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#132294870Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:45 AM GMT

Currently everyone is the same height which is boring. What if Roblox added a slider under the "character" menu to increase or decrease a player's height? Robloxians are about 5 studs tall which works nicely because it can easily be converted into 5 feet- the average size of a Robloxian. Thus 1 Stud = 1 Foot The range can be from about 4 studs to 6 studs so there aren't players with really weird sizes. The scripting shouldn't be too difficult, make the slider in incriments of .1 studs and just add or subtract to the bottom of the legs, torso and arms. It would be a fun way to add more uniqueness to your character. Problems: - Will probably effect positioning of gear, possibly hats but it really shouldn't. - Some game mechanics may be effected, players might be able to squeeze into tighter spots, or reach higher spaces or become easier or harder targets to hit. (That might actually make for an interesting game or the hitboxes might stay the same, who knows) -Might effect clothing Side Notes: - Idea is not fully thought out, it seems cool though. -The sizes don't have to be exactly what I've mentioned, maybe use meters instead of feet (Idk) -Maybe have a "Disable Custom Player Height" option in Studio so if there is a game that requires all players to be a specific height they can turn it off to be fair, or even set every player's height to what they would like. -It would add a new fun variable for scripters to play with and others to have fun with If you have any suggestions or opinions feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading.
#132294897Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:47 AM GMT

I am 100% people would either use it to be one of the tallest people in ROBLOX or the smallest.
#132294936Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:49 AM GMT

Sure, why not?
#132295038Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:55 AM GMT

That could be really really really annoying
#132295915Wednesday, April 30, 2014 8:57 AM GMT

If player become small, how would other people kill them with sword in SFOTH? No support.
#132297530Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:40 AM GMT

^^^^ this would break a lot of games
#132297696Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:47 AM GMT

Good idea but should be limited to avatar only thus fixing the second problem and I think it will affect gears and clothes too much since it would be like a package. I do not know how it will work with other packages though. Plus I am pretty sure it will be made into a paid option.
#132297708Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:47 AM GMT

I think it won't*
#132297986Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:56 AM GMT

Pointless. We are plastic figures.
#132299710Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:58 AM GMT

No, just no. Please, http://www.roblox.com/GET-OUT-place?id=123098167 and thank you.
#132300147Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:12 PM GMT

no people would be like "AHAHHAHA OLOLOLOL IM TALER DAN U SO IM BETTER LK(LOLOLOL" [XenosArKade123: add 1.009k | IT'S NIKITA OR NEVER | L#D Spotter of OT]
#132300203Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:13 PM GMT

or make it realistic,because our foot width is about 10 cm,if players foot also is, 1 stud is 10 centi meter.
#132300215Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:14 PM GMT

I have to agree with everyone else: People either will use it to cheat through games or gain an ego and brag about their ingame height. You want a game with dynamic height? Make some morphs and do it yourself for your own game.
#132300772Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:31 PM GMT

I fight in clans, so no support.
#132300874Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:34 PM GMT

Silly idea
#132301161Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:42 PM GMT

very silly
#132301675Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:01 PM GMT

What if you just get taller in roblox years? For example, Just joined: you look like a kid. 1 year: you look like a tween. 2 years: you look like a teen. 3 years: you look like a regular roblox figure. Boom.
#132301818Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:08 PM GMT

Ridiculous ~Phelps in OT~
#132302122Wednesday, April 30, 2014 1:21 PM GMT

@blaster How tall would I be? But really, I'm trying to kindly say that the body morphs alone are enough.
#132327069Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:12 PM GMT

This is one rude community, sorry for trying to improve it.
#132330364Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:48 PM GMT

No dude, dont let them rain on your ideas, just ignore them.
#132330510Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:49 PM GMT

What I said was not rude, it was simply stating the problems with the idea, and what you can do if you want your own game to have this in it.
#132330895Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:53 PM GMT

To everyone that says games will be ruined He suggested that in studio, you can DISABLE heights. Useful for battling games. It will also be disabled by default for existing games... Is this a good side suggestion?
#132331059Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

no support cause oders will increase everything is goomy
#132341632Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:45 PM GMT

"He suggested that in studio, you can DISABLE heights. Useful for battling games. It will also be disabled by default for existing games... Is this a good side suggestion?" Why have to manually disable height changes in all of our games, INSTEAD OF THE CREATOR WHO WANTS HEIGHT JUST ADD DIFFERENT SIZED MORPHS IN THEIR OWN?

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