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#131367201Sunday, April 20, 2014 6:00 PM GMT

Chapter 1: Encounter "Hurry up, Amber or you will miss your plane," Rikki Bennett ordered. "I never agreed to go to that lame camp," her daughter objected as she came down the stairs with a cell phone in her hand. Her blond hair, which was just as curly as her mothers, was tied up in two braids. Amber wore a black skirt and a red tank top. "We discussed this a million times. You can't just sit around house the whole day playing with your computer," Rikki told her. "Why not?" Amber asked as she placed her backpack next to her small suitcase. "There's more to life than surfing the net and chatting. What do you have against the Gold Coast anyway?" her mother replied. "One. I'm stuck in some camp like a five year old. Two. Melbourne is way cooler than the Gold Coast. Besides just because you couldn't have a computer as a teenager doesn't mean I have to give up mine," Amber listed and grabbed a bottle of water. "That's it. Hurry up. The cab is waiting," Rikki told her, a bit hurt. Amber opened the bottle, but the water burst out, spraying her and her mother with water. Rikki made a shocked face that she always had when she got surprisingly wet. "Calm down. It's just water," Amber said as she picked up her bag. Her mother regained her composure and muttered, "Right, just water. Well, have fun. Call me when you get there." "I will. Bye mom. Tell dad bye from me when he returns from his business trip," Amber told her, gave her mother a hug and then left her family's huge flat. * "Clothes, check. Phone, check. Books, check," a blond girl muttered as she looked through her neatly packed bag one last time and then closed it, "Perfect." She took her plane ticket and bag and went into the living room. "I'm ready," she said to her mother and father. "Have everything?" Emma Wilson asked her daughter. "I checked twice," Emily replied. "Then nothing can go wrong, sweetie. Have fun at camp," Ash Wilson said and gave his daughter a hug. "Have fun, Emily," Emma told her and also hugged her, "James is the car ready?" "Everything's ready," Emily's brother, James replied as he came in, "But it's raining like crazy." The family brought Emily to the car under umbrellas. A few drops fell on Emma, but she didn't notice or care about them. "Call us when you get there," Emma said. "I will," Emily smiled as the car drove off and then turned to her brother, "Thanks for taking me to the airport." "No problem. I would do anything for my little sister," James replied. Her brother was three years older. "I'm your only sister," Emily reminded him as they entered the Canberra Airport. Emily Wilson said good bye to her brother and entered the airport. "I'm off to camp," she smiled as pushed a bit of her long straight hair out of her face. * "I can't wait!" a brunette cheered as she jumped through the bedroom. She was deciding what to wear. After nearly twenty minutes she decided for a pink top and a denim skirt. Checking her long, curly, brown hair one last time she went into the living room of the apartment. "Do you have everything, Sarah?" her mother Cleo Sertori asked. "I think so," Sarah answered as she picked up her bag. "How about your bus ticket or do you plan on walking from Brisbane to the Gold Coast?" Cleo laughed as she held it out. "Right. Sorry. I'm just so excited." "I hope you have fun," the mother said as she walked to the kitchen, "Four weeks at camp." Cleo began to wash as Sarah turned around one last time and hugged her mother. "I'll miss you," Sarah told her. "Same here." Then Sarah left and went to the bus station. A long bus ride awaited her. A few hours later Amber's plane had landed. For her the plane ride hadn't been so bad. She had flown first class after all. Now all she had to do was find the bus that would bring her to camp. Walking around the crowded Gold Coast Airport, she sighed. Suddenly she ran into someone. A blond girl and a brunette also with bags. Meeting their eyes it felt like time stood still. An image of a cave and a pool flashed into their minds, along with a feeling of knowing it. Snapping back into reality, the three girls muttered, "Sorry." Before they could go their ways, a woman came up to them and said, "You must be the last three girls. Amber, Sarah and Emily, right?" The girls nodded. "So you are Mrs. Rose, the councilor," Emily assumed. "That's right. Follow me. The bus is parked outside," the councilor replied and led the girls to the bus. The girls boarded the bus and looked around. Five other teenagers were already there. They sat down on a bench next to another girl that seemed their age. The girl also had long blond hair and was very pretty. Her eyes were blue. "Hi, I'm Jessica Manden," the girl introduced herself. "I'm Emily Wilson," the blonde girl with blue eyes said. "My name is Sarah Sertori. Nice to meet you," the brown eyed brunette smiled. "I'm Amber Bennett," the curly blond told them, but then turned her attention to the scenery outside the bus. "I'm so excited," Sarah confessed to the girls. "Same here. I can't wait," Jessica agreed. "I'm also looking forward to camp," Emily said. "I have a deck of cards with me. You want to play?" Sarah asked. The two blonds nodded, but Amber declined. "What's up with her?" the three other girls wondered. After a thirty minute bus ride the bus stopped in a parking lot. When the kids stepped outside they saw to their left the crystal blue ocean and on their right a path leading into the woods. "Up the path are your cabins, the mess hall and any other buildings. Cabins have already been assigned and there will be no changing," Mrs. Rose told them and then began to read the room assignments, "Cabin 5. Amber, Jessica, Sarah, and Emily." "Isn't this great?" Sarah asked. Emily and Jessica nodded while Amber rolled her eyes. After Mrs. Rose finished reading the assignments, she said, "I will remind you, that girls and boys are not allowed into the cabin of the opposite gender nor is any making out allowed. Any infractions to these rules will be punished severely. Now go get settled and we will meet at the shore at 5:30." The teenagers scattered and began settle down. The girls entered their cabin and saw two bunk beds, two closets and a table. A window on the back wall gave them a view of the woods. "So who wants which bed?" Emily asked. "Mine," Amber said and sat down on one of the lower bunks. "If you don't mind I would like to have a top bunk," Sarah replied. "Me too," Jessica admitted. "Okay, I'm fine with a bottom bunk," Emily told them and with that the bed question had been settled. They spent the rest of their time unpacking and then assembled at the beach at the appointed time. When everyone was here, Mrs. Rose told them, "For your first evening we have something special planned. See that island out there? That's Mako Island. We'll go exploring there. Now everyone board the boat." On the boat Amber sat down next to a boy with brown hair. "Why go explore some dumb island?" he muttered. "Agreed. We could spend our time so much better," Amber replied, "I'm Amber." "Jordan. You were forced to come here as well?" he asked. "You could say that," she answered, happy she found someone who also didn't want to be here. On the other side of the boat Sarah said, "Mako Island looks so beautiful." "It's been untouched for thousands of years," she heard someone say behind her. She turned around and saw a red haired boy. He had beautiful green eyes and a few freckles danced over his face. "You know a lot about Mako?" Sarah asked. "I grew up here so I guess I do." "Like what?" "Well, around Mako there are a lot of reefs where many fish and sharks are inhabited. Plus it has a some very rare underwater life. On top of that the volcano had been dormant for a long time as well." "Cool." "Oh, I'm Ryan," the redhead introduced himself and reached out his hand. "Sarah," she replied and shook it with a smile. "I can't wait. Mako Island is supposed to be full of mysteries," Jessica said to Emily. "I've never heard of it, but it looks very nice," Emily replied, "You're into mysteries?" "Not only. I'm also into Biology. Marin biology. " Arriving at Mako they got off the boat. A girl stood on the beach with her cell phone. "Dang it. No reception," the girl with red hair cursed. "What do you expect? We're miles from mainland," Amber replied. "That still doesn't explain it," the girl objected. "Yes it does. The connection doesn't reach this far out," Emily explained. "Riley, stop making a fool of yourself," Ryan told her. "You know her?" Sarah asked. "Unfortunately. This is my twin sister, Riley," he introduced. "Ow," Amber said. "You have a problem with me?" Riley asked. "No of course not," Amber answered, drenched in sarcasm. "Break it up, girls. Here are your maps. You will be with your roommates," Mrs. Rose told them. They had been walking along the beach for a while now. Suddenly Amber, Sarah and Emily had an urge to walk more towards the island center. "Where are you going?" Jessica asked, hurrying after them, "Sarah! Emily! Amber! Wait up!" The three girls didn't react. They kept on walking through the woods. When the urge finally let up, they were near a small waterfall. It was already getting dark. "What happened?" Emily asked. "No clue," Amber replied. "Where's Jessica?" Sarah questioned. "I think we lost her," Emily answered, concerned. "I think we are lost," Amber corrected her. "Doesn't matter, but we have to find the others before it gets dark," Sarah said and took a step forward. Unfortunately there was a hole and she fell in. However Sarah held on to Emily, who held on to Amber so they all fell into the hole. They landed in a cave. "Great. Now we are not only lost, but stuck in a cave," Amber said. "Lets look around before we say we're doomed," Emily suggested. The girls nodded and walked through the cave. They reached a bigger cave with a sort of pool in the middle. "I've seen this place before," the three girls thought, but didn't dare say it aloud. "This is the inside of the volcano," Emily said amazed, "And look there's tide rings and a hole in the wall underwater. That's our way out." "Ah… To be honest, I can't swim well," Sarah confessed. "I'll help you, but first I'll check how far it is until the ocean. I'm a pretty good swimmer," Emily replied and dove underwater. A while later she came back and told them, "It's about a twenty second swim under water." "Okay," Amber shrugged and jumped in. The girls looked at Sarah. "Maybe I'll stay here," she began uncomfortable. "And wait for a miracle? Come on, we'll help you," Amber replied as the blonds stretched out their hands. With a smile Sarah took them and jumped in. Just as they were about to dive under the waxing moon came over the volcano entrance. It would be a week until it was full. Suddenly the water began to bubble and small yellow bubbles flew to the moon. The girls looked up at the moon and then themselves. "What's going on?" Sarah asked, scared. "I'm not sure," Emily answered, but then just as soon as the bubbles had started they were gone. "Weird," Amber muttered and the girls nodded in agreement. Then they dove under and swam out into the ocean.
#131496709Monday, April 21, 2014 10:40 PM GMT

Chapter 2: Discoveries The next morning Emily woke up at 6:00 like she always did. She put on her bathing suit and got her towel. Walking towards the beach, she thought about what happened last night. After they were out in the ocean, they were found by Mrs. Rose and the others who were on the boat. Back at camp they got a lecture. Suddenly Emily, as she past the mess hall, ran into a person carrying boxes coming out of the it. The boxes and the two people crashed to the ground. "I'm sorry," Emily said as she picked up her towel. "No it's my fault," the other person replied. It was a boy who was slightly older than her. He had brown hair and eyes. He picked up his boxes and then helped her up. "I'm Daniel," the boy smiled. "Emily," she replied, blushing a bit, "Are you a councilor or something?" "You could say that. I deliver the food that the camp needs from a local shop and do other small stuff for the camp, but only until I start with college." "I see." "I have to go. I still have a few things to do. Hope I see you again," Daniel told her and left after he winked at her. Emily felt herself turn red. "No, no. You don't find him attractive and you don't think he's cute. Summer relationships never work out. Think of last year," Emily thought, trying to straighten her mind as she walked towards the ocean. Whenever she needed to think or relax, Emily knew no better cure than swimming. Her mother had often gone swimming with her when she was younger. Emily supposed she inherited her mother's love for swimming. She placed her towel on the beach and dove into the ocean. Emily did a few quick strokes and then dove under. She felt the cool water and her mind began to relax. Suddenly her body felt weird and she looked down at herself. Her body turned to bubbles and then a bronze mermaid tail took the place of her legs. Emily gasped. At 6:30 Sarah woke up. She wasn't a morning person, but she loved to take a bath in the morning so she got up early to make it to breakfast on time. Grudgingly she grabbed her bath stuff and left the cabin. Arriving at the bath house her mood didn't improve. Instead of a bath tub at home there were only showers. Sarah sighed and got under one. She turned on the water. It was freezing cold. Suddenly Sarah lost her balance and fell to the floor. "Damn it," she muttered, rubbing her head, which she had bumped on the wall. Then she stared. Her legs were a tail and she wore a bronze bikini top made of scales. Quickly she looked around to see if anyone was there. No one, thank god. Amber awoke at the sound of her alarm. It was 7:00. Too early for any normal person. She turned off the alarm and rolled out of bed. Getting dressed she cursed her mother for sending her here. Looking around she saw her cabin mates were already gone. Probably to breakfast. With a yawn Amber left the cabin. She headed for the mess hall when she saw a puddle. Looking around she made sure no one was around. Just as she began to splash through the puddle, Amber heard two people cry, "Don't!" From one side Emily came running towards her and from the other Sarah. But it was too late. Amber's feet had gotten wet. Quickly they each grabbed one of Amber's arms and pulled her towards their cabin. Just as they entered it, Amber's body turned to bubbles. Amber stared at her legs which was now a tail astonished. "What.. Is this?" she stammered. "The same thing happened to me," Sarah told them, "I wanted make sure you guys were alright." "Same here," Emily said. "It seems if we touch water, we become…," Sarah began uncomfortable. "No, it can't be. It's illogical," Emily muttered. "We become mermaids," Amber said straight out. "But mermaids don't exist. They're mythical creatures," Sarah objected. "Then I guess we don't exist either," Amber joked, still lying on the ground. "Not funny," Emily told her, seriously. "But how or why did this happen?" Sarah asked. "What's to know? When we get wet, we turn into mermaids," Amber answered and turned back to normal, "And when we are dry again, we turn back to normal." She stood up. "But something must have happened at that cave last night to have made us become this," Emily speculated, "We should see if we find there." Suddenly the door opened and Jessica came in. The three girls stared at her. "Something wrong?" Jessica asked. "No," Sarah answered, maybe a bit too quickly. "Why are you here?" Amber asked. "Besides the fact that I also live here. Mrs. Rose is looking for you. She seems quite annoyed," Jessica answered. The girls followed Jessica to the mess hall. "We have to keep this a secret," Emily whispered to Amber and Sarah, who nodded. After breakfast the three girls sat in Mrs. Rose's office. "I know this is camp and you are supposed to have fun, but you can't keep disregarding the rules. If you keep this up, I will have to take action," she told them and then dismissed them. The girls walked down to the beach. "We have an hour before the activities start. Lets go to Mako," Emily suggested. "Agreed," Amber said. "Ah, I think I'll stay here," Sarah objected. "Why?" Amber asked. "We're only checking out that cave," Emily told her. "No, I'll stay here in case Mrs. Rose asks for you. We don't want to get into more trouble," Sarah said. "Good idea. Thanks, we'll tell you what we find," Emily replied. Both Emily and Amber felt a gap to Sarah at that moment. "If that's what you want," Amber added and then Sarah hurried off. The two blonds dived into the ocean. There they were met by a breath taking underwater world. Through the corals and schools of fish they swam. Finally they surfaced in the moon pool. "That was amazing," Emily said, astonished. "The coolest experience I've ever had," Amber agreed, "This is really relaxing." "I wish Sarah were here." "We can't change it." "True. Lets start looking around." Sarah slumped on a table in the mess hall. The whole mermaid thing was too much for her. "Hey, what are you doing here?" she heard someone ask her. It was Ryan. "Nothing," Sarah muttered. "Doesn't look like nothing." After a moment of thought, she asked, "You know a lot, don't you? What do you know of about mermaids?" "Mermaids. Well, they are mythical sea creatures with the upper body of a female and a fish tail. Their voices are said to have killed many sailors." "Is that all?" "I can look up something. I'll talk to you later," Ryan said and then left. Sarah stared at a glass of water in front of her. She reached out for her glass, but suddenly a gust of wind blew it from the table. Just as she pulled her hand back, the wind stopped. Carefully Sarah stretched her hand out again and the wind blew again. Then she reached her hand out to pick up the pieces of glass, but suddenly the water started rise by itself. Sarah turned her hand a little and it kept rising along with the movement of her hand. She stared astonished. Suddenly the bell to sound the starting of the activities rang. She lost her concentration and the water splashed back into a puddle on the floor. Unfortunately a drop landed on her leg and after 10 seconds she transformed. "Great," Sarah muttered, lying on the floor annoyed and waited to dry. "Where is Sarah?" Emily asked, standing next to Amber. They had made it just in time for today's hiking expedition. Amber shrugged as the others followed Mrs. Rose into the woods surrounding the camp. Just as Emily and Amber were about to follow, Sarah came running up to them and exclaimed, "You guys! You won't believe it!" "First we have to tell you something," Emily replied. "It was amazing. You have to come with us next time," Amber told her. "Maybe," Sarah said, "But you won't guess what just happened. I made…" "Are you coming?" an annoyed Mrs. Rose asked, coming up to them. Quickly the girls hurried after the others and Sarah couldn't tell of her discovery. Having walked through the woods for hours, Mrs. Rose led them to the beach. "We'll rest here for half an hour and then head back," she told them, "You may do what ever you wish, but don't stray off to far." "Thank god," Riley groaned, "I'm so exhausted and my top of the line sandals will be ruined after this. They cost over $100." Amber was about to tell her to shut up, when Emily and Sarah quickly pulled her further up the beach. "She's not worth it," Emily told her. The girls sat down on the beach. "You wanted to tell us something, Sarah," Amber reminded them. "Right," Sarah began, but suddenly a bigger wave rose over them. Protectively Emily put her hand up while the other two jumped aside and then the wave froze. "Was that me?" she asked, making sure no one saw them. "So you can also do something like that," Sarah answered. "Also?" Amber repeated. Sarah made a stream of water come up from the ocean. "Cool," Amber muttered. "Cool. It's weird," Sarah objected, but Amber wasn't listening. She was trying out several hand signs, but nothing happened. "That's unfair. Why don't I get a cool power?" she wondered. Just then Jessica came up to them in her bikini. "Hey, guys. You want to go swimming?" "Swimming. No, thanks. After last night I've had enough of swimming for a while," Emily lied. Amber and Sarah nodded. "You can't hide from your fears," Jessica objected. "We're not scared. We just don't want to," Amber replied, firmly. "Suit yourself," Jessica said and left. Returning back to camp Emily, Sarah and Amber went back into the cabin. "I still don't see why I don't get a power," Amber complained. "Be glad. That makes you half normal at least," Emily replied. "You do realize we can't use moisturizing cream now," Sarah pointed out and made a drop of water float up, "Could you, Emily?" "I think that's the least of our worries," Emily said and froze the water drop. Sarah thanked her with a smile and put the ice cube into her mouth. "You guys are impossible. Look what you just did. I bet any other person would love to have these powers. They're wasted on you," Amber told them annoyed and stormed out of the cabin. Amber walked into the bath house, where she met Riley and her friend. "Not only are my shoes ruined, but also my designer outfit and the salt water is ruining my hair," Riley complained. Amber was easily annoyed by such people. "Did Ryan get all the intelligence between you two?" she asked. "What did you say?" "I guess he did. You do know we are in a nature camp." "So." "Any other person wouldn't have brought designer clothes with them." "I get what's going on here. You're jealous of me." "Me of you. Dream on." "You're jealous of my looks and cool clothes, but I guess I can't blame you. Who wouldn't be jealous?" Riley said and went under the shower, "Too bad your mother couldn't have been prettier. Then maybe a decent guy would look at you." That was too much for Amber. She could take insults about herself, but not about her mother. Her hand at her side balled to a fist. Suddenly Riley jumped out of the shower screaming, "Hot! Hot! Hot!" "What. That's impossible," Jessica replied, who had witnessed the whole thing and held her hand under the shower, "It really is hot." Amber unclenched her fist and stared at it. She didn't know how, but she knew she had done it. Amber hurried out of the bath house and into the woods. There she slowly balled her hand again. Suddenly a bush near her went up in flames. Shocked Amber jumped back, but then quickly extinguished the fire. With a smile Amber returned to the cabin. "Everything alright?" Emily asked. "Everything's fine," Amber smiled. "I was thinking we could go swimming before dinner," Emily suggested. "Definitely," Amber agreed. "I don't think so," Sarah replied. "What's wrong, Sarah?" Emily questioned. "It's nothing, I just don't want to," Sarah objected. "Why?" Amber asked. "Don't worry, Sarah. Trust us. It's so much fun," Emily told her. "No, I don't want this. I'm not a mermaid!" Sarah cried and then ran off. "Sarah!" Emily exclaimed and wanted to run after her, but Amber held her back. "Let her. She needs time to get use to this. She'll be fine, trust me. Come on. I have to show you something" That night at dinner Sarah sat at the other end of the table. There was a weird tension between her and Emily and Amber. They hadn't spoken to each other each other since that afternoon. After dinner Mrs. Rose made one last announcement. "Don't forget that tomorrow we will start swimming." With wide eyes Amber, Emily and Sarah stared at each other.
#131616864Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

Chapter 3: Swimming It seemed weird to Emily to worry about swimming so much that she couldn't sleep. She had always loved swimming. At some point Emily got up and went to the beach. From there she saw Mako Island illuminated by the moon above it. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she heard someone ask. It was Amber. Emily nodded. "You also can't sleep?" Emily questioned. "No, of course not," Amber answered sarcastically. "What are we going to do?" "About Sarah or the swimming?" "Both." "Like I said before she'll be alright. She just needs time to figure all of this out." "I don't seem like a person that understands people very well. No offense." "None taken. It's true. I just have a good intuition about people." "And what does your intuition tell you about swimming?" "That we have to get out of." "But how? We shouldn't be attracting too much attention to ourselves." "No clue. Say… Want to go for a swim?" The blonds jumped into the water and swam off. Uncomfortably Sarah, Emily and Amber stood on the docks. The others were already jumping into the water and swimming. Sarah stood far away from the blonds. "What's the matter, Sarah?" Mrs. Rose asked, "Don't tell me you are afraid of water after your trip on Mako." "Ah, no, well. You see I can't swim very well." "Well, now is the perfect time to learn." Mrs. Rose grabbed Sarah's wrist and pulled her to the edge of the dock. Terrified Sarah stared at the water. "Come on in, Sarah. The water feels great," Ryan told her from the ocean. All of the sudden Sarah pulled free from Mrs. Rose's grip and ran off the dock. "Sarah Sertori, get back here!" Mrs. Rose ordered, but Sarah didn't listen. Then Mrs. Rose saw Emily and Amber. "Sarah hasn't been feeling well today," Emily lied. "We'll go check on her," Amber added and they were about to walk away when Mrs. Rose asked, "Not so fast. Why aren't you swimming?" "Ah, well…," Emily stammered, but Amber said, "I caught a cold and Emily doesn't want me to feel left out." "Then you should have reported it to me and not wear a swimsuit," the councilor told her. "I know, but I didn't think it was such a big deal," Amber continued. "Very well. For today you are excused," Mrs. Rose replied and Emily and Amber were about to walk off, "But you will stay here and watch the others." The girls hung their heads low annoyed, but nodded. They only saw a red head sneak past Mrs. Rose. Ryan found Sarah laying on her bed. "Hey, everything alright? Emily and Amber said you aren't feeling well." Sarah looked up at the redhead. "I'm fine." "If you're fine why did you run away?" "I don't like the ocean much." "If you're scared of the ocean you should face your fear." "Why does everybody think I'm afraid of the ocean!" "Sorry, I mean if you need help come to me." Ryan placed his arm around her shoulder. Sarah felt relaxed, when she realized something. He was wet! Quickly she pulled away from him and grabbed a towel. Panicky she dried herself. Then she waited, but nothing happened. Sarah gave a sigh of relieve. She saw that Ryan stared at her, confused. "What was that all about?" he asked. Sarah bit her lower lip and then lied, "I don't like getting wet." "Okay. I should get back to the others. I kind of snuck away," Ryan said and left. Sarah gave another sigh. That was too close to comfort. When Ryan got back to the dock, Amber and Emily came up to him immediately. "You went to Sarah?" Amber asked. Ryan nodded. "What did she say? Is she alright?" Emily questioned. "She's fine, but why are you asking me what she said?" Ryan replied. "We aren't on speaking terms at the moment," Emily said, but then realized what she said. Amber covered her face with her hand. "Why?" Ryan asked. "I don't believe that's any of your business. Now go back into the water," Amber answered curtly. "Don't order me around," the boy said, just before he was pushed into the water by Amber. Quickly she dried her hand. "What was that for?" Ryan questioned. "Go swimming," Amber told him and he swam off. "Sorry," Emily muttered. "Be glad there was a body of water to push him into this time or make sure there is one there next time. He can't get too close to us," Amber replied. That night Sarah sat alone on the beach. In a way she felt like crying, but she didn't know why. Was she scared of what had happened to her or her situation with Emily and Amber? She had no idea. Sarah held her head. Suddenly she heard something. Sarah got up and went towards it. Reaching the dock, she saw someone board the speed boat that belonged to the camp. After ramming into the dock, the boat sped off. "What's going on here? Who was that?" Sarah wondered, stepping towards the edge of the dock. She knew she should follow the person, but she couldn't. Staring at the water splashing against the dock, Sarah realized she was scared. Scared of what she was. After waiting a while for the person to return, who didn't, Sarah decided to go back to the cabin. Silently Sarah crept inside and saw that all her cabin mates were sound asleep. She climbed up into her bed and sat there. How was she going to get out of swimming? At breakfast the girls sat separate again. Emily looked over to Sarah several time worried while Amber just ate her breakfast like nothing was wrong. Sarah sat next to Ryan and just stared at her breakfast. Just as breakfast ended, Mrs. Rose announced, "I have an announcement to make. It seems last night someone took the speed boat out for a trip. That would not be a problem if the person had asked and not damaged it. If anyone wishes to say anything please do so now." Sarah lowered her head. She couldn't say anything, because then Mrs. Rose would ask why she was out at night. No one made an attempt to move. "If no one has the courage to owe up now they may do so later, but I will tell you now such a breaking of the rules will result in the loss of privileges," the councilor told them and then dismissed. Ryan whispered to Sarah, "Meet me at the dock in 15 minutes. I want to talk to you." She nodded, but didn't know what Ryan wanted. Sarah quickly hurried back to her cabin, brushed her teeth quickly and checked her hair once more. "Where are you off to?" Jessica asked as Sarah walked out the door. "Just going to the docks," she answered. "But swimming doesn't start for an hour," Jessica pointed out. "I'm not allowed to be early?" Sarah questioned and then left. "Where's Sarah going?" Emily asked as she and Amber came into the cabin. "The docks," Jessica answered. "The docks," Amber and Emily repeated, trying to hide the horror, "Why?" Jessica shrugged. Sarah stood on the dock waiting. "Look who's out here all alone," a voice said. Sarah turned around and saw Riley, Jordan, and four other people. "What do you want? I'm waiting for someone," Sarah replied, intimidated. "I know. I heard you talking to my brother," Riley said. "When what do you want?" Sarah repeated. "You're friend Amber made a fool of me. I want revenge," the redhead told her. "What does that have to do with me?" Sarah asked. "I don't care which one of you three gets it. I just want one of you," Riley replied and then smiled, "Get her." The four boys stepped towards Sarah while Riley and her friend stood back smiling evilly. Sarah stepped to the edge of the dock. Scared she looked at the water below. "Leave her alone, Riley," Ryan ordered and hurried to Sarah, "You alright?" Sarah nodded. "How cute. You like her, don't you?" Riley asked. "Just leave her alone," Ryan repeated. "Let me think about that. Eh, no. Get her," Riley commanded. Jordon and the others stepped even closer. "How about a little swim?" Riley questioned. Ryan saw the horror on Sarah's face. The four boys were so close that there was little more than a foot between them. Just as the boys took the last step to push them off, Ryan pushed Sarah through the wall of boys into safety while he fell into the water. The people on the dock heard a thud. Sarah pushed herself through the boys, dropped to her knees and looked down. Ryan floated in the water, his eyes closed. There was a wound on his temple. "Ryan!" she exclaimed, but he didn't react. Riley and the others crowded around as Ryan was being pulled out to sea by the strong current. "What are you waiting for? Save him," Riley ordered Jordan. "Are you crazy? The current would be the end of both of you. Get help," Sarah objected, but when nobody moved she snapped, "Go get help already!" Everyone except Sarah hurried off the dock. Sarah sat feeling helpless on the dock. Then she decided something. She stretched her hand out and tried to stop the current, but it was too hard. Panicking she looked around, but nobody was coming. "Where are they? Ryan's going to die at this rate," Sarah thought. Then she stood up and jumped off the dock. Seconds after she was submerged in the water, she turned to a mermaid. The swimming motion came automatically to her and she swam quickly after Ryan. Sarah was amazed at how fast she reached Ryan. She pushed him up so he didn't drown. "Ryan. Ryan, hang in there," she muttered and swam back to shore. Reaching the shore she dragged herself and Ryan on to it. Sarah put her ear to Ryan's chest. There was a beat, but faint. "Sarah!" she heard someone exclaim. It was Amber and Emily. Sarah gave a sigh of relieve. She had thought that Amber and Emily had given up on her. "Are you alright?" Emily asked. "I'm fine, but Ryan," Sarah muttered. Suddenly they heard voices. The others were coming back. The girls stared at each other panicking. "Get into the water. We'll take care of him," Amber hissed and Sarah obeyed. From underwater Sarah saw Mrs. Rose and the others come, talk to Emily and Amber and then take Ryan away. Then Sarah looked around. She saw the coral reefs and the schools of fish.A dolphin swam past her. A smile crept across her face. It was an idyllic scene. After the blonds had returned, Sarah pulled herself out of the water. "Now what? Wait until I dry?" she asked. "I might be able to help," Amber smiled and kneeled beside her. Slowly Amber balled her hand and steam rose from Sarah. "Ow, that's hot," Sarah said. Then she turned back to normal. "You found your power," Sarah smiled and Amber nodded. "Mrs. Rose wants to see us as soon as Ryan has been examined. She wants to get to the bottom of this. She's furious," Emily told them. "I'm in trouble. There's no way Riley will admit it was her fault," Sarah replied. "Lets see what happens. Lets go to the cabin for now," Emily suggested and Sarah nodded, "Coming Amber?" "You go ahead. I've something to take care of first," Amber told them and went of into another direction. Emily and Sarah shrugged at each other, having no idea what Amber was up to. "I've been looking everywhere for you," Amber said as she walked up to Jordan who sat on the beach. "What do you want from me?" he asked. "I wanted to talk to about something." "About this morning?" "No, about your Christmas holidays. Of course about this morning." "What do you want to know?" "Riley. I bet she told you to tell Mrs. Rose that it was Sarah's fault, right?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "But I do. Did she or didn't she?" Amber asked annoyed. "Okay, she did. So what? Let me guess. You're going to tell me lying is bad," Jordan answered. "No, but are you seriously going to do everything she tells you to do?" "I don't do everything she tells me." "Don't you?" Amber questioned and gave him a sharp look. "I don't… Okay, maybe I do," Jordan admitted, "But I also do what I want." "Really? Prove it," Amber challenged. "How?" he asked. Amber smiled. "Where have you been? Mrs. Rose has already called us to her," Emily asked as Amber walked up to the office. "Oh, you know. Around," she answered. "Well hurry up. Mrs. Rose is already in a bad mood. It won't help Sarah if her mood gets worse," Emily said while Sarah paced back and forth. You could see she was nervous. The girls entered the office and saw an angry Mrs. Rose, Riley, Jordan and the others from the dock. "First of the good news. Ryan will be alright. It was nothing too serious," Mrs. Rose told them. Emily and Amber looked relieved while Sarah gave a sigh of relieve and muttered, "Thank god." Riley showed no reaction. "Now, I want to know exactly what happened," the councilor said sternly. Before Sarah, Emily or Amber could say anything, Riley accused, "It was her, Sarah." "It wasn't me. It was your fault," Sarah objected. "My fault. Why would I ever want to hurt my own brother?" Riley asked, with a fake innocence. "Quiet, both of you!" Mrs. Rose demanded, "Why not ask what the boys saw?" Jordan stepped forward and said, "Riley and Sarah are both not telling the truth. It was Sarah, Amber and Emily." All the boys nodded in agreement. Riley stared astonished at Jordan. This wasn't part of her plan. The boys could not turn on her. Sarah and Emily stared at Jordan as well. Just as Emily was about to protest, Amber elbowed her and gave her a hard stare. "It's true. Sarah, Emily, Ryan and I were fooling around on the docks. Ryan slipped and fell of the dock. That's when he must have hurt his head. Riley, Jordan and the others had just arrived when this happened," Amber lied. There was a long silence. Emily and Sarah stared at Amber confused. "Is that how it happened?" Mrs. Rose asked. The boys and Amber nodded and after Amber had given her fellow mermaids a look, they also nodded. Fuming, Riley stared at Amber. "Very well. Everyone except you three may leave," the councilor said, pointing at Amber, Sarah and Emily. Quickly everyone else left the office. "I am very angry with you. I have never had such trouble makers. Your night swim, the swimming from yesterday and now this. Not to mention your constant tardiness," the councilor criticized. "We're sorry. We didn't mean for Ryan to get injured," Emily said. "I hope you didn't otherwise that would be even worse. Of course I will have to punish you," Mrs. Rose told them, "Usually fooling on the docks is only one week, but since someone got injured by it and had nearly drowned, you will be excluded from swimming for two weeks." The girls saw that as their sign to leave, but then the councilor asked, "By the way, how did Ryan get back to shore? If I'm not mistaking the current at that time should have pulled him out to sea." Quickly the girls shrugged. "May we visit Ryan?" Sarah questioned. The councilor nodded and the girls left. Outside Emily and Sarah turned to Amber and asked, "What happened in there?" "What are you talking about?" Amber replied, playing the unknowing. "Because of you we got in trouble," Emily said. "Because of me you got out of swimming for two weeks," Amber pointed out. Emily and Sarah stared at Amber. They hadn't realized that until now. "You're right. How did you do that?" Sarah asked. "You just need the right plan," Amber smiled. "How?" he asked. Amber smiled. She loved it when a plan got together good. "Tell Mrs. Rose that it was the fault of Sarah, Emily and myself," she answered. Jordan stared at her as if she was crazy. "Why?" he questioned. "Just do it and make sure the boys say the same thing," Amber replied. "And what do I get if I do that?" "We'll see." The girls stared at Amber. That was an amazing plan, but at the same time... "That's just reckless," Emily said. "Reckless? Why?" Amber asked. "What if Jordan or Mrs. Rose hadn't done what you expected? Then we could be in a lot of trouble right now," Emily objected. "But they didn't," Amber pointed out with a smile. "Lets go visit Ryan," Sarah suggested, changing the subject. The girls nodded. Ryan laid in a white infirmary bed and was awake when the girls came in. "How are you feeling?" Sarah asked. "My head hurts, but otherwise I'm fine. Well, except for the fact that I don't remember anything about how I got here," Ryan answered. "You don't remember anything," Emily repeated. "We were fooling around on the dock when you slipped and fell," Sarah said. "I would do that?" he muttered, confused. Quickly the girls nodded. "Oh, yeah, Sarah. Now I know why you asked me about mermaids," Ryan said. Emily and Amber stared at her. "You do?" Sarah asked, uncomfortable. "Back then when I was floating in the water, I saw one. A mermaid," he answered. The girls stared at Ryan. "You hit your head too hard. Mermaids don't exist," Amber objected, quickly. "I guess you are right. Mermaids don't agreed," Ryan agreed. Then the girls had to leave. Outside Amber and Emily glared at Sarah. "What?" she asked. "You know what," Amber said. "Why did you ask Ryan about mermaids?" Emily questioned. "I'm sorry, it's just that back then I was overwhelmed by the fact of being a mermaid," Sarah began, but when she saw her friends smile at her, she shut up. They hugged. "We'll take care of each other no matter. Even if we are sick or …," Emily started, but Amber interrupted, "But we're not married, right?" The girls laughed. "That was funny, but seriously. We can't tell anyone or we might end up in the hands of some scientists," Emily told them. The girls nodded. "Lets go to dinner," Sarah suggested. "I'll catch up," Amber replied and left. On the beach Amber met Jordan. "Happy. I did it," he said. "Yes, very." "So what do I get?" "What do you want?" "A kiss. From you." "No way," Amber objected. "A deal's a deal," Jordan replied. "Fine," she gave in. Jordan lowered his head. Seconds before his lips met hers, Amber turned her face and his lips met her cheek. "Hey," he complained. "I'm not that easy to get," Amber told him, "Bye." She left, leaving a smiling Jordan. Amber sat down next to Sarah and Emily. They smiled at each other. Everything was alright between them now. "Attention, campers. Tomorrow you will be allowed to go to the city. In groups, of course. The day after that we will have the beach party. You will have to help prepare. Also there will be a full moon to look at," Mrs. Rose announced.
#208369604Saturday, January 28, 2017 2:26 AM GMT

what did i just read

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