#130355521Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:18 PM GMT

Name: Kayden Kaspersky Grimm. Age(Before entering Pod): Seventeen. His zodiac is Taurus[May 6th] Gender: Male. Power(s): Aura Manipulation, Abilities: Appearance; Kayden stands at about 6'1, which, in his opinion he considers to be rather average for a guy his age. He weighs in at something around 150, his frequent activities keeping his build lean. Being tall, he is also lanky, and has a tendency to trip over his feet, or to accidentally knock something over with a backhand. He is a veteran runner, with lean, sinewy muscles in his legs. With skin colour that resembles something close to a creamy pale, with a hint of peach, he's certainly strange. Due to his fair skin, whenever Aiken is pressured to blush, his skin instantly heats up, becoming a splotchy, fiery red. Freckles can be spotted, falling over his nose and even lightly crossing into his cheeks. His eyes are stormy. Not gray, exactly, or blue or brown or hazel, or green. His eyes were all colours, and no colour, nothing fixed. His eyes, are the kind of eyes that, depending on the light, were green one moment, and hazel the next. Even blue. The only constant in them, was the oddly colour specks that floated around his irises, a redish-brown, clay-like. Another constant, is the 'flashes' of his irises. When angered, irritated, or annoyed, his eyes will flash, in a manner similar to lightning, turning his eyes pure gold for a second before fading back to story. A rounded appearance, his eyes hold, they are lashed by his long, thick lashes, which have been described as "lashes" a girl could kill for. Kayden's features could be described more as "rugged", or "sculpted", with prominent cheekbones and a chin. His hair is a dark, frenzied mess. Though while it isn't curly, his hair wouldn't be described as straight either. It can be called wavy, because, as stated, it was a mix of the two. It's also rare to see Kayden comb it, as he prefers the mismatched strands and such. As for the accurate colour description, it's dark...almost black in colour with the occasional lighter streak of brown running through. His eyebrows match his hair colour, as in most cases. On some days, Kayden will run around with a faint stubble on his chin. Items: UHM. I'll think of stuff. Other: Lasthope?
#130355889Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:21 PM GMT

Name: Dahy Viska Maeb. Age(Before entering Pod): Sixteen. Gender: Male. Power(s): Nature Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Electromagnetism Manipulation, Nature Aura, Abilities: Appearance; A-as you might tell from my accent, I'm mainly of two ethnicities, Russian, and Irish. I inherited my mother's wide, expressive eyes, a vibrant shade of green which some describe as 'vivacious'. My lashes, are lo g, and dark, naturally. Also from her, I inherited her upturned, button nose, and impish smile. From my father, A-adrik, I share with him his shaggy blond hair, lightened, from many hours in the sun. Without light, during winter, I s-suppose it turns darker, into a more golden blond, rather than sunkissed. Also from my father, I share his darker lips, unusually ruby, compared to some. Another thing to note; My mum says I have a 'cherub' stature, short, with babylike, chiseled feathers, and puppy-dog eyes. Freckles a-also dappled my upper face; the bridge of my nose, and such. Technical features; M-my height is 5'2, quite short, and weigh 102 pounds." Eyes: His eyes are green. Not the normal kind of green, which is a crisp, clear colour, but a more pronounced emerald, or jade. Actually, that's not really the truth. While it was not a lie that both irises are green, one might perhaps note that they're, well, different shades of green. His right, a deep, penetrating emerald, the colour that seems to stare through your soul and beyond. On the edge of this alluring emerald lay a ring of yellowish-hazel, a colour normally reserved the felinistic eyes of cats. Dahy's left eye, was a light slate. Similar to a blade, this faint, clear green could harden and strike, rendering one speechless at the plain mixture of these odd eyes. A rounded appearance, his eyes hold, they are lashed by his long, thick lashes, which have been described as "lashes" a girl could kill for. Items: Mmm... Other: LASTHOPE.
#130357499Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

Hm. Actually, Dahy will be fourteen. I want him to loom up to someone.
#130358942Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:52 PM GMT

tag John Marston up my butt
#130360206Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:05 PM GMT

#130360329Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:06 PM GMT

#130360652Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

Okay, we may begin the RolePlay. Some facts you might want to know: We are currently in a grassland like area, and it is daytime, there is a yellow sun providing light(Just like earth) but there is also stronger gravity.) From the skies above planet G-167, flaming... Things, could be seen. As they came closer, it appeared that they where... Pods. They rocketed through the sky, leaving trails of smoke behind them. Alex My eyes, start to open, there was light. There was warmth, as they open I look around me, I was, in a pod, suddenly, I remember what had happened, I was on another planet. Everything, seemed heavy, as I try to raise my arm I realize it was stuck, trying to jerk it forward it finally moves with a loud pop, the window of the pod opens up, and slowly, I step outside.
#130360808Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

Since we can't react quickly, are we going do die, then? }}
#130361204Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:15 PM GMT

... ... ... Joshua's eyes darted up. Darkness-no, it wasn't darkness. The darkness was fading. The window of his pod roared with light--no, once again, it wasn't light. Fire. Sweat trickled down his immobile body as he struggled, the place around too tight for him. He could barely breathe. Questions flew throughout his mind. How long has it been? Have the others arrived? Is this normal? Is he going to perish here? (pawz, come )
#130361549Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

(The pods are impact resistant and highly protective, they will keep you guys safe. (unless you want them to be broken or anything)
#130362169Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

Kayden's pod crashed into the ground, coming to a jarring stop as it tore the earth up around it. Opening, the pod ejected Kayden, and he landed on the soft ground in a tangle of limbs. Mm. This was odd, his vision was weird, he could see flickering signatures around everything. · Dahy's pod was landing, trashed, in a heap of burnt parts. The young boy had clambered out on his own, and was now nursing a bruised arm. Oddly enough, the grass in which he sat on seemed to be reaching up towards him... The child held a cherub-like appearance, innocent heterocromic green eyes, and light blond hair, cut past his ears. His head was a mess of curls.
#130362857Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

Joshua lurched forward suddenly as the window went black, covered in dirt as the pod skidded to a stop, still flaming. The window had a large crack around it. The window and half of the door shot out, allowing Joshua to take his first breath in this world. Scared, helpless, confused and a mixture of everything, Joshua leaped out of the pod and fell to the ground. His vision became blurry and his brain was foggy. Just thinking gave him a migraine. Using common sense, he tried to crawl away from the wreckage of his pod. Around a minute or two later, it exploded, sending sleek white shrapnel everywhere, skimming Joshua's skin and giving him little cuts that stung, although he was too confused and tired to feel or notice anything.
#130363302Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

Alex Slowly climbing out of my pod, talking wobbly steps, It was hard standing, the gravity... As I walk I look up, there were pods everywhere, some of them landing, others crashing, and exploding.
#130363457Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

Joshua rose to his feet, his vision clearing. Other pods around him were landing... Pods? What was this place?
#130363637Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:39 PM GMT

Dahy sighed, and began absentmindily scratching the fuzz on his arm. A pod crashed nearby, broke parts shattering everywhere, and a wall of protective thorns rose of before him, taking the blunt of the blast. The boy itself, seemed unaffected, just dazed, and began to focus his gaze on some far-off place. · Kayden limped around, looking everywhere in wonder. Everything..had a colour..inanimate objects like stones, bananas, were grey...dead. but the plant life, well, was colourful indeed. Everything was expressed differently, it seemed.
#130363710Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

Alex I watch as a man crawls out of his pod, suddenly, It explodes, I watch as he stands up, "A-Are you al-l right?" I say.
#130363947Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:43 PM GMT

Joshua regains his balance and nearly trips once again before he realizes another man is talking to him. In the corner of his eye, he could see a mushroom cloud fading, and fire and smoke rising into the sky. His arm was filled with paper-width sized cuts. "It exploded." Joshua said, not technically answering the question.
#130364409Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

The child continued his scratching, his vivid green gaze glazing over. He shivered, once, though it didn't seem very cold.
#130364642Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

Alex I look at the cuts on his arm, "You need some help?" I ask.
#130364811Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

"No." Joshua says flatly.
#130365387Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

The thorns slowly receded, leaving the child alone. His right arm was beginning to swell, and his eyes were glazed,but other than that, he seemed fine. Kayden limped around, in a confusing manner. Blood was driving down Josef, from where some shrapnel had marked him.
#130366234Friday, April 11, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

Alex "Your arm is bleeding." I say, "You sure?" my voice was getting better.
#130366318Friday, April 11, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

"Yes," Joshua repeated.
#130366468Friday, April 11, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

Alex "Okay." I say. I try to take a step, but it was like my foot weighed much more than normal, "Is it just me, or is everything heavy?"
#130366602Friday, April 11, 2014 12:11 AM GMT

"Gravity." Joshua said.