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#130763359Monday, April 14, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

Before you roleplay, or participate in much things for "The Faction System", please read this. If you want to roleplay, join in Atuide Tests - then be in a faction, You have to fill this out. (COPY AND PASTE then fill it out.) Question One : Are you in "The Faction System?" Question Two : What is your home faction (In the group?) Question Three : What is you're characters age? For starters, you have to be under 15. (Because we want you to roleplay with you're home faction first.) Question Four : Explain your character. Question Five : Will you be active to this group? Question Six : Do you promise to NOT walk-in on interviews or such? PM this to GovermentOfficials+. We will rank you up to you're home rank once we read your forum. -With all kindness, Please Read this, ShiningDino
#130815293Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:57 PM GMT

1:Yes 2:Abnegation 3:14 4:Amanda Wheelbarrow:Shy:Hates attention 5:SIIIIIIIIIII 6:But thats my job....
#130826823Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5:18 PM GMT

1. Yes. 2. Candor 3. 14 4. You will see. 5. Yes. 6. Yes.
#130826945Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5:21 PM GMT

1. yes totally >:3 2. dont ask personal questions on roblox pls 3. no personal questions 4. im cool 5. yes totally >:3 6. promises are made to be broken
#130847354Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

Question One : Are you in "The Faction System?" Yes. Question Two : What is your home faction (In the group?) Amity. Question Three : What is you're characters age? For starters, you have to be under 15. (Because we want you to roleplay with you're home faction first.) 14. Question Four : Explain your character. Her name is Allegra Capitani but she usually goes by Ally. She is an Amity-born Erudite transfer. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She is shy but peaceful and loves to read and learn, which is why she joined Erudite. Question Five : Will you be active to this group? I'll try to. Question Six : Do you promise to NOT walk-in on interviews or such? Yes.
#130855565Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

Question One : Are you in "The Faction System?" Yeah. Uh, don't look for Steve, by the way. He said I could have his credit card. Question Two : What is your home faction (In the group?) I have a home? I mean, of course I have a home! It's...Can we come back to this one? Question Three : What is your character's age? For starters, you have to be under 15. (Because we want you to roleplay with you're home faction first.) I guess I'm not one to judge if you're into that sort of thing. How old was Steve? 14? Sure, let's go with that. Question Four : Explain your character. LOOK, JUST BECAUSE I BURNT ONE RETIREMENT HOME JUST A LITTLE BIT DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE ANGER ISSUES IF THEY WOULD JUST PAINT THE WALL A DIFFERENT COLOR I WOULDN'T HAVE MISTAKEN IT FOR A COMMUNIST HIDEOUT Question Five : Will you be active to this group? Definitely. Also, where do you keep all your stuff? Question Six : Do you promise to NOT walk-in on interviews or such? I might set up a few cameras.
Top 100 Poster
#130855735Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

Please kindly take your little faction out of this subsection and into Clans and Guilds.
#130855990Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

Please kindly take your little faction out of this subsection and into Clans and Guilds. Stop being mean to her. GOSH! John Marston up my butt
#130858755Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

I will, kay.
#130860551Wednesday, April 16, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

Question One : Are you in "The Faction System?" Uhh... Sure. Question Two : What is your home faction (In the group?) I'm a hobo Question Three : What is you're characters age? For starters, you have to be under 15. (Because we want you to roleplay with you're home faction first.) Umm... 14 and I'm not lying about my age... Question Four : Explain your character. A secretive hobo. Question Five : Will you be active to this group? Only if you pay me. I'm poor because I'm a hobo. Question Six : Do you promise to NOT walk-in on interviews or such? I make no promises. Vamking12 gave me a gun. It shoots Bannanachairs.

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