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#13274592Sunday, August 23, 2009 2:54 PM GMT

Excerpt from Overlord Ronan's journal Octember 17th e1876 I sat in my tower, looking down at the city.... At the push of a button.... It could all be gone, but I needed them. I sit in my tower, looking down at a field full of slaves... digging, I know the Onyxian crystal is down there, and I am going to get it. Character sheet: Name: Allegiance(overlord or city): Weapon(if any): Appearance: My character sheet: Name:Overlord Ronan Allegiance:Overlord Weapon:Tower/Long black sword Appearance:Wears a black helmet with horns, has long black hair and wears spiky black armor. Game desc: This game is all journal entries. Every time you write something you either have to continue a journal entry our write a new one.
#13275170Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:09 PM GMT

Ronan's journal Septober 1854 I was eight...And I lived in the peaceful city that I now rule....At least it was peaceful....There was hoof sounds, hundreds of hoof sounds...They came out of nowhere, pillagers were jumping through the window....They killed my mother, and left me alive...But they didn't leave without making a mark, I now have a mark on my neck....It has the initials K.S. Kervin Skyheart....A tall norse warrior, and I swore I would destroy his family;I will not kill him. I will kill his tribe, murder them all before his eyes...And make him suffer....Just like he did to me.But I can't until I find this crystal....
#13275522Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:17 PM GMT

#13275925Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:25 PM GMT

Overlord Ronan's journal Octember 18th 1876 Still no sign of the crystal...I have been searching for years, and yet it still evades me.I will look harder. A small man grovels at the bottom of the tower...He wants help.He is crying.He thinks of me as a god.But I am not, instead of helping him i say into a speaker."Leave or be shot." "1....2...." He leaves.....I sit in my tower, fingering my controls.
#13276320Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:32 PM GMT

#13277454Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:57 PM GMT

Name:Kore Allegiance(overlord or city):Over Lord Weapon(if any):2 HUGE swords Appearance:Always wears a black jacket and jeans, T-Shirt is either Black or Red Bio:The youngest Over Lord yet. (I added Bio, i like writing short or long bios!)
#13277538Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:59 PM GMT

(is it ok if i Role play like this: "Joe: hi bob! Bob:hi Joe!"?)

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