#130959007Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

y u gotta be liek dat ===A message to all you price floor haters, courtesy of the ROBLOX mods: youtu.be/NPlXc7h5z4M===
#130971554Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:43 AM GMT

This would cause the amount of R$ in the system to be infinite, causing problems with DevEx and other kind of things. (Also, is it completely wrong that I'm an NBCer who is in favour of lowering the daily log in bonus?)
#131042864Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:12 PM GMT

As for people screaming WNTS, I have to say: Nope. WTS (What To Suggest) It took me 1 year to get the Space Sandwich. One year. It'd be much better if you earned 3 R$ a week, because then we would have more options of gear to buy. For example, this would make it possible for NBC to buy more gear or to change their Username without having to spend real money.
#131042896Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:12 PM GMT

I forgot to say, support.
#131043456Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:18 PM GMT

NBC should get 1 robux a day if anything, because it will resolve inflation and make us all happy. don't pull the "roblox will shutdown" excuse just because a few if not any at all will not buy BC because of it. If anything they might even be encouraged to get BC because they'll see how nice and fair ROBLOX is. They did it in 08, they can do it now. And it also isn't WNTS, that's crap whoever said that. If you call NBC getting 1 extra robuk a day WNTS, that's like saying a perfect cheeseburger has too much ketchup. Think about it.
#131044500Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:29 PM GMT

■▬▬ Posted Too Often, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • More rights for NBC/fewer privileges for BC. (This includes "more/less tix or robux", "more/fewer places", etc.) Copy/pasted from the WNTS "OMG STAPH SAYING ITS WNTS ITS NOT" Yes it is. ===A message to all you price floor haters, courtesy of the ROBLOX mods: youtu.be/NPlXc7h5z4M===
#131046366Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:49 PM GMT

No. You can buy it or BC.
#131046988Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:55 PM GMT

@FattyGuinea I made enough to buy that in 2 TC trades at different rates 3 days ago. I started at TCing with 60 tickets too.
#131058730Thursday, April 17, 2014 9:44 PM GMT

@DrChowderr It never says specifically "You may not suggest that NBC get Robux" or "You may not suggest different Robux incomes". Only that they already know about Robux PRICING. @RobloxKing240 Well I can't trade because I'm not BC, and I have no 60 R$ gear besides my SS.
#131061128Thursday, April 17, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

Not Go Happan But I Will Support Anyways.
#131064381Thursday, April 17, 2014 10:59 PM GMT

@DrChow, why dont you just get a life. nobody cares the slightest bit whether its WNTS or not. even if it is(which it barely falls under the category), we have a right to speak as the consumer. All rates in general(including TC rates) have gone up more than twofold, so we deserve atleast 20 tix, or no tix and 1 robux. now quit being obnoxious.
#131065226Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

Cry, BCer. Cry.
#131067233Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

@fatty "more or less robux/tix" Your asking for NBCrs to get more robux since they dont get any. Its in the WNTS because its posted to often, so you dont need to post it. @Desparious Being rude isnt going to help this post. @Iron I crie evrytiem ===A message to all you price floor haters, courtesy of the ROBLOX mods: youtu.be/NPlXc7h5z4M===
#131068299Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

3r$=60tix Yeaahhhh I don't think so. There is enough inflation already.
#131068701Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:32 PM GMT

Dr, not talking to you. I'm talking to all them other BCers who cry their heads off to support, yet they get 10 ROBUX a day.
#131069079Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:34 PM GMT

Ah, sorry. ===A message to all you price floor haters, courtesy of the ROBLOX mods: youtu.be/NPlXc7h5z4M===
#131132498Friday, April 18, 2014 1:33 PM GMT

It's okay. I hate how roblox doesn't have an official Reply button where it says @[person's name] for you, because I tend to forget.
#131141152Friday, April 18, 2014 3:11 PM GMT

Well giving NBC'ers 1 robuck can help the TC rates. Because the smart ones will trade 1 robuck for tix. But, this will make price floors a bit useless. "Do you even grammar"
#131150635Friday, April 18, 2014 4:49 PM GMT

@DrChowderr I haven't seen any recent posts about this, so it's worth bringing back up.
#131151203Friday, April 18, 2014 4:55 PM GMT

■▬▬ Posted Too Often, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • More rights for NBC/fewer privileges for BC. (This includes "more/less tix or robux", "more/fewer places", etc.) if you can read correctly, it says "...NBC/fewer..." see the "/" in that quote? it means that if you give more rights for NBC, it does not lower the amount of rights for BC. your message is invalid. c:
#131153254Friday, April 18, 2014 5:16 PM GMT

More rights for NBC is WNTS already. The / doesnt mean in group with, it means also. Your argument is invalid. Plus TC rates are already going down cause of the tix only ads now back Used to be 1:28 now its 1:23 Slowly but surely ===A message to all you price floor haters, courtesy of the ROBLOX mods: youtu.be/NPlXc7h5z4M===
#131392183Sunday, April 20, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

"More rights for NBC/less for BC" That means taking out BC only things, like selling shirts and giving them to NBC.
#131436346Monday, April 21, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

DrChowderr, why are you trying to bring all these posts down by calling them WhatNoTS? You're BC, we're NBC. Roblox is supposed to be free, and we're voicing our opinion on that. NBC get low income rates, BC wouldn't know that.
#131436454Monday, April 21, 2014 4:56 AM GMT

It would be nice if this was to happen but WNTS doesn't allow it.
#131439469Monday, April 21, 2014 5:48 AM GMT

WHY DO WE "DESERVE" ANYTHING? what did we do? that argument is flawed from the beginning. Not going to say anything else.