#13159754Friday, August 21, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

Maverick:*runs in front of Xero*Freeze Hunter! Xero:You and what army? Maverick:This one... 300 Mavericks:*come out from behind trees* Xero:O_o Missile Rain!!-think:All I need is a few thousand Hunters...- Missiles:*crash down onto the Mavericks, killing many, but there are still alot left* Xero:Crud.. Maverick:*attack Xero, knock him out, bind and gag him, then drag him off into the forest*
#13182586Friday, August 21, 2009 7:02 PM GMT

Recon Falcon: *takes out the artillery with C4* (Radio to base: Iv lost xero's signal) *hovering for stability* (Radio to base: Iv got his last known coordinates in sight, looks like the mavericks took him)
#13193863Friday, August 21, 2009 10:58 PM GMT

{BUMPer cars}
#13194449Friday, August 21, 2009 11:08 PM GMT

Xero:*wakes up hung from the roof by chains*Urgh..where am I? Maverick:Shut up!*jabs a lightning stick into Xero* Xero:Ack! Maverick 2:I thought boss told us not to hurt the prisoner until it was time for him to be interrogated. Maverick:Bah..the boss isn't gonna know. Sartoga:Don't be so sure..*slices the Maverick's head off* Xero:Sartoga!Grr.... Sartoga:Long time no see Xero... Xero:What do you want from me? Sartoga:Answers. And for you to join us. Xero:Yeah like I'm going to betray the Hunters.*spits at Sartoga's foot* Sartoga:*nods* Maverick 2:*jams the lightning stick into Xero* Xero:ARGH!! Sartoga:We could do this the easy way, or we could do this the ha- Xero:rd way. I knew you were going to say that. Sartoga:*punches Xero* Xero:Ack! Maverick 2:*jams the lightning stick into Xero* Xero:ARGH!!!!!*slumps over* Sartoga:....*cuts Maverick 2's head off*
#13195557Friday, August 21, 2009 11:26 PM GMT

Recon Falcon: *flies towards Xero's location as fast as I can* {<-- His Top speed is around 20 times the speed of sound, fast enough to out run pretty much anything. He can only sustain flight speed that high for a few minuets}
#13278432Sunday, August 23, 2009 4:18 PM GMT

#13476806Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:15 PM GMT

Delta (Radioing Xero): Xero! I need help, these mavericks won't give up! And I reverted to humanoid form! I can't go to light form! I'm at (shows coordinates on screen of wrist communicator). Bring Recon Falcon with you. Delta Rage out.
#13477063Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

Recon Falcon: (Radioing Delta: Xero been captured by the mavericks, I'm closing in on his last know coordinates)
#13477072Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

Delta Rage: *fires light cannon at low health Maverick* *jumps in air as missile hits floor (shot by Maverick)* Mavericks: *fall 20 stories down with hard impact* Delta Rage: Heh... *leaps in air, grabbing pipe* *climbs and jumps to pipes to get onto roof*
#13477133Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:21 PM GMT

Delta (radioing Recon): **** CRAP!!! Okay, I'm getting out of this place. I'm homing in on your coordinates.
#13477320Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:25 PM GMT

{OOC: that might difficult considering Recon is moving at very high speeds}
#13477611Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:31 PM GMT

{OOC: Yeah but Delta Rage is pure light, he can run faster than the speed of light, which is just as fast as 20 times faster than the speed of sound}
#13477646Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:32 PM GMT

Maverick:Sir, we've picked up a Hunter heading towards us! Sartoga:Should've known they'd be after him..I just hope they are ready for the truth... -Meanwhile, elsewhere in Maverick HQ- Xero:*in a cell* Maverick:*opens the cell door* Xero:*looks up*Come to torture me more?*he appears very damaged* Maverick:Heh...*aims an EMP cannon at Xero* Xero:What the?!*hit with an EMP pulse, and he drops unconscious* Maverick:*unchains Xero, slings him over his shoulder, and carries him into a different room* Maverick Scientist:Is he ready? Maverick:As ready as he'll ever be...*ties Xero to an operating table*Ready for the test!*puts a thumb up* Maverick Scientist:Testing the Maverick Cannon.....*presses a button and a scary looking laser cannon comes down from the roof, aiming at Xero*In 3..2...1!*presses a button, and a laser fires from the "Maverick cannon", and hits Xero square in the chest*
#13477716Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:33 PM GMT

Delta Rage: Okay, I can turn to light forme again so... *suddenly runs so fast it's as if he teleported* *appears beside Recon* I'm coming with you to save Xero! *runs beside Recon*
#13477912Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:37 PM GMT

{OOC: You there, pplz?}
Top 100 Poster
#13479447Friday, August 28, 2009 12:06 AM GMT

(I'm playing Maverick Hunter X, and I have the X Collection, so I'll join.) Name: Ace Age: 8 Normal Weapon: Wind Blade Charged Weapon: Whirlwind Slice Armors: Hawk Armor (Gig Attack: Wing Slicer) Equipment Slots: 2 Rank: C Bio: A low ranking hunter. Screws up, but makes up for it in suprise Victories.
#13480554Friday, August 28, 2009 12:24 AM GMT

#13481080Friday, August 28, 2009 12:32 AM GMT

Recon Falcon: I'm detecting some unique energy signatures from the base *reaches the maverick base and slows down to a stop, hovering high in the atmosphere. Looking for an easy way to get in* {<-- He's high enough not to be detected} {OOC: just for your information 20 times the speed of sound is nowhere close to the speed of light. 20 times the speed of sound = 23173.92 Kilometers per hour where the speed of light is 300,000 Kilometers per second. }
#13481125Friday, August 28, 2009 12:33 AM GMT

{you guy's realize Recon was Flying high in the atmosphere the whole time}
#13481296Friday, August 28, 2009 12:36 AM GMT

Xero:*recovers consciosness*What the....I feel all woozy... Maverick:Wort..wort wort... Maverick 2:*whacks the Maverick in the back of the head*We're not in frickin' Halo you idiot... Xero:What did you do to me?! Maverick:All in due time will you find out...
#13481430Friday, August 28, 2009 12:38 AM GMT

{can you get in the room Xero's in by blowing a hole in the roof?}
#13481477Friday, August 28, 2009 12:39 AM GMT

(Probably...but the rubble might crush Xero)
#13481643Friday, August 28, 2009 12:41 AM GMT

{OOC: oops sorry o.o... OH WELL!!!!! HE CAN MOVE ANYWHERE THERE IS LIGHT, THEREFORE CAN TRAVEL ANYWHERE BESIDE HIM!!!! lol sorry I spazzed out. Okay so let's say Delta Rage is beside Recon}
#13482044Friday, August 28, 2009 12:47 AM GMT

{oh well, I guess Ill have to go with clean cut} Recon Falcon: *charges up Time-Stopper attack* *carefully lands on the roof of the Maverick base, useing MRI vision to find Xero, Recalls his plasma cutter(it a saber like zeros, but it's not powerful enough to be use in a fight). Then I use time stopper to buy me enough time to free Xero*
#13482098Friday, August 28, 2009 12:48 AM GMT

{<--- and I forgot to add that he cut a hole in the roof}