#130438862Friday, April 11, 2014 7:51 PM GMT

@success Food does not heal, it is just an essential. you have to consume at least 700 calories a day to survive in this game.
#130438925Friday, April 11, 2014 7:52 PM GMT

@OP I listed my stats a few above from this comment. Scan the page. Join 'Cats for ROBLOX'! ROBLOX NEEDS CATS!! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1074686 (Recruiting)
#130439081Friday, April 11, 2014 7:54 PM GMT

Oh. Well, stab the slug.
#130439090Friday, April 11, 2014 7:54 PM GMT

RPing name: Darwin Rader Wait a second OP. I wasn't taking his place so I will put my RPing name so you will know it's me. Okay? Join 'Cats for ROBLOX'! ROBLOX NEEDS CATS!! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1074686 (Recruiting)
#130439176Friday, April 11, 2014 7:55 PM GMT

I'm sorry Jjj, i didnt see that, probably because i'm lazy. Can i finish success's intro to the game first, tho?
#130439279Friday, April 11, 2014 7:56 PM GMT

RPing name: Darwin Rader Okay then. You want me to do it or do you as I run away from the slug trying to talk to him breathing heavily. Join 'Cats for ROBLOX'! ROBLOX NEEDS CATS!! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1074686 (Recruiting)
#130439371Friday, April 11, 2014 7:57 PM GMT

@OP Okay. Ignore what I said unless success want's me to be in his intro to. Join 'Cats for ROBLOX'! ROBLOX NEEDS CATS!! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1074686 (Recruiting)
#130439467Friday, April 11, 2014 7:58 PM GMT

Monster attacks Ted this time. (Hit roll: 11) It hits him for (Damage roll: 1) 1 damage. Ted is now at 9. You strike the beast. (Hit roll: 20) You hit it critically! (Damage Roll: 5) You do 8 damage. The monster is now at 8 health. Ted strikes the beast. (Hit roll: 6) Ted misses.
#130439845Friday, April 11, 2014 8:02 PM GMT

Whatever the OP is okay with, jj. Also, attack the slug again.
#130440112Friday, April 11, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

OOC Okay then. Join 'Cats for ROBLOX'! ROBLOX NEEDS CATS!! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1074686 (Recruiting)
#130440315Friday, April 11, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

The Monster Strikes you again. (Hit Roll: 2) It misses. You attack the monster. (Hit Roll: 19) You hit the monster for (Damage roll: 4) 3 damage. Monster now at 5. Ted attacks the monster. (Hit Roll: 12) He hits for (Damage Roll: 3) 2 damage. Monster now at 3. Monster tries to flee, as it is in agony. (Flee attempt: 14) The monster, being a slow creature, tries to run, but cannot flee.
#130440768Friday, April 11, 2014 8:12 PM GMT

Hit it again.
#130440853Friday, April 11, 2014 8:13 PM GMT

#130441008Friday, April 11, 2014 8:14 PM GMT

(Can I still create a charcter or is it too late now?)
#130441309Friday, April 11, 2014 8:17 PM GMT

(Ultimate, how does creating weapons work? Also, can you create weapons from games?)
#130441623Friday, April 11, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

@Josh Don't bother listening to it, just read the title. https://www.you tube.c om/watch ?v=lL2Zw Xj1tXM @success The monster makes an attempt to attack you. Being mortally wounded, his hit chance is decreased by 2. (Hit roll: 20, but monsters cant critical hit unless they're a boss fight.) It hits you for (Damage roll: 2) 2 damage. You are now at 2 health. You strike the creature. (Hit Roll: 11) You hit it for (Damage roll: 5) 4 damage. The monster has died. As the monster falls to the ground, clearly dead, you skin it and take a few bones and some hardened animal plates. You have gained 150 xp from that encounter. "Geez, that was rough." Ted says,"We better get you back to camp to patch you up." Decision Time! A. Stay and search. with the monster dead, and none others in sight, you cant get hurt anymore than you have been. B. Head back to camp. That spaceship is a deathtrap for all you care.
#130441637Friday, April 11, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

@People who want to enter Likely but I guess the OP could squeeze you into part of the story since there's currently 1 RPer right now and I will be coming in soon. Join 'Cats for ROBLOX'! ROBLOX NEEDS CATS!! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1074686 (Recruiting)
#130441853Friday, April 11, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

A "It's fine. I'm sure we can find some first aid kits somewhere here."
#130441914Friday, April 11, 2014 8:23 PM GMT

@success To craft weapons, you need materials and to be at camp before or after a wave, not during. then, I will give you a range of crafting options considering your materials.
#130442539Friday, April 11, 2014 8:29 PM GMT

(Search Roll: 5) Nothing. (Search Roll: 7) Nothing. (Search Roll: 4) Nothing. (Search Roll: 18) Ah! Here's something! You found: Damaged Revolver. Damage: 1d8 - range/10. Critical Multiplier: x2 Special ability: A powerful revolver, you can now roll 18 and 19 as well as 20 to get a critical hit. Your Dex proficiency allows for a 5-point accuracy boost with this weapon. Are you ok with this find?
#130442657Friday, April 11, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

(Sorry guys, I'ma probably be gone until 4:50. Its ice cream. I hope you understand.)
#130442859Friday, April 11, 2014 8:32 PM GMT

Yes, something better than a standard knife. (wut)
#130443108Friday, April 11, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

C, then.
#130443138Friday, April 11, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

(Im gonna be gone for the next 15 minutes thanks to an icecream break. It's the weekend, ya know.)
#130451138Friday, April 11, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

(Correct me if I'm wrong,but me and the others will simply come into the roleplay based on the current Roleplayer's choices,right?)