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#130774565Monday, April 14, 2014 10:24 PM GMT

Kane's Story Kane Wraith,born in Berlin,Germany April 20th,1925. His parents were both in the n/azi party under Hitlah He was taught at a young age being a N/azi was wrong,so he grew up against it. When he was 17 he met Teylan, his partner. For the next 3 years they lived together but at the time Germany had its own depression, so Kane was working atleast 5 different jobs and still barely made money. And to make matters worse, Teylan was medically unfit to work but he did what he could to help Kane. Eventually, Teylan fell very ill, and Kane needed the money to help him..He noticed the army was paying very well at the time,so he decided he would go fight and risk his own life to keep his love alive. He enlisted into the army, at 20 years old. His army was assigned to guard a lab that was working on some project. The lab was invaded,and Kane and his men were ended badly. Teylan back at home had woken from his illness,and recovering learned of Kane's end and was horrified. He had contemplated ending himself but didn't. Instead Kane's faithful German Shepherd Cyclops,kept him company. Cyclops passed of heart problems and was buried with Kane. Little did anyone know, when Kane had died the scientists had preserved his body so when it was buried it wouldnt decay. Years later in the present day era, his body was uncovered. The scientists project was completed, so they tested it. It was a new element discovered named 115 (yes i know its from COD,just go with it) It worked on Kane and Cyclops. Surprisingly, the scientists were able to keep control of Kane and the dog,and they taught him how to be a person again. So now Kane somewhat lives on in his undead land along with his dog and his army. He wishes to see Teylan again,but knows he can't.
#130775535Monday, April 14, 2014 10:33 PM GMT

I AM AAAYDOLF! *slice* Heet.. Lirrr...

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