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#130674734Sunday, April 13, 2014 10:18 PM GMT

You are a king, and you currently run a small kingdom with a castle and a few buildings. Your kingdom is small right now but as you build and get more population you will unlock new buildings and events. Current buildings: 5 Houses, a castle, 1 farm and 1 store. Current population: 13 (Not including your workers) Workers: 3 builders, 1 servant, 2 stone harvesters and 2 wood harvesters. Current resources: 100 wood logs, 100 stone bricks, 150 gold coins and 5 days worth of food. (The farm currently generates 1 food every ten days, grow population to produce more food.) inventory: Iron sword, unsharpened attack: 5. Wooden armor, defense 3. Stats: Health 20 / 20 Mana: (Requires staff) Level: 5 Xp until next level 0 / 10 Next building to be unlocked: Barracks What do you do? A- Hire another worker. State which field they will work in. Costs 10 gold coins. B- Harvest more resources. Gains 20 wood and stone. Stone, wood harvesters are not available for one extra turn. C- Adventure in the forest. You may get into fights and gain experience. Or die. D- Take a walk around your kingdom. May trigger random event. E- Build another house. Gains 2 population. Gains 2 Xp. F- Challenge someone to duel. Gains 3 Xp. You may become injured.
#130681972Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

C- Adventure time! XD
#130684614Monday, April 14, 2014 12:02 AM GMT

(Ok people don't get confused but this is aveyond, I'm just on doglovers account because were sharing a computer right now.And I'm just using dogs account for right now cause in our roleplay I'm dead. So ya this aveyond.... 2 :3 You remove your sword from your belt and adventure off into the forest. So walk silently under the thick and beautiful canopy of the forest. Suudenly you hear a growl from behind you! You whip around and come face to face with a bear! What do you do? You: 20 / 20 hp level: 5 Bear: 15 / 15 hp special attack: Claw level: 2 A- Run!!! B- Fight it! C- Sharpen your sword. D- Attempt to tame it. Warning may result in severe injury or death.
#130700574Monday, April 14, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

(Ok I'm on my own account now, doglover went home.)
#130711835Monday, April 14, 2014 4:33 AM GMT

C, then B. The sharpen makes the sword do 10 damage! It's a 1 hit KO, but the bear runs off. The bear drops: Scroll of Beaming (???) 10 Experience Fur and Meat 5 Gold Coins King goes to Level 2! More peasants enter your kingdom. 30 populaton, along with twice as much workers as before. You think of expanding your kingdom! What do you do? ~A) Get your workers to make a few houses. 5 golden coins, and 50 of the wood. ~B) Get the resources for the 50 wood required to make some houses. ~C) Fight for more sources. Will trigger event 75% of the time. ~D) Find out what the scroll does. ~E) Continue with the adventure! because iiiiiiiiiii will always love food
#130713360Monday, April 14, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

*face palm*

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