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#1306722Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:15 AM GMT

Here's The Thing.You Post Your Sonic Char And I Will use it later In The Story. Example. Post SoAndSo In the Story! But Must Have Looks Weapons And Whatever Else(Fur/Skin Color,Shoes,Shirt,Etc). If You Beg Because i Didnt Use your Character in This yet,Kiss Your Chances Goodbye.
#1306803Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:21 AM GMT

Name: Xavier the echidna fur: red shoes: blue/green Shirt: none Weapon: His own two fists that are as hard as steel.
#1307075Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:44 AM GMT

You Also Need Pants(If Any),Accesories(If Any),Skills And Powers(If Any).
#1307166Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:50 AM GMT

K Pants: red/white shorts Accesory: ring of fire Skills/powers: Can drill through solid ground, with seven chaos emeralds can drill through ANYTHING!
#1307327Wednesday, June 11, 2008 4:02 AM GMT

Name:Darkness the hedgehog Fur:Jet black Shirt:Grim reaper robe,hood down Weapon:12 Ga.shotgun,Mini uzi,and a katana(all concealed in robe). Shoes:Like shadow's hoverskates,but all black. Facial Features:Just like Shadow's(hint,hint) Background:Still convinced Shadow has died,He sets out to find the Sol and Chaos emeralds to reincarnate Shadow,destroying anything in his path. Age:17 Allies:none Enemies:His own. Special skills:A master of technology and destruction. Special power:Disruption.Seperates the mollecular structure of anything in a 20 foot radius. Personality:Dark,mysterios.
#1307328Wednesday, June 11, 2008 4:02 AM GMT

Name:Syranax(Seer-in-aks) Fur:Green Shoes:Sonic Looking Shoes Shirt:None Weapons:Wind Powers,Weapons of Wind(Sword,Bow,Arrows,etc.) Pants:None Accesorys:Cape,Amulet Of The Wind God,Wind Bracelet,Wind Heaband,Wind Ring(1 on each hand) Skills:Can Control Wind,Can turn Into Wind,Can Manipulate Enemies Powers:Controls Wind,Controls Who He Wants. Comes From a Family Of Wind Elementals,This Hedgehog Can Do Anything Wind Related. His Father(The Mistake of the wind Elemental Family)Gave Syranax The Power to also Manipulate the Hearts And Minds Of Opponets. To Make it Easier For New People... Name: (Animal)Fur: (Human)Skin: shoes: Shirt: Weapon: Pants: Accesorys: Skills Powers:
#1307354Wednesday, June 11, 2008 4:04 AM GMT

Oops i Clicked Do Not Reply...
#1307437Wednesday, June 11, 2008 4:11 AM GMT

The Following Takes Place a 12:00 Am,January 5th 2010 Sonic Gives Up And Decides To Go out With Amy. Sonic:Amy...I Know That i have Been Running From You For So Long And...Well...I'm Sorry. Amy:It's Okay. And Now I Really Like you And Well I'm Gonna Prove It. Amy:Really? Sonic:Yep.*Closes His Eyes Moving Closer To Amy* Just Then... ???:*Knocks Amy And Sonic Out With A Bat**Drags Them To a Tower* 2 Minutes Later... Sonic:*Wakes Up And Is In Chains*Huh?Let Me Out of Here!!! Amy:It's About time you Woke up... Sonic:Why Are We Here!? ???:Thats For You To Find out... Sonic:Huh?*looks Around And See's Nothing But The Walls And a Window Made of Bars*Where Are You!? ???:*Laughs*I'm Not Telling you...
#1308076Wednesday, June 11, 2008 5:24 AM GMT

YAY! New RPG! Name: Yubel Skin: Black shoes: Black Shirt: Black Weapon: Sword Pants: Black Accesorys: none Skills: Demon Powers, Controling Darkness Powers: Can fly by will, with Seven Chaos Emeralds: Can Summon Black Holes
#1309465Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:04 PM GMT

Name: Sergio Skin: Human Shoes: Blue Shirt: Blue (With a white circle in the center and a blue S drew in the circle) Weapon: Spark Gloves Pants: Green olive shorts Accesorys: Blue gloves and a blue cap Skills: Super Sonic speed, Spin techniques Powers: Electric moves, with the Chaos Emeralds: Morph into Super Sergio; with the 7 World Rings: Morph into Darkspines Sergio
#1311963Wednesday, June 11, 2008 5:24 PM GMT

Name: Snow The Crane Feathers: White with black tips on the edge of wings shoes: none Shirt: White Robes Weapon: Ninja Stars Pants: none Accesorys: Rice worker hat Skills: Flight Powers: Ice, snow emeralds
#1312607Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:13 PM GMT

Name:Liam the hedgehog Shoes:Trainers (Tails's) shirt:NOOBS MUST DIE Weapon:SUPER ULTRA MEGA GUN WILL KILL U IN 1 SHOT (SUMGWKUI1S FOR SHORT) Pants: Denium Accesorys:Hat Blue Visor Skills:Super form, Spindash, Homing attack, Intellegence Powers:Fire burst, Sandfire, Balefire
#1312617Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:15 PM GMT

Fur:Reddish brown
#1315425Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:33 PM GMT

(Yay More People!) Syranax:*Is Sneaking Around* ???:Now Prepare for A Quick Demise!!!!*Pushes a button that makes a Megaton Particle Beam Cannon Comes out of a Wall* *Flash of Light* MTPBC:*Falls Off Of The Rods Thats Holding it* Syranax:Ha Ha!! ???:Forget This Crap!*Jumps out a window* Liam:*Is on the Roof*Prepare to Die!*Shoot His Gun And It Just Barely Misses ???* ???:This Isn't The End! Syranax:*Cuts Chains* Sonic:*Falls On 1 Knee And His Other Foot* Amy:*Falls And Sonic Catches Her* Syranax:You Should Be Thankful. Sonic:*Puts Amy On Down*I Am.Thanks.But...Who Are you? Syranax:Oh WHere Are my Manners?I Am Syranax,Controller of the Wind. Sonic:Nice To Meet You.I'm-- Syranax:Sonic The Hedgehog.I Have Heard Many Stories.*Watch Beeps*Oh.I Must Go.*Turns into Wind and Flys Off* End Of Part 2.
#1316496Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:00 PM GMT

Name: photgreg (FOTE-greg) Fur: Greyish blue Shoes: Sketchers and Nikes combined Shirt: white sleeves Weapons: Lightning bursts (come from his shoes) (they also home if enemy is close enough) Pants: None Accesorys: Cactus icon (on shirt) Skills: Shrinking, growing, (Max. regular size) Smartness Powers: Telekineses, first 2 of skills He weirdly was born last week at age 10. He is actualy a fox, but he is a good guy. When he rests for long enough, (30 minutes w/o stoping) he can preform PK starstorm exaclty how lucus get's it, but Photgreg just has to think it. if he rests for an hour without stopping, PK ST. will start falling 1 inch away from him, but will spread out stopping at 3 miles away.
#1455108Sunday, June 22, 2008 3:16 AM GMT

IT's Been awhile But I'm Back.
#1455492Sunday, June 22, 2008 4:05 AM GMT

Name:James K. Lancer Fur:Red Shirt:White Pants:Blue Hoodie:Brown Shoes:any kind Weapon:TwinBlade Accesories:sunglasses, necklece, Naruto,Wrist band Skills:Evil Form, 7 world rings, stupity, Sword Fighting Power:Red(Rage) Rings, Inferno Strike, Black Hurricane
#1458933Sunday, June 22, 2008 3:31 PM GMT

Shadow:Looks Like you Idiots Are Already Saved...*Drops From The Celing* Sonic:Yep.This Green Hedgehog Named Syranax helped us. Amy:*Giggles* Shadow:...Well Then.I'm Out of here. Sonic:*Grabs Amy And Runs Out Of a Hole in the Wall* James:Hey You! Sonic:*Stops And Turns To See James On Top of a Stone Pillar* James:Wanna Battle? Sonic:No I Gotta Get Outta Here.*Starts To Run Again* James:*Throws His TwinBlade And It Just Barely Misses Sonic* Sonic:Well...I Guess a Little Battle Wont Hurt.*Smirks* Amy:Be Careful! Sonic:*Spindashes At James* James:*Uses Black Hurricane* Photgreg:Hmm?*See's Sonic And James Battling*Cool.*Runs Over To Where They Are*
#1679796Sunday, July 06, 2008 2:18 PM GMT

uber bupzored dis thread
#1680000Sunday, July 06, 2008 2:44 PM GMT

James:Looks like this guy is tough
#1820498Tuesday, July 15, 2008 8:20 AM GMT

name/zero the hegohog feir/black wheth yellow strips attacks or whatever/thunderspindash accsesories/thunder mark on chest shoes/black wheth thundermake skills/chaos form when all seven chaos imerolds
#1831331Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:00 AM GMT

Name: radar prower (fox) Fur: light green with dark green mix shoes: lab shose (same color sceam as fur) Shirt: none Weapon: his 3 tails Pants: none Accesorys: chaos suit and emralded gogals (locats chaos emraldeds also act as flight or lab gogals) Skills: flight(just like tails would do) inteligince ace pilot Powers: supper form(chaos suit and 2 chaos emraldeds needed) persnalitey: strict but can be nice when not doing any thing inportan (wanted to add that to help you get how radar is like to be around)
#2243307Sunday, August 10, 2008 6:48 PM GMT

(Shocker i Told everyone it's a story only i post on.I'm Gonna Add New characters Later.) Radar:*Is Looking Around*Wow It Sure is Boring... Sonic Clone:Oh Really?*Dashes To Radar* Radar:Gack!*Jumps out of the Way* ???:*Snaps Sonic Clones Neck Before another Spindash*Need Some Help? Radar:I Had Him... ???:Whatever...*Triple Backflips and Lads on another Sonic Clone*Eggman Has Outdone himself...

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