#130669333Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:27 PM GMT

Score quick set the mode of the plot. Also do you mind if I give my self a first aid kit instead of my survival book since I am on trip with my fellow Med. Students?
#130674227Sunday, April 13, 2014 10:13 PM GMT

Thank you so much for the answers! And it's totally fine; I just got a little confused, haha! C: Anyways, since you said we could, my second character is... :~: Character's Name: Emmi Edison [Erm, not related to Thomas Edison.] Character's Age: 14 Character's Gender: Female Appearance: Emmi has long dirty blonde hair, almost going all the way down her back. She has ocean blue eyes - a mixture of blue and green mingling together. [I just had to say mingling. It sounded too good to not put it in.] Her skin is rather pale compared to much of the others. She has a light tan-colored birthmark in the shape of a cloud-looking blob on her left cheek, close to her eye. Inventory: A ponytail holder, a journal, and a pencil. Weapon(s): None. She knows nothing about survival. Tribe: Nope. History(Past): Emmi grew up in a big city. Unlike some others in movies, she's not exactly "rude," but she always wants to get her way. Even if it means throwing a fit to get it. She grew up as a spoiled child, never knowing what if meant to not get what she wanted in the end of fits and tantrums. She was on her way to Italy [Or any other place, I guess.] to see her mother with her father on a private plane when suddenly, everything went wrong. The plane crashed into the islands. After crash-landing, Emmi never saw her father again. Vehicles(Ships, boats, etc. No cars): Erm, the private plane... which is gone now? Other: Emmi has never been the smartest kid in her classes - ever. When she was in school, before the plane crash, she was always caught doodling on her tests, homework, desks. She would draw just about anything, ranging from animals to clothing to houses. She's kept a journal since she was in the third grade, continuing to write in it since then. She also prefers to have her hair pulled back in a ponytail or a braid to keep it out of her face. :~: Tah-dah.
#130675324Sunday, April 13, 2014 10:24 PM GMT

Should we start? I'm ready when you are.
#130675449Sunday, April 13, 2014 10:25 PM GMT

Um, was I supposed to mention what my characters are wearing? I feel really stupid. I'll just do it anyway. :~: For Jeb, he never had really a "choice" for a wardrobe. Ending up on the island, he's in a simple, old gray shirt with blue jeans, plus a pair of worn-out sneakers that barely fit him anymore. [I don't suppose these islands have a mall, do they? xD] :~: Emmi, being a "fashionista," prefers something that stays within the trends. Trying to look good for when she goes to see her mother, on the plane, she wore a light yellow dress with a baby blue ribbon that goes across her waist and ties up in a big bow on her left side. She also wore a pair of baby blue heels that matched the color of her bow. She had another bow of the same color blue in her hair, but it annoyed her too much, so she threw it away when she crashed onto the island. And since she crash-landed, her dress is, like, dirty. [xD Omg, this sounds/looks stupid.] If she gets accepted, anyway. C:
#130684708Monday, April 14, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

Your accepted again. c: Since I just said so, I feel like I should make another character. e3e Character's Name: Dawson Coleman. Character's Age: 23 Character's Gender: Male. Appearance: Dawson has a spiky hairstyle, spiky at the top while the sides are straight. His hair is dark brown, fitting well with hazel eyes, including pale skin. His arms have strong muscles to help him handle heavy things. He wears a dark blue shirt that is close to black, with light blue jeans. He wears a torn up black jacket, covering the shirt itself. He also wears a tank-top underneath the shirt and the jacket. He wears grey shoes with shoelaces. A brown backpack with him and a scar on his arm and on the neck, but you can't see it when his collar from his shirt covers it, including the sleeves of the jacket. That's why he wears it. Inventory: A knife, few water bottles, a comb, a few packs of matches, a couple of can soups. Weapon(s): Tribe: None. History(Past): His father abused him, giving him scars to remind of him forever. His mother did not do anything to help. He couldn't help it; but to escape from his horrible life. He escaped from them at age 12. After that, he stayed in the streets until age 15, when someone discovered him and took him to the orphanage. He was adopted with his foster parents who live by the beach. He went there one day surfing, being taken away by the waves and washed on one of the islands; Kilesni Island. He discovered who his half-brother was before this happened. Vehicles(Ships, boats, etc. No cars): None. Other: He is half-brothers with Nicoten and he is from British, so he has a british-accent.
#130684918Monday, April 14, 2014 12:05 AM GMT

Weapon(s): A knife. Not really a big deal.*
#130687021Monday, April 14, 2014 12:28 AM GMT

Score can we please start now?
#130731323Monday, April 14, 2014 12:57 PM GMT

Sure. The Rp begins now!
#130731440Monday, April 14, 2014 1:00 PM GMT

I was just rereading your first post again, and um I came across that last sentence. "Maybe someone has already discovered these strange places... maybe." Something like that, anyways. The point is: It makes me think of some of those other roleplays, where you're just set up and forced to go into an arena, into your nightmares, etc.. Such forth (I don't know if people say that, but I am gonna), Katniss being forced into the Hunger Games... basically, in hopes of her dying, but nah. #katnissswag Then, there's this book called Starters (It's actually a really good book, but I dunno if anyone else has heard of it. xD), where this girl named Callie is forced to rent her body away for a while if she wants to get money to keep her brother, her friend, and her alive. Again, forcefully. And then- yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this. The point is that was just what I thought! Carry about your day, my little friends~
#130731576Monday, April 14, 2014 1:03 PM GMT

[Blargh, I'm having computer troubles. Posts are coming up later than usual for me, so just pretend my last post had pretty little brackets around it, 'kay. Imaginationnnn.]
#130732383Monday, April 14, 2014 1:21 PM GMT

@frogking Good thinking c: But I already know what I planned what things on that island, and a little bit of history. I want to make the RP even more interesting, so I decided to add stuff there that I wrote on my post. I want to try to make our characters realize that someone found out about these islands after discovering precious things there. But since I said it, you have to make your characters not knowing it. Don't find about it too soon after we Rp.
#130732664Monday, April 14, 2014 1:27 PM GMT

[Sounds fun! And trust me, my characters never really had any "schooling" or "learning," whatever word floats your bubble. So, they'll probably be the last ones to know. xD I feel like I'm trying to ruin the whole plot, but I just have to ask. Are tornadoes or hurricanes possible/likely on the islands? Like, one of the islands is more snowy, one is more tropical. Just a random question. Oh, my gosh. There should be a hurricane at the end of the roleplay that a mermaid comes riding in on and saves everyone. C: The end. Best roleplay ever, amirite.]
#130734647Monday, April 14, 2014 2:06 PM GMT

(( Hurricane part is a yes, Mermaid part... No, Just no. ))
#130735816Monday, April 14, 2014 2:25 PM GMT

[@Rio; xD You got something against mermaids?]
#130736109Monday, April 14, 2014 2:30 PM GMT

(( >Thinking i have something against mermaids >I have never posted a hate comment about Mermaids >Mermaids are rarely seen in RPs >Doihavetosaymore.avi ))
#130737063Monday, April 14, 2014 2:46 PM GMT

[ >Why are you doing this? >I was just kidding. >The age of the mermaids hasn't come yet. >Yes.]
#130755701Monday, April 14, 2014 7:16 PM GMT

(i'm starting) Kelly Ow…my head. That's gonna leave a mark. I stood up slowly. I have no idea where I am. I was also starving. I looked around for a while. There were beautiful, towering trees and many bushes with various colors of berries. My stomach growled. "Ugh, stop it!" I said out loud to no one at all. Then I started crying. I was lost, hungry, thirsty, cold, lonely, scared, and I had gotten dirt on my top! "Someone save me please!" I shouted. My mascara was dripping down my cheek. I wiped it away with my hand, leaving a black stain on it. I sat back down, picked a wild flower from the ground, and put it in my hair. I am still beautiful no matter where I am!
#130760779Monday, April 14, 2014 8:13 PM GMT

Mika (cat girl) She sits beside Alex, one of the many lynx in the area, gently scritching his ear. They were lounging on a rocky hill, enjoying the sunlight peeking through the shade. Suddenly Alex's ears prick. Mika strains to hear what grabbed the cat's attention. She hears a distant cry. She stands up, flattening her skirt. "Come on, Alex, your grooming can wait," she said, beckoning to her friend. Together they pace through the forest in the general direction of the source of the cry, Alex leading. (Present tense, right? I prefer present tense, don't know about you people)
#130798577Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3:43 AM GMT

Andrew (I might was well start also) -In a plane flying out of control into an unmarked island.- WE ARE GOING TO CRASH!!!! -Plane crashes into an island (Naoim), -Big explosion- -A few hours later- Ugh what just happen -rubs head-, where am I? -looks over shoulder and sees the plane in ruin- NO! Why did this.... -cant speak from shock-. -Decides to run over the the remains of the plane. There he finds a small pocket knife, a backpack with some supplies in it, and his surgery back he was going to use in an operation later that day. He decides to move in the only intact part of the plane and wait out the night. The moment he gets there he curls up into a ball and starts crying- (So what do you guys think first time I did this, and did I over do the action things?)
#130812153Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:22 AM GMT

Kelly I see a small speck out in the distance crash on a faraway island. Finally, I'm not alone. I run closer to the edge of the island I'm currently on (Kilesni), hoping to get a better view of the object. I see a huge cliff with water at the very bottom. "All this running is making me tiiiired." I whine. Then I remember the berry bushes. These berries look delicious. I grab a white one and put it in my pocket for later. I run over to a smaller bush with blue berries and pop one in my mouth. "I hope I'm not going too much off my diet!" I say, with a mouth full of berries.
#130822173Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3:41 PM GMT

(Didn't see that we were starting, haha! This is Frog, by the way! c: I hope you don't mind, but I'm not very good with present tense, so I'm going to use past tense. I always end up saying something stupid like "He rushes across the land and picked berries." with present tense. Like, I jumble up past and present tense words, so...) :~: @Nidrial; -JEB- He stayed low behind the bushes, watching the girl (Kelly), intently. His left hand held the leaves and berries down to where he could get a better view of her, while his right hand was gripped tightly on a spear, the end sharp. Was she threatening? He couldn't tell. It was obvious by her clothing she didn't live, nor belong, on Kilesni, though. Perhaps just one throw of his spear, purposefully missing, would send her fleeing in terror, leaving his island. Just one... He started to raise his weapon when he saw the girl pick a white berry, a poisonous berry. Did this girl have no sense? He watched as she stuck it in her pocket and headed off to a blueberry bush. He put down his spear onto the ground. He didn't have to try to hurt her; she was going to kill herself with a poisonous berry. But what if... His heart and mind were arguing over what he should do. His heart was telling him to help her, to tell her it was poisonous, but his mind had another idea. If he let her go ahead and eat the berry, she would die, quickly, too. It was no doubt. She didn't deserve to live - she shouldn't be on his island! He didn't want to have to kill her, so why not let her stupidity (No offense; just roleplay. xD) kill her? He grabbed his spear again and started to head off in the other direction when - snap! Something sharp poked him in his foot, and he had to bite his lip to keep from making any sound. He froze, afraid the girl had already seen him, and looked down to see a broken stick. Careful to keep silent, he lowered himself to the ground and tried to snuggle up next to a bush, the leaves rattling together and making a noise. He ignored it, though. "Please, don't see me," he whispered to himself, closing his eyes tightly shut, "please."
#130823557Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:07 PM GMT

-EMMI: NAOIM ISLAND- Emmi blinked her eyes open, her vision blurry for a few seconds until it came back to normal. She slowly started to lean up, using her arm that had been tucked underneath her for support, but fell back down to the grass she was laying on. She held onto her elbow with her other hand, pulling it close to her stomach as she rolled over onto her back. Everything she had was hurting - from the tip of her toes to the back of her head. She was sure she had at least broken her arm. Using her other arm, she helped herself get to her feet. In the process of standing, she couldn't help but noticed how one side of her right leg was bruised and scraped. She didn't know what had happened, though - her memory was practically blank. She couldn't even remember her surroundings. She was in a grassy area with plenty of room to run around in. In the middle of it all, though, was a mountain. There was a couple of trees around it but not enough for a forest. Farther away, she could see what looked to be like a field, wheat growing tall. But around all of that was water. There was more land - islands, more likely - around her, but it seemed to be too far to go to. As she was scanning her surroundings, she managed to catch a glimpse of a white piece of... of something. Carefully, Emmi made her way over to it as if it were about to explode within a matter of minutes. When she came to it, she gently touched it. Metal, maybe? Then, it came to her. She had crashed. She had been on a private plane with her father on their way to Italy, to where she would get to see her mother. She was supposed to be attending a fashion show... right now. "Daddy!" she called out, looking around. "Daddy, where are you?" There was no reply back. For a second, she thought maybe he... wasn't there. But she quickly pushed it away, refusing to believe so. Emmi continued to call out his name, repeatedly. It felt like hours went by before her eyes began to fill with tears, and she collapsed on the grass. She was alone. Alone in an unfamiliar place. The tears began to flood down her cheeks, messing up her make-up and dripping onto her yellow dress. Normally, she would've cared, but at the moment, she didn't, couldn't. A light blue bow had been placed in her hair, but she grabbed ahold of it and tossed it away, annoyed at it for no reason. She laid back against the grass. What was she going to do now - with no one to help her, with no idea of how to survive?
#130828205Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5:46 PM GMT

(Ello!, I'm new here and, well I'ma RP :D) (Character's Name: Grey Tusanii Harkness Character's Age: 25 Character's Gender: Male Appearance: A white tee-shirt (horribly torn with o sleaves), Bloody cargo shorts and no shoes. Inventory: Two rocks, a Lighter with almost no flued left, The sleeves to his shirt, and a watch. Weapon(s): A large stick with a sharp rock tied to it with seaweed. Tribe: None (so far) History(Past): He doesn't remember any of his past, all he knows is he woke up on an island. Vehicles(Ships, boats, etc. No cars): A small wooden wagon. Other: A Laii.
#130829553Tuesday, April 15, 2014 6:12 PM GMT

(I forgot to add something to my Charri description ~^.^~) (Other: Besides wearing a lei, Grey can be, ehemm, seductive, and i mean, VERY seductive. Anyways, he was born in Pompeii, and whenever someone mentions the word 'Mountion', he will get intense headaches, kind've like migraines. Appearance: He wears one torn up sock on his right foot, and always, and i mean ALWAYS wears a bowtie.) (And, can grey find Emmi?) (OH, he's also on Naoim Island)
#130830827Tuesday, April 15, 2014 6:35 PM GMT

Character's Name:Micheal J North Character's Age:32 Character's Gender:Male Appearance: Stubble, tall, smokes, injured (Will recover in a while), rough voice, australian-american, not too muscular but not too weak. Inventory:Dinner knife, Cuban ciggars, a photo of his parents, a bag of crisps and a set of clothes. (Stained from blood) Weapon(s):Dinner Knife, old rustic revolver. Tribe:NaN History(Past):Born in Australia by a widow who moved the america to escape past, four years in married a man who became his dad. When grown up he moved to (Unknown) his dad gave him a vintage revovler and he took some spare clothes.(Present day) Vehicles(Ships, boats, etc. No cars):NaN Other: Injured