot when he entered the Reality Viewer. Age: 16 Bio: Norman was an average kid who stuck with the trends whenever they popped up. After hearing about the new Reality Viewer system through a friend, he decided to get one, which got him stuck here.
#129951288Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:21 PM GMT

(accepted, we can now begin)
#129951800Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

Name: Polos Mccormick RV Avatar: (Can my roblox character work?) Normal Appearance: Stubby-ish?, Wears a dark blue sweatshirt, Blue Jeans, Black Hair, Blue eyes, Age: 15 Bio: Well let's just say Curiosity kills?
#129952082Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

(Accepted, and yes, yes it will. Even if it has not that much info, i did'nt put much in my CS either, so i guess i'd have to accept you anyway. )
#129953114Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

Normal Norman, following the cliches as usual, steps into his Reality Viewer for the First time. He sets up his Avatar and Generates a Multiplayer World. Land Type: Dense City.
#129953756Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:49 PM GMT

Jimmie I suddenly notice Norman in this world.
#129959156Sunday, April 06, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

#129960912Sunday, April 06, 2014 1:11 AM GMT

no one will join this roleplay. XD
#129961463Sunday, April 06, 2014 1:18 AM GMT

#129966598Sunday, April 06, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

Name: Nate Age: 12 Appearance: Short brown hair, Really skin and weighs 96 pounds. Hight, 5 feet tall. Brown eye's. Easily tan skin. Bio: Shy around some people. Nate is a baller and a jock, Really fit.
#129969121Sunday, April 06, 2014 2:44 AM GMT

(add more to the bio and get rid of the mistakes in appearance there's just one)
#129971200Sunday, April 06, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

Okay no.
#129978776Sunday, April 06, 2014 4:32 AM GMT

Have a bump
#129994538Sunday, April 06, 2014 10:22 AM GMT

#129996001Sunday, April 06, 2014 11:15 AM GMT

Stego says no one will join Tell that to the three people who joined, steggy.

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