#133853574Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:24 PM GMT

Jason "Yeah" he said looking at the ground. "Whoever it was thought it would be funny to kill my cat to". At this point his head started hurting and flashing memories of a bullet going through his cats head was all he could see. When he finally calmed down a little he muttered "and whoever it was had an amnesia drug with them".
#133853909Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

That's unfortunate, though it was also expected, seeing the state in this city, having it declared a prison, and being unable to leave; it isn't surprising to see murderers around here. Aya paused for a moment, and said, in a very careful way, "So you have memory loss... right?"
#133854943Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:38 PM GMT

Blake: I push myself to my feet, the glass half-way done reforming in my hands. I place it on the tabletop as it finishes, and repeat the process, filling it up and adding some squash. I swirl it around for a moment before downing the whole glass in record time. Gasping for air, I place the glass onto the side before rubbing the front of my head. Damn, why do I keep getting these sudden pains. I curse when I see the blood still dripping from my shoulder, and open up a nearby cupboard, grabbing a plaster and placing it through the slightly torn fabric onto the cut. I probably don't need it, but better safe than sorry. I rub my eyes, and head towards the front door. Unlocking a reasonably lengthy series of locks, I push open the door, and quickly hiss in annoyance at the large change of light. I curse again, and move more inside, getting used to the change in light more gradually as my head pounds from that experience. Stupid "powers". I notice a small letter in the door flap as I move back inside, and turn it over, then - guess what - curse. It's from the Resistance again.
#133855721Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

Jason Ken soon comes to a stop in another part of the city, with slightly modern houses. He leans against one of the houses and again starts flipping his coin as well as messing with it in his fingers. He found that focusing on something so small and hard would give his mind a chance to focus on more complex things that would be happening in his life.
#133855771Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

(Am I accepted) John Marston up my butt
#133856963Sunday, May 11, 2014 10:57 PM GMT

Blake: I turn the letter over, and rip open the letter. I start reading through it, my expression staying blank for a majority of the letter before I'm nearing the end. My eyes suddenly widen, and I start reading faster before my expression turns to one of anger. I bite my lip until blood bleeds out of it, then shout out in anger, ripping up the letter as fast as I can. What the hell. They're asking me to do THAT?
#133857480Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

(Jason will just be waiting outside, near your house...somewhere. XD)
#133858628Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

Jason "That's right" he said "I can remember my name at least". "Not sure why the killer let me live" Jason added. "But enough about my sob story, lets hear your origin."
#133858841Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

(Wait, mah house?)
#133858944Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:19 PM GMT

"W... What?" Aya blinked at least four times, not sure why he wanted this, "Why do you want to know where I came from anyways, I mean, we only just met." She paused for a moment, thinking over that statement, "I only just wanted to help you with your problem, but it seems that I can't at the moment, I'm not that good with murders, anyways." (this version of aya is way nicer than her predecessors i can't even believe)
#133860029Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

Alex As I walk I notice a Powered human being tortured by Mars soliders, they where laughing at him, shooting specialized tazzer guns at him, made to cause intense pain. I walk into an alleyway, and I take off my clothes, revealing my suit, I levitate towards The MARS soliders, "Stop it!" I say, the mars soliders turn and look at me, "Ha, like you can stop us." One of them said, the man who had spoken turns back toward the powered human and fires at him again, all the mars soliders laugh at this. "ENOUGH!" I say creating a shockwave of flame. The mars soliders are surprised by this, they grab there guns and begin firing. I charge at them, fire burning intensely in my eyes.
#133861573Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:45 PM GMT

Jason "That's alright" he said attempting to make a grin "I'm used to that response". "You can hide your story, at least you have one to tell."
#133862338Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:53 PM GMT

Accepted Wifi.
#133862677Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

"... So, you ask that with everyone?" Aya asks, while scratching the back of her head with her right arm. The behavior he's showing was quite puzzling to Aya, especially his willingness to tell part of his life story of his family getting killed to her. She would've expected someone like him to get absolutely pissed off at the insensitivity she had shown, but perhaps this was an odd act of kindness she wasn't used to. The money in her skirt pocket felt quite heavy.
#133864867Monday, May 12, 2014 12:15 AM GMT

(Yes. somewhere NEAR Blake's house, not actually the house.)
#133865783Monday, May 12, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

Daniel The sight of the MARs squad disturbs me. Surely, I can filter through the traffic in which I'm stuck in, but the people in these streets aren't the kindest to bikers such as myself. Instead, I stay here, itching to kill those MARs guys. But I knew better than that. There was a man they were interrogating, and a false move can lead to his death or, worse, torture. John Marston up my butt
#133866708Monday, May 12, 2014 12:30 AM GMT

SolarKnight I fire several fire balls at the mars soliders, they back away, firing energy beams me as they did, I dodge the beams, and continuie firing fire blasts at them, I watch as one of them runs away screaming into his earpiece: WE NEED REINFORCEMENTS SEND IN THE MARSSOP! I fire a blast of fire at the earpiece, the man manages to let go before the earpiece melts.
#133869200Monday, May 12, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

Impressed, I park my motorcycle next to the man. "They're gonna catch you if you just stand there, you know?" John Marston up my butt
#133871735Monday, May 12, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

Jason "Yeah, I asked a few citizens and some tall men with big guns" said Jason. "But hey" he said with a grin "At least you didn't try to stab me so you can eat my liver." This was difficult to say with a smile so he stopped trying.
#133872081Monday, May 12, 2014 1:12 AM GMT

Aya nodded, her expression unchanging. "Well, it was nice meeting you, I guess," she stated, "What's your name?"
#133872245Monday, May 12, 2014 1:13 AM GMT

SolarKnight "I can hold them off." I say to the man, but then I see the MARSSOP troops advancing, my entire body catches fire now. My suit bursts into flames as well, I shoot a huge blast of fire at the MARSSOP troops. But they managed to get out of the way before it hit.
#133872657Monday, May 12, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

Jason "Jason" he replied "Uh... I think". "Will you at least share your name".
#133872787Monday, May 12, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

(Tired of waiting -.-) Alixe I snapped my eyes to MARSSOP troops. I jump high in the air, landing on and tall building, my fur blowing in the wind. I watch and listen, letting my senses kick in,
#133873089Monday, May 12, 2014 1:19 AM GMT

After the missioner left, Viska sat back, long nails clacking against the class out of boredom. Sighing, she stretched, popping some neckbones as she went. "Fae, I'm leaving for the night." she notified her second-in-command. "For those who have them, notify that the building is closing. Everyone else knows the protocol." After jotting down notes on her small pad, Far bobbed her head, and scurried off, presumably to fill her mistress's orders. A rather large woman, her bodyguard Dana followed behind Viska, who only gave an annoyed eye-roll at the show. After slipping on a coat, Viska exited the building, with Dana following close behind.
#133873111Monday, May 12, 2014 1:19 AM GMT

(._. The MARSSOP troops where meant for me and wifi to deal with.)