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#13009Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:28 PM GMT

I have created again yet another marvelous weapon called spirit bomb... i used the same scripting as the rasengan and made the ball bigger... try 100,100,100 bigger the only thing is that i can mass use these things and the explosion is smaill so can someone tell me 2 things? 1. How do you make the explosion on a rocket bigger like the explosion radius... 2.How do you make the recharge on a rocket longer...
#13012Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:36 AM GMT

ok i figured out the explosion radius now all i need is how to adjust the recharge
#6885814Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM GMT

I have never been a good scripter, but im always messing with things. I call this 'Probing the innards' Now what I do is get the rocket. Open up the explorer revealing the scripts. then I Randomly pick a script and change its Values. 9/10 times you WILL get it right!
#6887635Sunday, March 29, 2009 12:23 PM GMT

ind the part in the rocket script called "cooldown=10" or something, then change 10 to the number of sconds

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