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#132922223Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

Joshua stands at the top of a tall building downtown, his jacket rustling and moving with the wind. "All right, I've been training for this." He states in a mumble. He charges up and leaps off the skyscraper. He fall a few meters then suddenly stopped, a crackling sound going beneath his feet. Electricity moving at such a high speed through his feet, able to keep him levitating. The sky around him made him dizzy but his boosters caused him to hover a bit, before he put all strength back in and returned to the roof of the building.
#132922348Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:26 PM GMT

(So what happened so far?) John Marston up my butt
#132923722Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:41 PM GMT

(i levitated)
#132924854Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:54 PM GMT

(HMMMMM) John Marston up my butt
#132924936Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

(i actually had more of an Electro-like levitation in mind)
#132925041Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

(They essentially have the same powers.) John Marston up my butt
#132925178Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

(Whatever, I want to try out my Iron Fist-esque character) John Marston up my butt
#132926669Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

People run towards the flames, trying to get a good peek at the action. I however run in the opposite way, towards the convenience store. I pull out my gun and load it. You could never be to cautious. I burst in the convenience store, holding the gun up to my chest. Inside, people load the scarce leftover food into large pillowcases or backpacks. When someone isn't looking, I take their backpack from the ground and throw it onto my shoulder. They don't even flinch at my actions. Once I establish that these people are not hostile, I tuck the gun inside my shoulder bag. I grab a few chocolate bars and a bag of chips quickly before walking to the back of the store where a sign saying "Employees Only" hangs crooked and faded. I pull a pin out of my hair and begin to work the lock, while trying not to draw attention to myself. Once I get through the lock, I am greeted by boxes of candy, chocolate, soft drinks, beef jerky, and other food like that. I begin to slightly drool. I have not seen that much food in a while. I start by loading as much water into my bag as possible, then fill it up with protein like beef jerky and dried pepperoni, then move to chocolate and other goods. I find another box filled with basic toiletries, such as toilet paper and soap, and fill the remaining bags to the brim.
#132937181Wednesday, May 07, 2014 1:57 AM GMT

Ken continued flying around before spotting a Burger King and landing. He walked inside before being attacked by a low-ranked Legion member. He quickly disposed of him, blasting him into a pulp for a couple of minutes before taking some of the food and continuing his search on foot.
#132937448Wednesday, May 07, 2014 1:59 AM GMT

Evo I start raiding the place, I even had to punch a guy in the face when he refused to give me beef jerkey. Nyko I silently steal a bit from shops, it was easy, and whenever I got into trouble, I simply made a large pool of blood for me to uss as a diversion.
#132937986Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:05 AM GMT

(Hey blue, can I add a power to Nyko? I've noticed people with form powers, and I wanted to get in on it.)
#132938667Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

(What kind of power were you thinking of?)
#132939013Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

Sorted like melting into blood a completely blood form, I would come up with ways to hurt it of course
#132940119Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

(Wouldn't that come with blood manipulation? If so, you already have it.)
#132940355Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

Alright I guess.. I'm just gonna make a power sheet any so people know. Blood Form: Nyko melts completely, leaving only blood behind, he controls the blood, he can still make more blood from the core, which is a completely blue small Crystal Shard, it is a weak spot one could say.
#132965166Wednesday, May 07, 2014 3:04 PM GMT

Airen Triln "Legion" Interesting. Seven just noticed someone, who appears to be able create and manipulate blood at will. A Peacekeeper? Almost definitely not. A Brother? Perhaps, but unlikely. Surely not one of the Legion. A rogue, I decide, who might like to come with the Legion once he sees things... our way. Five and six are sent to deal with this rogue, with seven watching and ready to intervene further if needed. I doubt it will be as easy as five and six threatening and maybe shaking the rogue up, but that's what seven is there for.
#132965746Wednesday, May 07, 2014 3:18 PM GMT

Nyko I look to see the same 2 guys? Must be a cloning power.. and by the looks of it, hes in a Legion uniform. Well, ill ask nicely "Who are you!"
#133017305Thursday, May 08, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

Ken notices a Legion member with... Cloning abilities? He shrugged that off before flying down to meet him.
#133099505Thursday, May 08, 2014 9:40 PM GMT

#133100403Thursday, May 08, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

Name: Harrison Green Nicknames: None Yet Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Wears a dark cloak with a golden armband. Clothing: Powers: Lets me fly and dissapear in the shadows. Skills(Such as martial arts): Martial Combats, gun fighting, and use of a knife. Backstory: Lost memory but is slowly regaining it. Extra: Wears a necklace with a falcon on it. Faction: Overseers
#133100547Thursday, May 08, 2014 9:51 PM GMT

(also has dark auburn hair dyed blonde at the ends.)
#133130859Friday, May 09, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

Accepted, but you can't be an Overseer. Read the description for it.
#133140947Friday, May 09, 2014 5:06 AM GMT

Name: Jethro Justice Nicknames: Peace Maker Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: He appears to be medium in height, semi-muscular in built and he is Caucasian. He has spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. One spedific thing about his is that he has a tattoo on his right arm written 'JUSTICE'. Clothing: He wears a blue trench coat with yellow lining (on the left sleeve is long, the right doesn't have), a white scarf, blue gloves (the left is covered and the right is fingerless), black belt, blue shorts, and blue military boots. Also, he wears an armband on the right, a black bandanna on his forehead, a green goggles. Faction: The Peacekeepers Powers: His body has the property of rubber, meaning that he can stretch, expand, and inflate any part of his body. He is also immune to gunfire. Steam Mode-Jethro's temporary buff up. He pumps his blood through his legs up to his body, making his body heat up and steam comes out of it, like a steam engine. This form makes him more faster and stronger, although it requires a lot of oxygen. Skills(Such as martial arts): His style of combat is a combination of prowess and precision. He is very good in freestyle combat, sometimes guns and other melee combat. Backstory: After the event happened, Jethro seemed to have lost some of his memory after the light abducted him. In the past, Jethro was a bright child having a wonder life and family. At the age of 18, he decided to leave his parents and stays with his girlfriend, a student doctor by the name Tanya Young. Since the events happened, he has seemed to forget almost everything, at all. Extra: Although his powers are VERY destructive, he can use it in some good use, as long as he doesn't do COLLATERAL damage. Name: Charlos Gamfrey Nicknames: KILL*A Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: He appears to be the same as Jethro but, his skin is completely pale. He has black spiky flat hair and red eyes. Clothing: He wears a black top hat, a black vest(with a symbol of a mechanical bunny skull with a monocle on the back) underneath his white buttoned long sleeve shirt(that has the same symbol at the right and its cuffed and untucked), a red tie, black belt, black slacks, and black dress shoes. Also, he wears a monocle on his left eye and black fingerless gloves(with the same symbol on the back hands). Faction: The Legion Powers: He has the properties of a superhuman(strength, speed, agility, and precision). Skills(Such as martial arts): He is more on a aggressive style of combat. He is also an expert in fencing and self-defense. Backstory: His story is an opposite of Jethro's. When he was young, he was born from a criminal family. All they ever do is just gambling and drugs, and they didn't even care for Charlos. Charlos always wanted to kill them, but is just only a dream. But his dream came into reality. While Charlos is alone, he saw in the news that his family died in a car crash. He was 18 that time, and he smiled when his dream came true. Since then, he grabbed all of his family's fortune and became a wealthy aristocrat. He has now everything, and all he needs now is love. That's where he first met Tanya Young. The two were a great couple that time until Jethro came in and Tanya broke up with him. Charlos has grew jealousy upon Jethro and he really dreams of killing him. When that event occured, Charlos has finally achieve the power that can kill Jethro. Extra: The mechanical bunny skull is somehow a new symbol of death. Charlos will simply write that on walls whenever he kills someone.
#133723418Saturday, May 10, 2014 8:06 PM GMT


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