#179389338Thursday, December 10, 2015 2:57 AM GMT

Juur looked to the Black Golem. "The boy's really not understanding it. I think we're better off waiting for the results." The Black Golem nodded. Oddly enough, the two of them turned around turned around and walked away. Why was that so easy? The lights had shut back off. You could distantly hear whispering. It wasn't a voice you recognized this time. Things became slightly unsettling. You knew the dark. What you didn't know was this new voice. Nonetheless, you stood still. You waited and waited and waited. It seemed to be quite some time elapsed before you saw anything. The voices began getting more profound, though you could not understand what it was saying. Perhaps it was the language those Divines spoke. You began to wish you didn't see anything. From the shadows emerged a monstrosity, possessing several gray eyes. The skin was pale and seemed to be peeling away. The stench was worse than anything you've ever had smelled before. The more you saw this thing approach, the wider the maw opened. Saliva dripped from it, breathing heavily. You couldn't see very far, but you weren't sure if you wanted to see more than past its ugly, deformed head. "This! This is what you have released! Do you see now, Thomas!? This thing, these abominations you brought to this world!? It should have remained purged! Yet, here you stand, looking at what you revived. You shall die from your sins now. Pray for mercy. I pity you."
#179449693Friday, December 11, 2015 4:49 PM GMT

Almost immediately, as though it were some primal instinct core to human evolution, I pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose. There was no way doing something like that would completely block off the smell of unclean skin peeling away from unclean flesh. But, at least it'd mitigate the rancid stench somewhat. I picked out two of the monster's eyes to stare into: a taunt without words, a stare meant to beckon and dare the creature forward. The weapon still clenched in my hands, I waited, looking into the monster's eyes and waiting for its move.
#179471031Saturday, December 12, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

The beast stared into you. It didn't seem to be intimidated nor did it look very compelled. Yet, it still humored you. From the shadows came an outstretched arm. A long, lanky thing it was. The arm had several scabs across the skin, some of it just missing any sort of flesh altogether. From its hand opening up, you see several fingers, all gangly and asymmetrical. Several of the fingers had either more digits or less digits than a human would. Some of the fingers even ran down the wrist and the forearm. Its maw opened wide, letting out a breath of hot air with a putrid stench. Some of the eyes that were previously unfocused have all stared into you. Their pupils dilate, the eyes all bloodshot. For what they could see, this beast decides to set their sights onto you. This wretched creature hungers. It has no food. You, however, will suffice to sate the monster's desire for blood and flesh. There was more outside, too. You were in its way. It sneered, exposing the yellowed and crimson-splotched teeth. "Witness it! Witness the power of Ulstraag!" The Black Golem bellowed over the intercom system. Inhaling a huge intake of air, Ulstraag let out an intense screech, launching a myriad saliva and mucus all towards you. Prepare for the Accursed Devourer.. Roll a d100 for initiative. (ULSTRAAG: 22)
#179534869Sunday, December 13, 2015 12:36 AM GMT

I stare at the creature, looking away from it only to keep my eyes from being struck by the various fluids coming from its mouth in its horridly loud screech. It's as loud as it is putrid, I'd say. When its screech is silenced, I turn my head back towards it to look at all of its eyes. Hungry thing. It won't be eating any piece of me, that's certain. This beast won't be my downfall, and I'll leave here with my entire body intact. That's a promise I'll make to myself. It's a promise I have no qualms about making, because failing to keep the promise will lead to me dying. My sword already gripped tightly in my hand, I rush forward at the beast, slashing at its arm that's emerged from the dark, in an attempt to sever or cause harm to it. 60 initiative
#179538901Sunday, December 13, 2015 1:34 AM GMT

ATTACK ORDER: THOMAS 200 Health 100 MP ULSTRAAG, THE ACCURSED DEVOURER 200 Health ______________________________________ You swung your blade down into its desiccated flesh, boring into it. Releasing your cursed blade from it, you see a large pustule that had grown quite some being relieved of the disgusting white fluids flowing out of it, tinted with a scarlet color. The great beast growled from you penetrating its skin, pulling its arm back only a small bit. 31 damage. In retaliation, the hungering beast set the hand out in front of it and swept it from side to side, knocking you around and making some of the wall give way. The monster attempted to take grasp of you and drag you towards its maw, though it appears to have failed that and merely grabs the floor. Nonetheless, it consumed what it had in its hand. 20 damage. ______________________________________ ULSTRAAG - 169 Health THOMAS - 180 Health
#179539639Sunday, December 13, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

Once I recover from the beast's attack, I look towards its pustule on its arm. I wasn't very eager to attack it and get sprayed by the fluids held within. But, that may be my best bet for hurting this thing. Casting Haste, I run towards the beast, sights set on the pustule. Once close enough, I lunge forward with my weapon, attempting to stab the sharp blade into the gross pustule on the beast's arm.
#179540894Sunday, December 13, 2015 2:00 AM GMT

Ulstraag gnashed its teeth as it tried to bite you. Though, your use of Haste managed to let you miss the vice of the monster. You ran to the arm and manage to strike it, though it quickly reeled its arm back. Fortunately, the way it moved managed to make the blade cut into the arm more. However, the monster could not be any less pleased by you both escaping its teeth and cutting into its arms. 43 damage. It growled before having horrible noises coming from the back of the beasts throat. It didn't take long before you found out what it was doing. Ulstraag raised its head before vomiting onto you. It spewed forth bile, mucus, and saliva. You found it incredibly sticky and found it hard to move for what it was worth. Haste was helping somewhat, but you were still considerably slower from the bile of the beast. 34 damage. Next attack will deal 5 - 15 extra damage. Wears off after Ulstraag attacks. ______________________________________ ULSTRAAG - 126 Health THOMAS - 146 Health
#179541246Sunday, December 13, 2015 2:04 AM GMT

Damned beast. There was no wiping off this disgusting vomit from me. At least my shirt helped to protect against the stench, but not by much. Is it wrong to be thinking of a shower in the middle of a fight? No, I suppose not. I'll take a shower when I'm done here. I'm too slow to effectively dodge the attacks of this beast. I'd better be ready to defend against whatever comes next. I can't just stay on the defensive though, I have to push on against this thing. No harm will come to it if I stand back and try to protect myself. "Phamoh oi el umplif," I say quietly, as I struggle on towards Ulstraag, hoping for my Haste to give me the edge I need to reach it and strike at one of its many eyes.
#179542403Sunday, December 13, 2015 2:19 AM GMT

The beast raised its hand before sending it down. However, you wear quick enough to get away from the hand and you manage to strike at one of the eyes. It burst, letting out an ephemeral roar. You could see the fluids that were in the eye oozing out, running down the other eyes that were below it. Ulstraag let its chest puff inwards before screeching in your face. You were blown back from the wind being blown outwards into you. You got up unsteadily slowly, your ears ringing. 36 damage. It got angry. It began slamming its hand wildly around, beginning to crawl closer and closer towards you. Ulstraag snarled as it got closer, hissing with the newly acquired thirst for your blood to be spilled now. The eyes became more bloodshot, its teeth now bared viciously. Without thought, it swung its arm straight into you, launching you further back. 33 damage. ______________________________________ ULSTRAAG - 90 Health THOMAS - 113 Health
#179543187Sunday, December 13, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

What a loud and angry creature. I'm reminded, for a moment, of some of the people I've had to work with in the past. Slowly, I get up from the blow dealt to me by Ulstraag's arm. That arm is the source of my troubles, it seems. What are the chances I can cut it off? Ulstraag is out of his hidey-hole now, out of the safety of the darkness. I can see him clearly now, though, not that I ever really needed too. Having gotten back up and steadied myself, I ran towards Ulstraag, attempting a vertical cut at his shoulder.
#179543234Sunday, December 13, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

run towards Ulstraag*
#179546317Sunday, December 13, 2015 3:17 AM GMT

You take a vicious strike into the shoulder of the beast. It screeched, flailing around as you began sawing the sword into its shoulder before ripping out the sword with a splay of blood. The sweet blood managed to splay into your mouth, allowing you to taste the ferrous fluid. The scent of the scarlet splotches spraying into you filled you. It was strangely satisfying. It would make any other man sick to the taste of blood. 38 damage. Ulstraag shook violently trying to inch its way over to the side. It wasn't long until it stretched outwards another arm that was just as deformed, except it seemed to be more puffy, covered in pustules and blisters that look like they're right about to burst out of their thin fleshy prison. Without hesitation, or thought, the monster slammed both of its hands into the ground before slamming you further away. You notice that it's putting you closer to the entrance from where you came from. 33 damage. ______________________________________ ULSTRAAG - 52 Health THOMAS - 70 Health Your muscles began to ache...
#179572091Sunday, December 13, 2015 4:09 PM GMT

This beast may just be trying to get me out of the way so it can leave to the outside. More people out there to eat, anyway. I can't let it do that though. If it gets out, it'll be a lot harder to chase down and kill. That rules out any kind of defense. If I try to protect myself, it'll push me aside and run outside. I'd better stay on the offense then if I want to really be able to kill this thing. I get up from the creature's slamming and run towards its newly-outstretched arm, attempting to get close and begin slashing away at the pustules and blisters on it.
#179572954Sunday, December 13, 2015 4:23 PM GMT

The fluids sprayed outwards into you, staining your blade with white and red. You kept hacking at it. Though, it seemed the beast was mostly apathetic to your strikes into the arms. Most of the skin looked dead and rotting. Just bursting the membranes gave off a smell that was a combination of what you were already smelling and something else much more vile. You could only think of it being like sewage combined with the stench of the corpses. 27 damage. Ulstraag screeched, becoming irritated at your shenanigans. It slammed its hands wildly before putting both of its hands against the wall to your sides. The many eyes stared into you with hatred before they closed straight into you, grabbing you with a vice. As you were in its hands, you could feel something writhing. The beast slowly started to tighten its hold on you, breathing heavily. 43 damage. ______________________________________ ULSTRAAG - 25 Health THOMAS - 27 Health
#179577917Sunday, December 13, 2015 5:41 PM GMT

What a foul and wretched abomination. It'd probably rather be dead than alive. It'd smell even worse than it already does decomposing, no doubt. As the creature grabs and tightens its hold on me, I focus my attention on its hate-filled eyes. It didn't feel much pain when I struck its arm. Stabbing at its hands probably won't help me very much then. But those eyes... Getting stabbed in the eyes hurts, that's clear. Could it really continue to hold me when it's blinded? It's worth a try, isn't it? I struggle against Ulstraag's grip, trying to free my sword arm and stab at its horrid eyes in the process.
#179579336Sunday, December 13, 2015 6:03 PM GMT

Wriggling your hand out of its grip, you managed to free your sword hand from it. You noticed it was pulling you closer to it. Perfect. As a last ditch effort, you swung wildly at the eyes, trying to blind the monster as much as you could. It let out a bloodcurdling screech, releasing you from its vice. Ulstraag clasped where the eyes used to be, flailing around. 44 damage. The monster lay still for a moment as it calmed down, letting out a long, drawn out breath. Once more, the eyes became unfocused, looking every which way. Each finger twitched as it feebly crawled. It wasn't dead, but it didn't seem to be interested in fighting much longer. In fact, there was something strange and different about this. ______________________________________ BATTLE RESULTS ULSTRAAG, THE ACCURSED DEVOURER - -21 Health THOMAS - 27 Health 80 MP Ulstraag finally let out something that wasn't so beastlike. A sigh that sounded more like man than a monster. From the eyes, they all looked towards you, though not with the same intent as before. You weren't expecting it, but it formed words that you could understand. " I awake once more?" It simply muttered, puzzled by where it was.
#179582349Sunday, December 13, 2015 6:49 PM GMT

I needed to take a deep breath. A deep breath of fresh air, that's what I really needed. When I'm done here, I'm making a sprint to the outside and breathing in as much oxygen as I possibly can. Now's not the time for that though. I stand up from being released by the monster and pick my sword back up. This thing must be tired. Probably still smells bad though. I keep my shirt pulled up over my nose and mouth as I approach the monster. It was talking now, but even the Devil has a tongue. There's no reason at all to trust this thing. And so, I trudge forward towards Ulstraag, my sword in hand.
#179582629Sunday, December 13, 2015 6:53 PM GMT

live the rich life with big houses and nice cars, and the good thing is it's all for free!!!!!
#179583447Sunday, December 13, 2015 7:03 PM GMT

Ulstraag looked about, seeming to not care about you approaching. "It's dark..." It began to gingerly touch what it could see. The walls, the machines. Even itself. "...Nikita..." It mumbled. "...where... are you, Nikita?" It still looked about expectantly. Was it talking about the weaponsmith and owner of Love is Blue? You weren't sure. But, it was trying to look for someone. It lifted its thin arm, raising outwards its forefinger. "Christeos micaloz..." It croaked. A faint light was emitted from the tip of the finger. It shone it around, seeing what it could. Finally, he waved the light over to you, more curious than anything. It pulled the light away, not saying anything. Ulstraag feebly crawled forward, ignoring that you were in its way now. It still wanted to see the end of this hallway.
#179590505Sunday, December 13, 2015 8:37 PM GMT

I still can't let this thing out. It'll probably get its energy back, then run away before I can kill it. With a quick and decisive movement, I swing my sword downwards, just in front of Ulstraag. My sword held out to stop him from crawling any further, I speak up. "Where do you think you're going?" I ask from behind my shirt.
#179596694Sunday, December 13, 2015 10:02 PM GMT

v dumb line
#179609517Monday, December 14, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

The eyes focused onto you, examining you carefully. Ulstraag didn't seem very interested in fighting. However, it did look like that if need be, it would still fight should you provoke it enough. You weren't sure how badly hurt it was. It was still able to crawl forward fine. In fact, it seemed more groggy than it did exhausted. Seeing your blade, Ulstraag used a finger to push it away. It attempted to pick you up and set you aside to try and continue forward. Its interests were placed elsewhere. It didn't seem to care about you whatsoever. Yet, that doubt lingered in your mind. This thing tried to kill you. Who knows what it'll try when it is out of this hallway? You were not going to take chances. You took those chances before, why should you risk it again? No mercy.
#179610138Monday, December 14, 2015 1:34 AM GMT

I don't care very much about what this thing does when it's outside. What I do care about is it coming back and bothering me in the future. It said something about Nikita. A friend of hers, perhaps. But, Raloch is a friend of hers as well, and he's as wicked as can be. Being a friend of Nikita doesn't make you good and wholesome. In fact, it's probably the exact opposite. I walk towards Ulstraag, my weapon still readied. Its blade is already stained with Ulstraag's blood, why not stain it some more? Still, there was the smallest amount of doubt. I feel like I've heard the name of this beast before, uttered by a kind and medieval voice. Where have I heard its name? Oh, that's it. Alruna talked about this thing. Well, not really talked about it. More like mentioned it in passing. It was trapped in that amulet. It was probably trapped in there for a damn good reason, too. No reason to let it go around. I stand in front of Ulstraag and with a decisive movement, impale my blade into it.
#179611429Monday, December 14, 2015 1:53 AM GMT

The colossal beast grunted, gripping around where it was impaled. It once more turned its gaze towards you, looking intently at you. "...why is it you wish to harm me?" It simply asked. You could feel a strange force coming from somewhere. You weren't sure where it was, but it felt powerful. Like it had the desire to devour a soul whole to sate its hunger. It, too, could feel this power. It seemed to fear this power, in fact. Ulstraag stared into you, clenching its left hand into a fist before speaking. "Do you come to cast me back into a fervent Hell that I suffered for times not even I can recall? Or are you here to save me?" It became increasingly more and more aware of what was happening. Most of all, it finally recognized you. Not as food, but as a potential threat.
#179611644Monday, December 14, 2015 1:57 AM GMT

The absolute nerve of this thing. To ask me why I want to harm it, to ask me if I'm going to "save" it. What kind of questions are those? Why would I ever want to help something like this? It attacked me before, it could've killed me. Coupled with that, it was trapped in that amulet. People don't just trap things in amulets for no good reason. "Why would I ever help you?" I ask, keeping my sword stuck into its flesh, "You're an escaped prisoner of a piece of jewelry. More importantly, you tried to kill me."