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#13301217Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:52 PM GMT

These are for a story I plan on writing. If it sounds interesting, please tell me and I might post it here. Lucky Star Twisted Endings Bad No. 1-Tsukasa pushes you off a bridge. Bad No. 2-Kagami hits you with a bat. Bad No. 3-Konata pushes you in front of a car. Bad No. 4-Kagami gets kidnapped. Bad No. 5-Konata gets hit by a car and suffers brain damage. Bad No. 6-Tsukasa is struck by a cleaver, killing her. Good No. 1-You get sacrificed to the spirit of Miyuki. Good No. 2-You see the spirit of Miyuki, and find out her murderer. Good No. 3-Walking home from school, it turns into a blood bath. But that makes the spirit of Miyuki happy and her spirit rests in her birthplace for all eternity.
#13301332Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:54 PM GMT

#13301393Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:55 PM GMT

I would go with bad number 5 or with bad number 3
#13302601Monday, August 24, 2009 12:18 AM GMT

Oh, and bad endings for other characters- Extra Bad End No. 1-Yutaka kills herself from the pressure of being related to Konata, thus being interviewed 24/7. Extra Bad end No. 2-Yui tinkers with the gun and accidently shoots herself in the head. Extra Bad end No. 3-Patricia falls from the top of the school while performing a trick that is "Flawless". Extra Bad end No. 4-Hiyori has a sudden stroke and is rushed to the hospital. After weeks of wait, she is pronounced dead. Extra Bad end No. 5-Nanako gets a pencil in her eye from a deranged Misao. After that, she needs a glass eye and kills herself. Extra Bad end No. 6-Misao becomes crazy, and pours gasoline in the school and sets it in flames, killing herself in the process.
#13302932Monday, August 24, 2009 12:24 AM GMT

extra bad 3 is pretty cool. Anyways You have alot of endings.Have you ever put them down on paper fitting into the final chapter.Always adding it to the final chapter helps pick
#13303144Monday, August 24, 2009 12:28 AM GMT

I'm jumping ahead a little. I'll do that when I get finished :3
#13304531Monday, August 24, 2009 12:56 AM GMT

Have you ever gotten a chapter done?
#13309022Monday, August 24, 2009 2:40 AM GMT

Woudnt this deplet half of the population of japan XD id go with all of themXD P.S. i think konata alredy has beain damage!XD
#13396313Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:07 AM GMT

This is kinda sad watching your favorite people die on a forum. >:(

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